18 September 2017

Pterodactyls of Climate Change Coming Home to Roost; JesuNazism, White Supremacy and War-Mongering Prevail; Subversive Thoughts and Books; How Not to Break Your Dick

THE MOUNTING HORRORS of terminal climate change foster the sort of news reports I deliberately exclude from Dispatches, a practice that today I am momentarily abandoning.

As a prelude though let me explain the three reasons that prompt such exclusions:

Firstly, disasters are invariably headlined by Mainstream Media, which means all of us are constantly deluged with all such news. In contrast, the purpose of Dispatches is ferreting out relevant information to which we might not otherwise have immediate access. 

Secondly, Mainstream Media typically eliminates any mechanism of empathy beyond the solicitation of contributions to Capitalism-sustaining “charities.” It thus reduces disasters to pornographic spectacles of death and destruction. Nor is this accidental. It occurs because far too many USians – especially the JesuNazis and their ilk – find it obscenely titillating to witness the suffering of others, particularly when those others have darker skins: precisely why the professional descendants of Josef Goebbels reap such grotesquely huge profits by exploiting mass tragedy.

Thirdly, the pornification of disaster exemplifies perfectly the misdirection by which  Capitalism offers us the televised equivalent of lynchings or mass executions to distract us from its culpability in the tragedies and atrocities themselves.“If it bleeds, it leads” is therefore far more than editorial policy. It is also disclosure both of the sadistic nature of Capitalism and the fact that by offering vicarious fulfillment of sadism – re-creation of the opiate provided by the Roman Colosseum – the Capitalists cunningly numb rebellious impulse and thus perpetuate their omnipotence.

Nevertheless amidst the resultant effluent of disaster porn there occasionally appears, like some rare jewel borne into our field of vision on a torrent of turds, a report about climate-change that genuinely expands our knowledge...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)