30 July 2017

PseudoVictory for PseudoHealthcare Prompts PseudoLeft's PseudoCelebration as T/P Regime Inflicts Genuine Tyrannies

TRUMP RESUMES HIS WAR AGAINST PUBLICLY FUNDED HEALTHCARE, thereby proving all the victory celebrations were once again nothing more than premature ejaculations of deluded optimism by pathetically gullible fools or deliberately manipulative PseudoLeftists. 

The Trump-Pence Regime behaves at it does  because it's waging a religious war intended to abolish all such forms of insurance. It is most assuredly not – say again NOT – merely squabbling with the Democratic (sic) Party over matters of fascist domestic policy. The religious element – deliberately concealed by Mainstream Media – arises directly from the murderous doctrines of Biblical Capitalism and its Prosperity Gospel derivative. 

These dogmas command the regime's JesuNazi fanatics to reject any notion of healthcare as a human right, damning such humanitarianism as a grave offense to their infinitely sadistic god. Healthcare must remain a privilege of wealth, they say, because the wealth required to afford it is a signal blessing bestowed by their god.  Those who can pay for healthcare are thus demonstrably their god's chosen people, just as those of us who cannot afford it are their god's enemies and therefore deserve the death denial of healthcare will inflict. It is that simple. 

But until we finally acknowledge the religious fanaticism that fuels the regime's  genocidal crusade, we will repeatedly be soothed by false Mainstream Media and Democratic (sic) Party claims the war is won. And we will repeatedly be ambushed...

(To read the rest, go here.)

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