28 January 2019

Deceit, Dystopian Depression, Deliverance by Discarded Dogs

Workers -- Not Politicians -- Saved Us from Shutdown/Lockout; Grief Intensifies Our Fight for Mother Earth; Dogs Gather Vital Eco-Data

TO START, FORGET all the politicians-as-saviors/"change-we-can-believe-in" bullshit the Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine and at least one of its reformist counterparts is excreting about how the latest effort to drown the federal government in a bathtub was finally  ended by the alleged

Important note: news reports formerly published weekly in Dispatches are now published daily on the Facebook page of the Tacoma (Harry Bridges) Chapter of the Communist Labor Party. Most are stories suppressed or downplayed by the Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine (MMPM), the world's first private, for-profit version of Nazi Germany's Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Thus please check the CLP page at least once per day for vital information. Thank you.

wisdom of the Founders' system of checks-and-balances as manifest in the allegedly merciful collaboration of Neoliberal and NeoNazi bureaucrats and elected officials to finally end the crisis. 

What actually happened was a bunch of rightfully pissed-off workers voiced an undeniably credible threat of shutting down the entire Empire in the one way that would be sure to inflict substantial losses on the pornographic profits of its morally imbecilic owners:

(To read the rest, go here.)