08 October 2018

The Horrors of a ChristoNazi Theocracy Are Now Inescapable

Kavanaugh Finalizes the Boiled-Frog Coup Begun by JFK Murder;  Without the Court's Protection, We the People Are Naught but Slaves 

(The following is not how I had intended to resurrect Dispatches after its post-injury hiatus. But the end of the United States as we knew it is a pivotal story that demanded  immediate response.)

THE CHRISTONAZI CONQUEST of the United States Supreme Court means a vengefully white-supremacist, vindictively misogynistic  third of the homeland population now rules the Empire for its Capitalist masters. 

Like chain-gang guards or plantation overseers, these lavishly funded fanatics will try to lord it over all the rest of us for the foreseeable future.

And given the lifetime, multi-generational reign of SCOTUS appointees, their tyranny is effectively forever -- unless of course We the (determinedly humanitarian) People rise up and throw them out.  

But for now, we of the presumably non-Nazi two-thirds are naught but another entry on the Empire's long manifest of conquered subjects. The few remaining SCOTUS decisions that granted us minimal protections will soon be overturned. And then we'll be as vulnerable to our fanatically predatory conquerors as the peoples of Europe were to the Original Nazis c. 1938-1945. 

That's because the new makeup of the court frees the Capitalists to do with us as they have always wished -- to (literally) enslave us all and turn our nation into the planet's largest concentration camp.

And it encourages the Capitalists' Christian storm-troopers --  those raging white male evangelical zealots whose sadistic god demands misogyny, homophobia and genocide --  to persecute us with whatever tortures their Bible-twisted brains conceive.

Quoth Gary North, one of the ChristoNazis' most influential prophets:

Why stoning? “There are many reasons. First, the implements of execution are available to everyone at virtually no cost. Second, no one blow can be traced to any person. Third, public stoning makes it clear to everyone that the whole community is responsible for the prevention of criminal behavior. Fourth, executions are to be personal, not impersonal. The condemned man has the right to confront his executioners face to face. Stoning is therefore integral to the commandment against murder. The fifth and by far the most important reason is that stoning is literally a means of crushing the murderer’s head by means of a rock, which is symbolic of God. This is analogous to the crushing of the head of the serpent in Genesis 3:15. This symbolism testifies to the final victory of God over all the hosts of Satan.”

Such are the horrors with which we must reckon in what is now -- barring genuine revolution -- our only possible future.

Meanwhile far too many of us -- politically crippled by the brainwash of disinformation and ignorance with which the Capitalists try to blind us to the bloodstains and human ash on Capitalism's serpentine underbelly -- still refuse to acknowledge the venomous intensity of the hatreds by which we are now openly assailed and oppressed.

But I have lived amongst our conquerors' parents and grandparents; indeed I survived 15 involuntary boyhood and young adult years amongst these Southrons, and I will attest to their perverse malignancy. White Christian male cocks harden at the mere thought of raping and otherwise torturing and finally murdering women and people of color and LGBTQ people and humanitarian men and non-Christians and even disobedient children.

Which now our conquerors believe they can do with presidential-pardon impunity -- or perhaps even official prior approval.

And if North has his way, these good white Christian men will soon be allowed to kill us by hurling stones to rend our flesh and break our bones until we die moaning and convulsing  in pools of our own blood and vomit and urine and feces. Such deaths, it is authoritatively reported, take as long as two hours.

Indeed it is as if the entire Confederacy has risen from its grave and -- 153 years after Appomattox -- won the Civil War.

Picture the white Christian choreography of every lynching you ever read about or viewed in photographs. Try to imagine the infinite horror of facing such a death. Try to imagine Jeanne d'Arc's thoughts -- or those of any other woman so accused -- as she was led toward the stake at which  she would be burned alive. 

Such atrocities are -- I say again -- now our only possible future. Egged on by the Trump/Pence Regime, USian hate-criminals are more brazen than ever.   

But won't the forthcoming elections give us a chance to change all that? 

Don't make me laugh. Now with total ChristoNazi control of the Supreme Court, the Trump/Pence regime can now do literally anything it chooses, including cancel the elections and arrest the four remaining so-called "leftist" Supreme Court justices and machine-gun  any of us who dare protest.
That is why UltraViolet's newest anti-theocracy petition, which I signed (and we should all sign) for its protest value, is probably of no more consequence than the proverbial fart in a windstorm.  

And let us never forget -- nor forgive -- the Democratic (sic) Party's treachery in the prelude to Kavanaugh's appointment and the approval vote itself, more "change-we-can-believe-in" proof the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-enabler puppets dancing as directed by the  Capitalist puppetmasters,  stage-propping the Big Lie of U.S.  democracy.

THE COUP THAT reduced us to a conquered people and left us with scarcely better prospects than antebellum slaves or modern concentration-camp prisoners was...

(to read the rest, go here.)