Condemning All Environmentalists as "Pagan Barbarians," a Leading Fascist Journal Damns Greta as a New "Joan of Arc," Thus Implicitly Threatening Her with the Martyr's Hideously Painful Death by Fire
I MISSED THIS STORY when it broke last September because Wonkette -- the website that chose to ignore The Federalist's terrifyingly obvious lynch-mob agitation but otherwise scooped the world by sarcastically reporting that publication's potentially murderous accusations
-- is unfortunately but justifiably disreputable for its
identity-politics vindictiveness and is therefore almost never taken
seriously by the Internet sources1 on which I am most dependent for my daily doses of relevant information.
But before we can acknowledge the full horror of The Federalist's position,
we need to understand the magnitude of its threat: yes, dear readers,
there truly are masses of alleged humans out there in Neo-Confederate
White Christian America who intend to bring back public executions
including witch-burnings and the stoning of adulterers, adulteresses,
persons of nonconforming sexuality and so-called "heretics," disobedient
small children included.
And these days their de facto
neo-Confederate nation -- for which see the color charts linked below
-- is nearly all the geographical U.S.A. save parts of 13 coastal states2 and perhaps a few more cities.3
Quoth Joe Bageant in a 2004 Dissident Voice report that today is recognized by most of us on the Real (socialist/pagan) Left as terrifingly prophetic:
Reconstruction...calls for the death penalty in a wide range of crimes,
including abandonment of the faith, blasphemy, heresy, witchcraft,
astrology, adultery, sodomy, homosexuality, striking a parent, and
''unchastity before marriage'' (but for women only). Biblically correct
methods of execution include stoning, the sword, hanging, and burning.
Stoning is preferred, according to Gary North, the self-styled
Reconstructionist economist, because stones are plentiful and cheap.
Biblical Law would also eliminate labor unions, civil rights laws, and
public schools...Reconstructionist doctrine calls for the scrapping of
environmental protection of all kinds, because there will be no need for
this planet earth once The Rapture occurs...
impact on politics and religion in this nation have been massive, with
many mainstream churches pushed rightward...Other mainstream
churches...flinch and bow to the Reconstructionists at every turn.
the Christian Reconstructionists be underestimated, remember that it
was Reconstructionist strategists whose "stealth ideology" managed the
takeover of the Republican Party in the early 1990s. That takeover now
looks mild in light of...
(To read the rest, go here.)