20 December 2017

House Democrats Unconditionally Surrender to Trump, Join Republicans in No-Impeachment-Ever Pact, Defiantly Uniting Both Parties in Implicit Declaration of Neoliberal Dictatorship

Engineered by Trump/Pelosi Collaboration, the Deliberately Under-Reported Decision Kills Any Hope of Judicial or Legislative Relief from Capitalism's Murderous Greed and JesuNazism's Genocidal Malice

EVEN ALTERNATIVE MEDIA seems loathe to admit the pivotal significance of the Democratic (sic) Party's deliberately under-reported unconditional surrender to the Trump/Pence Regime at the start of the weekend on Friday 15 December. 

The brazen bipartisanship of the Democrats' no-impeachment-ever pact with the Republicans was certainly the most glaringly indicative, breathtakingly abject Congressional surrender in all the nearly 78 years of my lifetime. It was probably the most cravenly submissive act since Congress concluded in 1934 the Bankers' Plot conspirators were too rich to jail and thereby enabled the One Percent's subsequent and now utterly victorious 83-year campaign to convert the United States into the de facto Fourth Reich. 

In any case there is no question the Democrats' no-impeachment-because-Trump-is- our-man-too vote – and that is precisely its message – was maliciously scheduled to take maximum advantage of the fact at this time of year (and especially on Fridays), most USians are distracted from politics, whether by the anticipated lusts of weekend frolic, the sublimated lusts of holiday shopping or – most likely – by the wrenching realization this will this be their bleakest midwinter holiday season thus far, with the tombstone above the corpse of their personal American Dreams reminding each of them that every subsequent holiday will be progressively more wretched until they themselves are buried in the same graveyard as their aspirations.

So now it's “Happy Holidays 2017” as we anticipate being murdered by genocidal tax “reform.” Soon it will be “Happy New Year 2018,” when we will begin dying from the saber-cuts and axe-blows to the stipends and services that hitherto kept us alive.

While such seasonal preoccupations are surely one reason to blame for why so many USians were oblivious to the vote itself, the more telling reason is that...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)