08 December 2019

Forget the Impeachment Charade; Here's a Taste of Real News

29 November 2019

Bloomberg: Hoplophobic Juggernaut as Presidential Tsunami

(For those unfamiliar with the Classical Greek-based term, a hoplophobe is what the late Jeff Cooper, a world-renown firearms and self-defense expert, came up with as an apt, more easily headlined synonym for "forcible-disarmament fanatic" -- a creature so hateful s/he is leaving us utterly defenseless in face of the accelerating apocalypse.) 


I SUBMITTED THE following analysis to the comment threads of two Reader Supported News reports,  never mind its conclusions should be slap-ourselves-on-the-forehead obvious to any USian in whom random chance has retained the abilities to unplug brain from cellphone  and see beyond the serial mind-warping perpetrated by the Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine (MMPM). 

Alas, in this instance it seems we've also got to transcend the conflicting-obligations silence of so-called "progressive" media as well -- a silence as understandable as it is intolerable once we focus on the seemingly unbridgeable gap that (again seemingly) separates the forcible-disarmament fanatics from the white-supremacist goons, never mind each are willing servants of the most diabolically cunning Ruling Class in all human experience.  

Even so, merging the two groups is impossible,  no? 

But wait! What if Bloomberg loudly promises the FDFs he'll disarm the WSGs with prohibitively expensive fees and taxes -- exactly the mechanism Bloomberg-seduced voters imposed on Tacoma and Seattle -- even as he whispers and dog-whistles to the WSGs the licenses will be issued by Homeland Security, thereby not only guaranteeing the WSGs will remain armed but -- dog whistle again --

(To read the rest, go here.)

16 November 2019

A People So Fanatically Self-Centered, Solidarity Is for Never

(Thus the Powell-Memo/Ayn-Rand Moral Imbecility That Perpetuates 'American Exceptionalism' Dooms Us All to Ecogenocidal Extinction)  

CRADLE-TO-GRAVE AYN RANDIFUCATION -- maliciously seductive conditioning in the principles of Mein Kampf1 and the Powell Memo that make tyranny fun and profitable for the plutocrats and inescapably deadly for all the rest of us -- has become the sole determinant of the quality of life in today's United States. 

This remains the one pivotal  truth of our existence no matter how frantically we might try to ignore or deny the skyrocketing horrors of its obvious results, a frog-boiled compound of deliberately ruinous afflictions that make it excruciatingly obvious we are never again to be granted even the tiniest mercy of an antidote, much less an actual cure.  

These ultimately non-survivable assaults include:
  • The death-blows -- whether physical or mental -- endlessly dealt us by the fascists, ChristoNazis, Original Nazis and all the other antihumans vengefully massing on the global Right:
  • The socioeconomic fragmentation the equally ego-driven USian Left imposes on us with the innumerable fads of identity-politics and zero-tolerance "political correctness" it employs to blind us to the urgent reality of ecogenocidal class war;
  • The me-first recidivism by which We the People of the 99 Percent are endlessly conditioned to perpetuate our own socioeconomic powerlessness;
  • The murderous coup of 22 November 1963, to which -- with the terror and terrorism of at least a dozen more political murders -- our Overlords have since added the police-state guarantee of their own ever-more-obviously irreversible omnipotence;
  • The nearly two million children, women and men our Masters slew in Southeast Asia to begin transforming the global-enslavement agenda of Neoliberalism into the ecogenocidal agenda of the terminally White Christian USian Empire;
  • And -- last but by no means of lesser significance -- the apocalyptic revelation implicit in the defeat of the Soviet Union: specifically that there will never again be a people or nation on this planet allowed to develop the capability of overthrowing our conquerors by any means less  suicidal than thermonuclear war.
Thus we are infinitely more paralyzed by subjugation than our officially enslaved ancestors could have ever imagined -- so subjugated, in lethal fact, that even the most far-fetched possibility of liberation is now eternally beyond our reach -- "eternally" used here in the sense our species' self- destruction-by-patriarchy will be literally everlasting.
This is because our Masters, employing their unprecedentedly diabolical cunningly, have gradually but methodically reconstructed human society to deliberately rob all the rest of us --

(To read the rest go here.)

16 October 2019

Ten Reports Exemplify Our Intensifying Wretchedness

(Re-Posted Here in Hope They'll Help Shape Our Responses)

AGAIN, THOUGH I had not planned on writing anything  more in this space for probably another month, some breaking stories demand attention well beyond the aggrieved but fleeting glances by which we now routinely (and often suicidally) try to defend ourselves against the horrors they expound.

Why pay these disturbing reports additional heed? 

Because most come from the alternative press, which means they received little or no coverage in the so-called "mainstream press" owned and operated by our overlords, the privately-owned for-profit successor to Josef Goebbels' Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda that now peddles the Big Lies, disinformation and maliciously manufactured confusion central to the USian Empire's Neoliberal agenda of suppression, conquest and enslavement. 

And because the reports featured here are what they are,  there is always a chance -- never mind ours is the most rationally hopeless of all human epochs -- of someone finding ideas therein for activism that might ameliorate the horrors our masters are bringing down upon us all. 

Sea 'Boiling' With Methane Discovered in SiberiaResearchers on an expedition to the East Siberian Sea said the "methane fountain" was unlike anything they had seen before, with concentrations of the gas in the region to be six to seven times higher than the global average.  Observation: This is the newest report on the bobsled-speed with which terminal climate change is intensifying. Meanwhile our Neoliberal overlords are obviously escalating their efforts to weaponize the Apocalypse and thereby exterminate 90 to 95 percent of the 99 Percent and permanently enslave the survivors. 

This report, brought to us by Reader Supported News, also exemplifies the sorts of information we are routinely denied by the Imperial USian censorship and brain-warping apparatus, the most ruinously effective such program in all human experience -- which is precisely why we should be doing everything in our power to preserve RSN, the censorship-nullifying source of so many vital stories. PLEASE therefore contribute to help RSN continue providing the most relevant summary of vital news available on the English-language Internet.  
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Hit New Highs Again in USMore than 1.7 million cases of chlamydia  were reported last year. The infection rate rose 3% from 2017. It’s the most ever reported in a year...About 580,000 gonorrhea cases were reported. That’s the highest number since 1991. The rate rose 5%. Scientists worry antibiotic resistance may be a factor. And the syphilis rate rose 15%. About 35,000 cases of the most contagious forms of the disease were reported — also the most since 1991. Factual Observation: These disasters are entirely the fault of the Fundamentalist Christians and their diabolical, intentionally murderous campaign to abolish sex education as well as all public health and reproductive care. Indeed their Prosperity Gospel Jesus is fast becoming humanity's most deadly enemy

White Kids Burn Latina Author’s Book After She Discusses White Privilege
But while some students at the Statesboro, Ga., school expressed disgust and shame, others defended the actions. Note: Do not dismiss this atrocity as "just the South"; uncontested brain-warping by Neoliberalism has made such neo-Confederate bigotry the defining characteristic of nearly all the USian interior states (in addition, of course, to all the original state perpe-traitors of secession). 

War on Plastic Waste Faces Setback as Cost of Recycled Material Soars
For years the cost of making plastic products from recycled flakes was cheaper than relying on virgin plastics made using fossil fuels, meaning the sustainable option was an economic option too. But...new plastic is becoming cheaper to make due to a flood of petrochemicals production from the US driven by the shale gas boom. Note how this deliberately ecocidal trend is imposed on the world by -- what else -- the USian Empire (which by any accurate accounting is by far the most deliberately ecogenocidal empire that ever murdered and enslaved our kinfolk and otherwise infested our probably doomed plane).   
Wildfires and Forced Blackouts Lead to Multiple Deaths in CaliforniaThe past week of events in California underscores the complete bankruptcy of the entire capitalist system, which subordinates every aspect of life—including the most basic needs of the population such as electricity—to the profit interests of the financial aristocracy. With all control over this vital resource left in the hands of the executives of...

(To read the rest, go here.)

06 October 2019

Demand Progress: Another Example of Deliberate Deception

WHEN I FINALLY ABANDONED my effort to make Dispatches a weekly news site and decided instead to retain its title but post only when events and (dwindling) creative impulses so demanded, my notion was I'd normally write maybe one post per month -- unless of course some breaking story required the 21st Century online equivalent of an Extra.
(Yes I am old enough to remember when newsboys -- and very occasionally newsgirls -- hawked papers on the street: "Extra, Extra, read all about it...") 

(No, not "just like in the movies"; "exactly as in what used to be real life" instead.)  

But then the net neutrality story took a new and damnably revealing turn that underscores my most recent anti-censorship essay and again demonstrates how the Left destroys its own credibility not only with censorship per se but with malicious disinformation -- in other words by behaving exactly as the ChristoNazis, Original Nazis and fascists routinely behave -- and thereby, like our enemies, serving our Overlords by further spreading chaos and confusion amongst us all, we the people of the ever-more-savagely oppressed 99 Percent, we who are ever-more-undeniably the planet's [only] remaining human beings. 

Quoth the website Demand Progress in a 1 October 2019 email (bf as in original): 

A federal court just threw out a key part of Ajit Pai's repeal of net neutrality—a game-changer in the fight for net neutrality...But while we didn't get the complete win we wanted, allowing states to enact their own strong net neutrality protections is a huge deal. And we can still win at the federal level by pressing the Senate and presidential candidates to act. 

This grotesquely misleading pitch for an "emergency donation" then jumps to somewhat-less-deceptive, light-faced huckstering inside:

A federal court has just thrown out part of Ajit Pai's repeal of net neutrality. This ruling also means the 2020 presidential candidates need to step up and pledge to restore net neutrality — and we’re working hard to push them to do so. But we can’t act without your help, and time is of the essence.

All of which illustrates the knife-edged relevance of Chris Hedges' 2015 essay, "Our Mania for Hope Is a Curse" -- an essay every (allegedly) Leftist U.S. website save the notably courageous Popular Resistance has long ago maliciously suppressed as contrary to the mandatory USian  cult of (tyranny-preserving) clinically delusional optimism: 

The naive belief that history is linear, that moral progress accompanies technical progress, is a form of collective self-delusion. It cripples our capacity for radical action and lulls us into a false sense of security...

But to challenge it, to state the obvious fact that things are getting worse, and may soon get much worse, is to be tossed out of the circle of magical thinking that defines American and much of Western culture. The left is as infected with this mania for hope as the right. It is a mania that obscures reality even as global capitalism disintegrates and the ecosystem unravels, potentially dooming us all...
The 19th century theorist, Louis-Auguste Blanqui, unlike nearly all of his contemporaries, dismissed the belief, central to Karl Marx, that human history is a linear progression toward equality and greater morality...

"Its regressive march," (Blanqui asserted) "goes back through every stage of privilege to human slavery, the final word of the right to property.”
And again it is the eloquently truthful Mr. Hedges who tells us why not only revolution but even the most minimal humanitarian reforms are impossible at present and will undoubtedly remain so for as long as the USian ethos of compulsory delusion paralyzes the Occidental mind, exactly as our diabolically Machiavellian masters intend: 

Only those who accept the very real possibility of dystopia, of the rise of a ruthless corporate totalitarianism, buttressed by the most terrifying security and surveillance apparatus in human history, are likely to carry out the self-sacrifice necessary for revolt.

Meanwhile Credo -- a self-proclaimed "progressive" marketeer that implicitly promotes the notion Capitalism is humanitarianism -- a vivid example indeed of what George Orwell aptly labeled "doublethink" --  has nevertheless (to its credit) reported the partial truth about net neutrality's extermination

Quoth Credo:

Yesterday, a federal appeals court affirmed that the Federal Communications Commission's murder of the internet was lawful.

But then of course...

(To read the rest, go here.)

28 September 2019

Censorship by Leftists More Damaging Than That by Rightists?

(Smoke from Embers in the Burn-Barrel of My Late Career)

A WORDS-AND-PICTURES JOURNALIST since 1956 -- variously a stringer; newspaper staff-member; city editor; news editor; picture editor; editor-in-chief; freelancer; unpaid volunteer editor-in-chief; blogger; etc. -- I have witnessed the initial success and the eventual  failure of every humanitarian movement that has arisen in this nation since the New Deal began our tragically short-lived socioeconomic restoration eight years before I was born.

And having seen what I have seen, I cannot but acknowledge what to many is an unpalatable -- literally unspeakable -- truth: that the USian Left is -- sadly -- at least as prone to vindictive, malicious, ultimately self-destructive censorship as is the USian Right.

It's an old and troublesome story. 

The U.S. Right, especially its now-dominant Christian faction,  has always demanded censorship: note how the teaching of evolution remains under attack even today, with the advent of Trump/Pence theocracy further encouraging those who would ban it as heretical.  No surprise here, not now nor any other time. 
But my first encounter with censorship by the Left was indeed surprising. It was quite nastily imposed by two (white/bourgeois) representatives of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)  in the aftermath of the 1963 civil-rights atrocity and international incident described here

A sheriff's deputy had attacked and arrested a Latin American diplomat, a person (theoretically) protected by diplomatic immunity -- the racist language accompanying his victimization therefore a vital illustration of the hatefulness that underlay the entire episode. But the deputy's self-damning words -- a snarl my mind's ear still hears plainly -- were suppressed by the two CORE activists.
Just after the massed raiding party of city police and sheriff's deputies burst without warrant or justification into...

(To read more, go here.)

21 August 2019

Ok, It's Time to Get Off My Pity-Full Ass and Get Back to Work

Meanwhile Let Us Admit Our Conditioned Hatred
of Government Is an
Insurmountable Barrier 
to Saving Ourselves from Extinction

QUITE SIMPLY, NO people who have been taught by their extended individual and collective experience to regard government and bureaucracy and bureaucrats and politicians with near-universal hatred,  contempt and infinite (yet utterly rational)  distrust -- precisely as we the people have been taught by the bipartisan malevolence of of Neoliberalism -- can ever  achieve anything even remotely resembling the socialism essential to rescue our species from extinction and save our Mother Earth from reduction to a bug planet.
Why? Because in the minds of the vast moronic majority,  socialism has come to mean naught but "Big Government" -- which is precisely what we in the so-called "United States" are taught to fear and despise even more than the (already-well-underway) Final Extinction

And given the anti-intellectual ignorance maliciously inflicted on us by all financially accessible schools (whether public or private) and sustained by the Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine  -- which perhaps we should call the MaiMePropMach (pronounced "Maim Me Prop Mash") -- there is absolutely no way this intentionally suicidal preconditioning can ever be overcome. Indeed our masters are already hurling us under the proverbial bus.

Yes, we must keep fighting. But we must evolve strategy and tactics based on recognition we are far more powerless than even the abandoned, heroic-but-doomed anti-Nazi defenders of Fortress Brest -- for the monstrous and unspeakably horrific truth is there is no political leader, organization,  nation or people left on this wounded and dying planet with sufficient power, influence and will to rescue us from Neoliberal Capitalism and its coterie of fascist fanatics. Nor can we continue hiding beneath our deluded fantasy of someday magically receiving justice for the innumerable atrocities already inflicted on us by our morally imbecilic, sadistically gleeful overlords in what is already the most murderously unjust global tyranny in our species' entire approximately 250,000-year history.  There is no true justice -- none whatsoever -- under Neoliberal Capitalism, nor will there ever be. 

EMPHATICALLY RECOMMENDED READING: an emotionally downsized  form of the news reporting that characterized the old Dispatches (because even I who lived most of my adult life in intimate embrace with the day's news can no longer endure  being beaten over the head daily with the fact we're doomed); also, note all save one of these heads are self-explanatory; hence, with that exception, the lack of routine descriptive comment:  

Badly misleading head should read, "March for Our Lives Demands Total Forcible Disarmament" -- for which see the original  MFOL document,  here.  See also my comment on the initial report's comment thread

(To read the rest, go here)

06 July 2019

Bruce Dixon: a Relentless Warrior for Socioeconomic Justice

BRUCE DIXON, managing editor and co-founder of Black Agenda Report, the only Leftist publication on this planet I regularly applaud and salute in near-total agreement, was slain by cancer 28 June 2019 -- another devastating loss of the sort that (as always) makes me wonder at this disease's apparent penchant for targeting effectively radical activists throughout the United States. 

The italicized passages below are from Ann Garrison's eulogy for him in CounterPunch, an informative piece I urge you to read in full. Likewise the two selections from Black Agenda Report itself:  

A year ago, after the Left Forum, he wrote “What Would an Authentic 21st Century US Left Look Like?


An authentic left, he concluded, must be independent of the Republican and Democratic Parties, independent of corporate and church philanthropy, unconditionally opposed to empire and white supremacy, and class conscious in its opposition to capitalism. He also wrote that it must give birth to a revolutionary working class party and create “economic and social organizations which prefigure the world we want to build.”


Every time he and fellow organizers made electoral advances, he said, the Democratic Party changed the rules to undermine them.
I once asked him whether the Greens might be better off putting their energy and resources into, for one, creating community gardens in major cities all over the country, and he responded that most of the community gardens he knew of had been shut down by those with wealth and power. There is indeed no sign left of Los Angeles’s famous South Central Farm, the largest urban farm and perhaps the greatest community organizing success in the US from 1994 till 2006, when it was bulldozed by a real estate developer.
(To read the remainder of Ms. Garrison's informative piece, go here. Please also read  "Bruce Dixon, in His Own Words," here, and "For Brother Bruce," here.) 
If what CounterPunch now acknowledges is the USian Empire's methodical, Final-Solution-type scheme of weaponized ecocide and genocidal tyranny -- the likelihood of which you read about first on Dispatches -- is ever replaced by genuine liberty, Bruce Dixon will most assuredly be recognized as one of the truly heroic figures in U.S. alternative journalism. 
Meanwhile, thanks entirely to the great generosity of friends and comrades, I am gradually getting back on-line, about which more later.
LB/5 July 2019

19 June 2019

Shut Down by Total Computer Failure, Probably Permanently

My 25-Year Address Book, the Dispatches Mailing List Included,
Is Gone Forever. Government Malice? Undoubtedly. But Fuck the
One Percenters and Their Vassals, Fuck Their Blood-Drenched Flag
and Fuck the God of Genocide They Serve. I'll Be Back If I'm Able.

OBVIOUSLY THIS IS the climax of the attack that began last December with repetitive efforts to max out my credit cards by fraud (which destroyed forever -- literally, because I will not live another seven years -- the credit I had been meticulously rebuilding since my 2008-2009 loss of nearly 70 percent of my annual income). 

As we all know, the only way to remedy such a problem is with lawyers and lawsuits, which of course since I am now reduced to inescapable peonage is forever beyond me. 

Plus all my research  after June 2018 -- a full year's effort -- is also lost forever. This kills the novel -- in fact kills any possibility of a novel -- as there is no way, at age 79 and slowly dying of congestive heart failure, that I can ever reconstruct the lost research.
And without it -- because to make fiction work it requires every bit as much research as journalism -- there is no way I can write it. (Yes, this is the same thing that killed "Dancer," though what the arsonist[s] destroyed was 24 years of research, as well as my entire always-fragile sense of personal identity.) 

But in bitter truth, disasters of this sort are in fact the sole defining quality of my life. In other words, I am undeniably accursed.
And you damn sure  can't call yourself a writer or photographer without text and pictures to back up the claim.

Despite nurdly reassurance the associated computer problems can be resolved, I have been mostly off-line for the past eight days -- had to go completely off-line to finish this month's senior-housing newsletter, which is printed and hand distributed rather than emailed. 

Hence it is now obvious that whatever is wrong with this machine cannot be repaired.

While there is no way I will ever again be able to afford another computer, some people I know promise they will get me another. I am most grateful for their emotional support, but given the prohibitive sums involved, I am rationally skeptical. We shall see. 

Those of you who would want to see Dispatches if I ever get reliably on line again, please email me accordingly. As I said, all your email addresses were eradicated by the computer failure, and I have no other way to get them back than by begging as I am doing now.
Meanwhile I thank you for your readership. I will leave you all with this, knowing it may in fact be my last-ever online political statement:

Wanna comprehend the ChristoNazi/Neoliberal reality of the Trump/Pence Regime? Wanna know why the Democratic (sic) Party will again in the 2020 elections function as the Republican Party's Fifth Column? 

Dig it:

What Trump is actually doing is imposing -- with absolutely 100 percent success -- the Neoliberal Final Solution: he's destroying the remnants of civil government -- exactly as Neoliberalism demands -- to allow for the emergence of a planet ruled entirely by the corporations, their secret police and their military goon squads. In other words, he's our corporate masters' perfect puppet; behind the hurly-burly, he's giving them everything they ever wanted.
Welcome to the future: wherein the vast majority of human lives -- literally all human lives save those of the aristocrats -- will be too horrible to endure.

LB/19 June 2019


06 June 2019

Let’s Not Leave the Soviet Union Out of Our D-Day History

(The following, by People's World Editor-in-Chief John Wojcik and reprinted in full therefrom, would be a vital goading of our increasingly censored historians under any circumstances, but now -- with the ChristoNazis and their fascist allies openly tyrannizing the entire planet -- the oft-suppressed truth the Red Army saved the world from Hitler and the Original Nazis is more relevant than ever. The historical photographs that illustrate Comrade Wojcik's superb essay are viewable here.  ~ LB/6 June 2019)
ON THE 75th Anniversary of D-Day today, there are ceremonies honoring the American heroes who landed on the beaches of Normandy and defeated the Nazis. This is as it should be. What is not right, however, is that rarely are we honoring in our ceremonies the Soviet heroes who bore the brunt of the battles to defeat fascism in World War II.

Americans are not surprised when they hear that historians distort the truth, but most of us believe it is foreign historians, not ours, who are in the business of distortion.
The truth about World War II is that the war against the Nazis was essentially already won a year or more before D-Day...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)

21 May 2019

Here's Some Recommended Reading I Hope You Already Read

MY SELECTIONS OF the dozen most relevant essays on the Internet recently (with capitalization as in the originals):  

The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis
(A thank-you to tigerlille1 for sending me this link.)

IF YOU READ only one of the above essays, please make it  America's Reproductive Slaves -- linked again  for emphasis -- which exposes a hitherto-unrecognized motive for the anti-abortion movement. 
Should you read but two, please make Beware Trump's Sneak Attack on Social Security your other choice. 

And please don't be misled by the badly written, subtly classist Common Dreams head; what "Sneak Attack" exposes is a new, potentially deadly threat not just to Social Security and Medicare recipients, but another offensive in the Neoliberal attack on every lower income person in the United States. That means any of us who are eligible for Medicare subsidies; Medicaid; food stamps; the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program; veterans' programs;  housing subsidies or assistance; Supplemental Security Income; wintertime heating assistance; and every other federally funded social service for those of us -- now more than half the national population -- who are officially impoverished. 
Sound familiar? It should; in ugly truth this threat is the Trumpian reanimation of one of the many treacheries by which Obama -- after portraying himself as the candidate of "change we can believe in" -- revealed himself to be Barack the Betrayer instead. Just as the Democratic (sic) Party repeatedly reveals itself to be nothing more than a Republican Fifth Column

(For those of us too young to remember, a Fifth Column -- so named by a fascist war criminal -- is an ultimate weapon of subversion, betrayal and conquest.)

Because the abolition of social services is demanded  by Neoliberal dogma, the attack is unanimously  bipartisan, with the Democrats hiding behind a smokescreen of lies and disinformation as they perform their customary Fifth Column functions for the Republicans. 

The assault's renewal arises from the properly disturbing fact the Trump/Pence Regime  has (again) figured out -- in yet another demonstration of the diabolical cunning that empowers its burgeoning evil -- how to shred the Constitution. This time the intent is to impose the gradual but ultimately genocidal termination of all social services precisely as demanded by our Capitalist, Neoliberal and ever-more-defiantly ChristoNazi overlords.  Who amongst us -- child, woman, man -- is not therefore a target? 
LB/20 May 2019

30 April 2019

Why I'm Dropping Out (an Open Letter to the Few Who Care)