26 July 2017

Trump/Pence Republicans Just Voted to Murder Millions of USians, Me Included. But Don't Ever Forget It Was Clinton's Democratic (sic) Party Put These Genocidal Killers in Office.

I SHOULD NOT be blogging tonight, boiling as I am in fury and wrenched as I am by fear.

Yes of course I knew our Capitalist overlords and their political vassals in the Trump/Pence Regime and Congress would eventually succeed  in imposing the most murderously ambitious, most malevolently devious Final Solution in our species' history. The Senate vote to debate the issue is merely a prelude to its enactment; there would have been no procedural vote were not the Senate's smirking majority leader,  the mouse-faced Mitch McConnell, absolutely certain some form of the genocidal measure would be enacted.

Given the degree of our subjugation, there is no possibility such legislation can be defeated. The Republican Party merely cloaks it with euphemisms, the better to befuddle the few who still retain vestiges of humanitarian conscience. Meanwhile the Democratic (sic) Party's ostentatious effort to stop enactment of what should properly be called the DEATH Act – Destroying the Economically Afflicted by Terminating Healthcare – is nothing more than a loudly whined Big Lie  to distance its politicians from the measure's unspeakable consequences.

Never forget, it was the Democratic (sic) Party's malicious abandonment of Working Families and lower-income people in general – those of us to be slain by denial of healthcare – that enabled the forthcoming genocide.

As for me, I knew DEATH would be enacted because I know the United States of America...

(To read the rest, go here.)

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