(Note: The following commentary is addressed to those readers who have not yet realized that Marxism provides our only means of liberation from our present socioeconomic and political subjugation.)
THE OUTRAGES PERPETRATED by the Trump-Pence Regime provide us an ongoing series of wake-up calls that are undoubtedly the best opportunities for life-changing consciousness-raising our nation's sordid history has provided since the Great Depression. That's because the Trump-Pence Regime is, albeit in a decidedly perverse sense, the most honest regime to rule the Empire in my 77-year lifetime and quite possibly in the Empire's entire post-1776 history. Unlike its predecessors, it makes no attempt to hide its brutality or even cloak its viciousness with euphemisms. It brazenly revels in its murderously greedy Capitalist despotism much the same way Adolf Hitler reveled in his genocidal savagery. Nor does the regime conceal its malevolent intent to perpetuate that despotism by imposing the zero-tolerance tyranny that defines JesuNazi theocracy – that brazenness itself a radical departure from the regimen of secrecy that formerly cloaked the theocrats' schemes.
But the revolutionary significance of these developments is usually ignored or deliberately concealed by Mainstream Media, which means the lessons implicit in these teachable moments typically go unlearned. Mainstream Media, let us not forget, is owned by the some of the same Capitalists who own all USian governments at every level. Therefore in terms of function, Mainstream Media is the privately-owned, for-(obscene)-profit variant of Josef Goebbels' infamous Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Thus the USian shibboleth of “our democracy” – which given the Empire's apocalyptic power and intent is undoubtedly the most self-destructive Big Lie in our species' history – is perpetuated by the same sorts of ignorance, disinformation and outright falsehood that sustained the Nazi Party in Germany.
Thus too we are so often deprived of any analysis that forthrightly names what is being done to us (subjugation, enslavement and extermination as Capitalism inevitably metamorphoses into fascism); why it is being done (no-limit, get-it-before-the-apocalypse-kills-us-all profiteering by the Capitalists); and how we might resist and perhaps even prevail despite the apparent omnipotence granted the Capitalists by their ownership of USian government at every level.
As a result we-all-too frequently feel as if we are drowning in a miasma of hopelessness. And too many of us are yet suffering from the Marxophobia in which we were forcefully conditioned during the so-called “cold war” against the Soviet Union and its allies, especially China, Vietnam and Cuba. Thus despite our growing individual and collective anger, we remain a subjugated people, never mind the fact Marxism provides us not only the one analysis that explains our circumstances as an extreme manifestation of class warfare, but offers us the one proven path to liberation from fascism (the ultimate example of which is how the Red Army liberated all of Eastern Europe from the Nazis in World War II), and also outlines for us the ideological discipline necessary to make it happen.
Meanwhile – despite the regimen of censorship that increasingly limits what we are allowed to read, hear or view from Mainstream Media – the ugly truth occasionally seeps out, ironically in the ongoing propaganda campaign to convince us the Trump-Pence regime is the exception rather than the rule.
Here in the USian homeland, what is evolving into triumphant dominance is a unique hybrid of fascism and Christian theocracy that should properly be labeled JesuNazism. Such is Capitalism as it seeks to ensure its survival by maturing into fascism, chiefly to embrace fascism's definitive brutality to silence and eventually exterminate those of us whose well-being the Capitalists gravely threaten or have already destroyed. The Capitalists believe this will facilitate an USian version of the German Nazis' “final solution,” aimed...
(To read the rest, go here.)