07 January 2021

UPDATE II: News Reports Refute the Mandatory Optimism Cult's Claim the Nazis Lack Effective Leaders and Organization

THE RATHER FORCEFUL assertion by disciples of the cult of mandatory optimism there is no proof of nationally effective ChristoNazi/Trumpite leadership, organization and solidarity – and that we should therefore stop fearing it and its armed rabble -- is refuted by local and national news reports.

Below we have 22 states in which local media reported Nazi demonstrations obviously coordinated with the assault on the U.S. capitol, plus five more states in which local media suppressed stories of coordinated Nazi violence nevertheless reported by Associated Press.

That’s 27 states total or 27/50, which is 54 percent.

Plus based on these findings and my own 60-odd years’ professional knowledge of such matters, I’d guess local media in at least a dozen more states suppressed reports of Nazi violence due to the protective censorship imposed by chambers of commerce and/or other Ruling Class organizations as is typical in most less-urbanized states.

So 39/50 – 78 percent – is almost certainly a more accurate estimate.

Which, curiously enough, equals the percentage of the total U.S. Caucasian population proven to be incurably white-supremacist by their responses to post-Katrina polls.

As to the proof itself, firstly there is this from Associated Press: Protesters swarm Statehouses across US; some evacuated .

Next I checked the websites of local newspapers in eight cities, but found all news of the Nazi assaults – local or national – to be censored by paywalls.

Finally I settled on the following, which I assembled by reviewing the websites of at least one major local (non-FOX) TV outlet in every U.S. state capital, a tedious process that took four hours and 52 minutes  to complete:


Alaska – none locally reported



California -- https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2021/01/06/sacramento-trump-capitol-sacramento-arrests/


Also relevant: https://ktla.com/news/california/republican-leader-of-california-senate-tweets-then-deletes-false-claim-of-antifa-leading-u-s-capitol-mob/

Colorado – none locally reported.

Connecticutt – none locally reported.

Delaware – none locally reported.


Georgia – locally suppressed; reported by AP.

Hawaii – locally suppressed; reported by AP.


Illinois – none locally reported.

Indiana – none locally reported.



Kentucky – none locally reported. This Kentucky story from a West Virginia tv news channel:

Louisiana – none locally reported.

Maine – none locally reported.

Maryland – none locally reported.

Massachusetts – none locally reported.


Minnesota – none locally reported.

Mississippi – none locally reported.

Missouri – none locally reported.

Montana – none locally reported.

Nebraska – none locally reported.

Nevada – locally suppressed; reported by AP .

New Hampshire – none locally reported.

New Jersey – none locally reportedly

New Mexicohttps://www.kob.com/new-mexico-news/armed-trump-supporters-rally-outside-roundhouse-in-santa-fe/5970329/

New York – none locally reported.

North Carolina – https://www.wral.com/a-couple-dozen-for-and-against-president-trump-exchange-words-at-nc-capitol/19460061/

North Dakota – none locally reported.

Ohio – locally suppressed; reported by AP.

Oklahoma – locally suppressed; reported by AP.


Pennsylvania – none locally reported.

Rhode Island – none locally reported.

South Carolinahttps://www.wistv.com/2021/01/06/protestors-gather-sc-statehouse-support-stop-steal-movement/

South Dakota – none locally reported.

(Complete with Nazi salutes; see photo.)


Utah https://fox17.com/news/local/tennessee-lawmakers-hold-prayer-rally-in-support-of-trump;
Also relevant: https://kutv.com/news/local/protestors-gather-at-utah-state-capitol-building

Vermont https://www.wcax.com/2021/01/06/stop-the-steal-protesters-in-montpelier-call-for-accountability/

Virginia – none locally reported.


West Virginia – none locally reported.

Wisconsin – none locally reported.


I also apologize for the use of full URLs rather than highlighted links; for a non-Nurd such as I to convert them would have added more than an hour to the preparation of this report, and in this instance I felt speed took precedence.

LB/02:32PST 7 Jan 21



06 January 2021

UPDATE: The Ultimate Question Is the Extent to Which the Ruling Class Intends to Exploit This Rebellion as It Did 9/11

...Thus to Complete the Coup They Began 22 November 1963.  

I RAISE THIS as the ultimate question because history proves such purposeful atrocities are many -- among the most notable are the Reichstag Fire (which the Nazis manipulated into seizure of absolute power in Weimar Germany), plus of course the original Bloody Sunday -- the massacre organized by a Russian Orthodox Priest named Georgi Gapon.

This "Father Gapon" -- an agent-provocateur for the Okhrana (the Tsar's secret police) -- organized the incident precisely to provide Tsar Nicholas II the excuse for the relentless genocide by which he then exterminated hundreds of thousands of Russian progressives. 

Might Trump thus be another Gapon?    

LB/18:40 PST6 Jan 21


Though I Have Long Foreseen the Nazi Lynch Mob That's Captured D.C., It Is Not My Preferred Return to Blogging; but the Federal Response Will Damn Sure Tell Us Who We Are

From: https://www.dispatchesfromdystopia.net/2021/01/though-i-have-long-foreseen-the-nazi-lynch-mob-thats-captured-dc-it-is-not-my-preferred-return-to-bl.html

FOR THE PAST several weeks I have been working on a new, definitively apolitical Dispatches format essentially based on the Royokan haiku I regard as our species' best-ever expression of gratitude in the wake of hopelessly ruinous loss:  

The thief
left it behind:
    the moon at my window.

But the seizure of our national capital by a Trump-spawned Nazi lynch mob has interrupted that quarantine-enabled growth process, and my own resurgent journalistic ethics demand the following response:

Because I (involuntarily) lived in the South for most of my first 24 years, I know entirely too well the bottomless, irremediable Evil of our national Southron/Neoconfederate mix of reactionary Christian misogyny, racism and general hatefulness.

Hence despite the constant disinformation from the "Democratic" [sic] Party's cult of mandatory positivism,  I have been warning for years of the danger of a ChristoNazi revolution. 

Now we are at the inevitable pivot-point wherein the government's response to this (armed?) rabble that has captured D.C. will answer three pivotal questions:

(1) -- the extent to which Trump's ChristoNazis have subverted the military and the police;

(2) -- the extent to which Trump's modern-day Sturmabteilung is organized for actual warfare (commanders, chain of command, training, armament etc.);

(3) -- the extent to which the Ruling Class opposes or supports the continuation of  at least a charade of constitutional governance in the imperial United States.

The answers to these three questions determine our future.

But the answer to the first question is already obvious in the alleged "unpreparedness" by which the Capitol Police (and D.C. law enforcement in general) compromised the defense of the Capitol Building.

It is even more outrageously obvious in how the militarized cops are treating these traitorous ChristoNazi insurrectionists with a respectful gentility so notably absent in the murderous violence of their everyday responses to people of color or any of the rest of us on the (real) Left.  

The international response to this Nazi insurrection will also be most revealing -- and could indeed be the ultimate factor in determining in its outcome. 

LB/16:16 PST 6 Jan 2021

(Auto-complete's  misspelling of "capitol" -- weirdly appropriate, given the givens --  corrected at 20:54 PST.)

