30 November 2017

Apocalypse Is Inevitable; So Let's Fuck the Ecology for Profit

Given the Trump/Pence Regime's Fanatical Commitment to Fulfilling Biblical Prophecies of Human Extinction, Its Genocidal Social Policies and All-Out War on the Environment Make Terrifyingly Perfect Sense

OUR LIVES ARE NOW DARKENED by what I believe to be the most ominous conjunction of events ever to threaten our species.

Forget the looming environmental apocalypse or the Trump/Pence Regime's maliciously genocidal destruction of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and any other such necessities for human survival in the Neoliberal slave-plantation of the United States; the terrifying truth is all humans whether at home or abroad may be too short-lived for any such policies to matter.

But that truth, horrible as it is, offers the only logical explanation of the regime's sneering brutality. Its perpetrators believe these are the End Times prophesied by the Bible, and that as their sadistic god's designated destroyers, they can savage us at will. What do humanitarianism or environmentalism or the popular will matter in a world they obviously intend to reduce to a bug planet?

Verily, it's as if the regime's secret slogan is “Loot and Rape and Kill Now Because Tomorrow We're All Dead.”

North Korea's launch of a missile that could target most of the USian imperial homeland including Washington D.C. and New York City interacts with the Trump/Pence Regime's nuke-the-world-to-bring-back-Jesus madness to escalate the probability of World War III to near 100-percent certainty. That's because – due to North Korea's geography –  (scroll down), Trump's threatened annihilation of the country by thermonuclear “fire and fury” would be as much an attack on China and Russia as on North Korea itself. See also “How the U.S. Bombed Russia in 1950.”

Meanwhile Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin's decision to put Russian industry on a wartime footing – a decision obscured, ironically enough, by the USian Thanksgiving holiday and further suppressed by USian Mainstream Media censorship – proves the Russian government is now convinced World War III is inevitable.
The Trump/Pence entourage, contrary to its seductive pre-election Big Lies, and as unequivocally proven by its unprecedented increase in the imperial war machine budget, has obviously believed...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)