28 December 2017

As Capitalism Becomes Ever More Undeniably Evil, Will the USian PseudoLeft Evolve True Revolutionary Consciousness?

Admitting How Fiercely We Hate Our Oppressors Is Neither Ideology nor Ideological Discipline, but It Is the First Step toward Liberation

THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA MACHINE, owned as it is by the same moral imbeciles who own the USian Empire's economic and political systems and all their global subsidiaries, long ago became the for-profit version of Josef Goebbels' Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

Exemplifying how Capitalism's momentum invariably thrusts it toward fascism, Mainstream Media was headed in that direction even under the independent ownership that characterized most USian newspapers and broadcast outlets during the years of my later teens and earlier manhood, 1956 through about 1980 or thereabouts. 

While the only meaningful difference between local Capitalists and their global counterparts has never been more than the geographical limits of their greed, the socioeconomic interactions characteristic of local ownership exercised enough moral restraint on publishers that in most instances, mass media did not metastasize into its present-day malignancy until the news monopolies took over. 

Microcosms of empires and imperial tyranny, the monopolies quickly ended any pretense of accountability to local audiences or even to local elites. Soon afterward the monopolists' suppressed or co-opted the various unions and other organizations that had previously guaranteed print, radio and television journalists a modicum of editorial independence.
During the same period, the monopolies' overwhelming financial power leveraged the collegiate journalism schools to impose the gate-guard functions that guarantee the press corps remains forever purged of any trace of revolutionary or even reformist consciousness. 

Hence by 1983...

(Read the rest here or here.)

20 December 2017

House Democrats Unconditionally Surrender to Trump, Join Republicans in No-Impeachment-Ever Pact, Defiantly Uniting Both Parties in Implicit Declaration of Neoliberal Dictatorship

Engineered by Trump/Pelosi Collaboration, the Deliberately Under-Reported Decision Kills Any Hope of Judicial or Legislative Relief from Capitalism's Murderous Greed and JesuNazism's Genocidal Malice

EVEN ALTERNATIVE MEDIA seems loathe to admit the pivotal significance of the Democratic (sic) Party's deliberately under-reported unconditional surrender to the Trump/Pence Regime at the start of the weekend on Friday 15 December. 

The brazen bipartisanship of the Democrats' no-impeachment-ever pact with the Republicans was certainly the most glaringly indicative, breathtakingly abject Congressional surrender in all the nearly 78 years of my lifetime. It was probably the most cravenly submissive act since Congress concluded in 1934 the Bankers' Plot conspirators were too rich to jail and thereby enabled the One Percent's subsequent and now utterly victorious 83-year campaign to convert the United States into the de facto Fourth Reich. 

In any case there is no question the Democrats' no-impeachment-because-Trump-is- our-man-too vote – and that is precisely its message – was maliciously scheduled to take maximum advantage of the fact at this time of year (and especially on Fridays), most USians are distracted from politics, whether by the anticipated lusts of weekend frolic, the sublimated lusts of holiday shopping or – most likely – by the wrenching realization this will this be their bleakest midwinter holiday season thus far, with the tombstone above the corpse of their personal American Dreams reminding each of them that every subsequent holiday will be progressively more wretched until they themselves are buried in the same graveyard as their aspirations.

So now it's “Happy Holidays 2017” as we anticipate being murdered by genocidal tax “reform.” Soon it will be “Happy New Year 2018,” when we will begin dying from the saber-cuts and axe-blows to the stipends and services that hitherto kept us alive.

While such seasonal preoccupations are surely one reason to blame for why so many USians were oblivious to the vote itself, the more telling reason is that...

(To read the rest, go here or here.) 

07 December 2017

How Modern USia Became a Shithole of Serfdom and Slavery

The Sneeringly Genocidal Trump/Pence Agenda Celebrates the Final Victory of the One Percenters' 84-Year Effort to Perpetuate Capitalism by Imposing JesuNazism on a Politically Defenseless Moron Nation

MASTURBATED TO MINDLESSNESS by the maliciously deceptive Mainstream Media propaganda machine after being moronated to submissiveness in public schools deliberately rendered dysfunctional by the JesuNazis in service to their Capitalist oberführers, the vast majority of USians – intellectually paralyzed by the suppression of critical thinking skills  and induced ignorance – have repeatedly failed to recognize the ugly reality of our boiled-frog reduction to serfdom and slavery.

They foolishly try to convince themselves all is well. They cling to the Big Lie of “our democracy” and the even Bigger Lie the Trump/Pence Regime's apocalypse-mongering is nothing more than rhetoric, and by some trick of self-deception, when they go to bed at night they do not fall asleep wondering if they will never again awake – if before morning they will be reduced to naught but heart-wrenching shadows  or radioactive ash on an unspeakably poisoned wind. They cling pathetically to their own optimism, refusing to recognize their submissiveness as an ultimate and potentially suicidal form of folly.

Obviously, whether from ignorance or delusion or the momentary psychosis of denial, they reject the serial significance of what will someday – if our species somehow survives – be recognized as the five most pivotal events in the USian Empire's sordid political history. These are the Bankers' Plot (1933-1934); the post-plot merger of Capitalism and fanatical Christianity (1934-present*); the long decade of political murders  (1963 to 1974); the Reichstag Fire rerun of 9/11 (as I have been calling it at least since 2013) and now finally the fulfillment of the Bankers' Plot goal of a permanently fascist United States  achieved for the One Percent by the 2016 election.

The sequence of historical events cited above proves the advent of the Trump/Pence Regime is the climax of a subversive process that unites at least three generations of Capitalism's most morally imbecilic plutocrats. These events are the exclamation points – the beware signs – in an infinitely damning progression that details the nation's passage from the New Deal's illusion of representative democracy to the JesuNazi truth of the Trump/Pence victory. But the Moronic Majority overlooks – or more likely is too cowardly to acknowledge – the climactic nature of the 2016 presidential election and how it ended forever any rational notion of the U.S. as a “sweet land of liberty.”

I can (sort of) understand how some ignoramus might ignore our Capitalist overlords' love affair with white-supremacist fascism despite the fact it has been evident since the 1930s. Though the stealth fascism of the pre-Bush-II past always victimized USian minorities, the white majority remained mostly immune to its brutality and was therefore mostly ignorant of its atrocities. Such trends and their associated atrocities are carefully excluded from the so-called “American narrative.” But the more overt fascism that characterized the Bush II and Obama presidencies and finally exploded into the stark, ever-intensifying JesuNazi horrors perpetrated by the Trump/Pence Regime now assaults the entire Working Class regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or sexuality. Yet the Moronic Majority still refuses to acknowledge  what has been done to us, much less react appropriately to the regime's ever-intensifying malevolence.

As Henry Giroux reports, the Trump/Pence victory “has accelerated a culture of cruelty, a machinery of terminal exclusion and social abandonment that wages a war on undocumented immigrants, poor minorities of color and young people.” In other words – words even the notably courageous and outspoken Giroux dare not say – we are now as conquered and subjugated as the people of France were beneath the jackboots of the German Nazis. This is not hyperbole; apart from...

(To read the rest, go  here or here.)

30 November 2017

Apocalypse Is Inevitable; So Let's Fuck the Ecology for Profit

Given the Trump/Pence Regime's Fanatical Commitment to Fulfilling Biblical Prophecies of Human Extinction, Its Genocidal Social Policies and All-Out War on the Environment Make Terrifyingly Perfect Sense

OUR LIVES ARE NOW DARKENED by what I believe to be the most ominous conjunction of events ever to threaten our species.

Forget the looming environmental apocalypse or the Trump/Pence Regime's maliciously genocidal destruction of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and any other such necessities for human survival in the Neoliberal slave-plantation of the United States; the terrifying truth is all humans whether at home or abroad may be too short-lived for any such policies to matter.

But that truth, horrible as it is, offers the only logical explanation of the regime's sneering brutality. Its perpetrators believe these are the End Times prophesied by the Bible, and that as their sadistic god's designated destroyers, they can savage us at will. What do humanitarianism or environmentalism or the popular will matter in a world they obviously intend to reduce to a bug planet?

Verily, it's as if the regime's secret slogan is “Loot and Rape and Kill Now Because Tomorrow We're All Dead.”

North Korea's launch of a missile that could target most of the USian imperial homeland including Washington D.C. and New York City interacts with the Trump/Pence Regime's nuke-the-world-to-bring-back-Jesus madness to escalate the probability of World War III to near 100-percent certainty. That's because – due to North Korea's geography –  (scroll down), Trump's threatened annihilation of the country by thermonuclear “fire and fury” would be as much an attack on China and Russia as on North Korea itself. See also “How the U.S. Bombed Russia in 1950.”

Meanwhile Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin's decision to put Russian industry on a wartime footing – a decision obscured, ironically enough, by the USian Thanksgiving holiday and further suppressed by USian Mainstream Media censorship – proves the Russian government is now convinced World War III is inevitable.
The Trump/Pence entourage, contrary to its seductive pre-election Big Lies, and as unequivocally proven by its unprecedented increase in the imperial war machine budget, has obviously believed...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)

24 November 2017

Capitalism Has Reduced Thanksgiving* to a Day of Self-Deceit

With a Sneeringly Genocidal Federal Budget Threatening All of Us, 
We Should Be Rising Up in Fury, Not Bowing in Craven Submission
YES, BUDGETS ARE BORING, unless they contain – as the proposed 2018 federal budget surely does – death threats to entire groups of people. Even then they are a huge pain in the ass to properly cover because proper coverage requires hours (and often entire days) of wonkishly scrutinizing line-item minutiae.

Nevertheless, be not dismayed; I have chosen here the least-wonkish, most informatively readable reports on the proposed 2018 federal budget I could find. Why? Because for many of us, this budget will literally be a matter of life and death – more likely the latter.

Though it is absurd to imagine we can stop the intended killing by any means short of revolution, we may indeed reduce the death toll – perhaps even substantially – by vehement protest, which I most emphatically recommend. At the very least we will be forewarned of the budget's disastrous impact in time to construct whatever collective and individual preparations we might be able to organize to protect our communities, our families and ourselves.

In whatever form this budget is finally enacted, the Ayn Rand ethos of the Trump-Pence Regime guarantees it will be the most deliberately vicious budget of my lifetime – and possibly the most deliberately vicious budget in the entire post-slavery history of the United States. That's because the neoliberal malice of Congress long ago defined the federal budget as a weapon for inflicting slow-motion mass-murder on those of us condemned as “surplus population” – that is, those of us who are poor and/or old and/or disabled and/or chronically unemployed and therefore no longer exploitable for Capitalist profit.

Thus the budget proposal's weaponized finances remain...

(To read the rest, go here.)

17 November 2017

Tax Reform Is Capitalism's Newest Euphemism for Genocide

HR-1 Blitzkrieg Confirms Magnitude of Neoliberal Murderousness.  But How Can We the People Fight Its Lightening-Fast Enactment?

FOR THE FIRST TIME in a journalism career that began in November 1956, I have no choice but to lead a story with “what the fuck?” – that ultimate admission of ignorance, taken-abackedness and shock-doctrine powerlessness such ignorance is maliciously induced to sustain. 

Despite innumerable reassurances the House vote would be put off until next week, HR-1, the House effort at deliberately genocidal “tax reform” – that is, the elimination of myriad tax deductions We the (piss-drenched) People at the lower levels of Neoliberal trickle-down economics depend on to stay alive – was speed-passed earlier today (16 November 2017) and is now in the hands of the Senate.

There it will be combined with the as-yet unnamed, unnumbered senatorial effort to achieve the same goal, exterminating those of us deemed “surplus” and/or “disposable” by our economic overlords and killing us in ways guaranteed to obscenely increase their already pornographic wealth.

While the Senate measure will undoubtedly differ from the so-called “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” shat forth by the House, it will be every bit as intentionally murderous,  with the debate over reconciling the two versions' differences nothing more than (yet another) Big Lie to distract us from the fact both versions have the same deadly intent of eliminating as many of us as possible while extracting maximum Capitalist wealth from our victimization.

Such is genocide in an era in which death camps have become unfashionable even as their function remains critical to the success of Capitalist governance.

DESPITE THE OVERALL LACK of reliable details and analysis – reports from the usually reliable leftish web sites are heavy on rhetoric but light on facts – I can call upon my 61 years experience as a news reporter to state with absolute certainty that “tax reform” aka slow-motion genocide is being imposed on us with such death-blow swiftness precisely because its coup-de-grace speed and momentum eliminate almost entirely the possibility of mobilizing effective resistance. 

Indeed, given this “tax reform” project's unprecedented savagery, I cannot but wonder if its perpetrators...

(To read the rest, go here.)

09 November 2017

Another Week's Bold Battles against Minions of Malevolence

Misogyny Exemplifies the Patriarchal Putrescence at Capitalism's Core

HARVEY WEINSTEIN, WITH the help of key Democratic (sic) Party associates, employed ex-Israeli spooks and other private-investigators – psychological goon squads protected by judicial sleight-of-hand – in a failed effort to threaten his accusers into submissive silence. The unfolding story is especially relevant for the revealing glimpse it gives us of the depth of anti-woman hatefulness at the core of patriarchy and its favorite son Capitalism. The New Yorker's investigative report  reveals the details of Weinstein's breathtakingly vast effort to assail his accusers' credibility, while The Daily Caller exposes the connections of Weinstein and his allies to the demonstrably hypocritical  Clinton machine and the Democratic (sic) Party apparatus in general. 

(Note: The Daily Caller is an openly fascist publication, revealed as such by the fact the pro-JesuNazi demagogue Ann Coulter  [see also here ] is its lead opinion columnist. While my citation of TDC material exemplifies the usefulness of the fascist and/or JesuNazi Mainstream Media in exposing ugly truths routinely suppressed by the Mainstream Media faction that serves the Democratic [sic] Party, it also provides an opportunity to show how the alleged rivalry between these media factions helps maintain the illusion of USian “freedom of the press” – a key deception in preserving the far more malignant Big Lie of “our democracy.” My advice? Read these sources mindful of their primary functions in maintaining the aforementioned Big Lie, but never forget they are useful sources of information about the nature and methodology of Capitalist governance as it inevitably metamorphoses into JesuNazi tyranny in the U.S. and other forms of fascism elsewhere.)

The Late American Indian Movement (AIM) Activist Dennis Banks served as a grunt in Vietnam, where he witnessed the USian Empire employing the same sort of terrorism it had used against his ancestors. After he returned home and encountered more of the same...

(To read the rest, go here or here.) 

02 November 2017

Congress Joins U.S. War on First Amendment Freedoms

Sen. Grassley Blames Russians for Agitating Black Rebelliousness

CLAIMING “CIVIL WAR,” the capitalist owners of the imperial USian government and their political puppets in Congress have launched a bipartisan assault on our few remaining First Amendment freedoms.

An earlier WSWS story, relevant for its slightly different focus, is here

Significantly, this sudden, dramatic escalation of efforts at censorship and suppression of anti-Capitalist, anti-fascist, anti-theocratic activism is jointly led by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley and Democratic (sic) Sen. Diane Feinstein.

The Trump/Pence Regime itself has already unleashed its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) secret police against African-American activists and has long encouraged supporters to attack its opponents in a variety of other ways. Combined with the decision by pro-regime social-media and Internet monopolists to suppress allegedly subversive websites and journalists,  these developments lend credibility both to fears the regime intends to suspend the Constitution and declare martial law to facilitate mass arrests and/or that it is preparing to start World War III.

These fears are intensified by the fact the regime's newest tyrannies were actually begun in 2016 by Democrats who were then the regime's (alleged) opponents but are now its obvious allies

Remember it was Democratic (sic) Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton who advocated thermonuclear war against Russia and China, while Republican Donald Trump promised he would seek world peace while launching what amounts to a latter-day pogrom against minorities and immigrants, thereby confining the empire's savagery to the homeland.

The de facto pogrom began as soon as the regime took office, with skyrocketing immigration arrests and presidential encouragement of police brutality.

Now the collaboration of the two parties on domestic-oppression measures suggests the proverbial fix – in this instance some sort of secret, tyranny-enhancing agreement between the two Capitalist parties – was probably in place long before...

(to read the rest, go here or here.)

25 October 2017

Suppression of Sexuality Is JesuNazis' Ultimate Purpose

And Far Too Many of Us Underestimate Their Fanaticism and Power

THE WORST PARENTAL BEATINGS I ever received as a child – a succession of three savage assaults that left me so bruised I was not allowed to attend school until the blemishes had faded to near-invisibility – were punishment for having dared study comparative anatomy with other neighborhood children. I was seven years old. My father administered the beatings as my stepmother cheered him on. The fact he was a presumably enlightened Marxist made no difference at all in the depth to which he had absorbed the sadistic anti-sexual hatefulness that is undoubtedly the darkest, most malevolent aspect of the patriarchal psychosis that defines USian consciousness – the festering Abrahamic malevolence now again gleefully resurrected and writ into law and decree by the Trump/Pence Regime, maliciously applauded by every JesuNazi voter and undoubtedly endorsed, often secretly, by an overwhelmingly vast majority of other USians as well.

Ironically I was never more than a peripheral participant in the comparative-anatomy studies for which I was so brutally punished. Pants-down research was vaguely uncomfortable for me because we – a group of kids ages six to eight, three boys, three girls  – conducted our classes in the black-widow, scorpion and poisonous-centipede infested spaces under houses raised two feet off the sandy ground in accordance with wartime 1940s Floridian construction standards. After our activities were discovered – perhaps another story for another time – I was repeatedly beaten until I falsely confessed I had been the chief instigator of such sexual studiousness as had obtained in the Lake Forest neighborhood of Jacksonville c. 1945-1947. My father beat me first with a one-inch hickory dowel, which he broke over my legs. Then he whipped me with a garrison belt. Finally, after he beat me with a steel ruler, I stopped telling the truth and gave him and my stepmother, an allegedly lapsed Southern Baptist, the I'm-an-evil-pervert confession they demanded, thereby confirming my parents' implicitly hateful Loren-is-a-monster fantasy. Thus were the punitively miserable conditions of my life determined until, as an 18-year-old University of Tennessee student, I was hired through the UT employment office as a motel night clerk. That job and my entry into newspaper journalism two years earlier were the greatest blessings of my teenage life. Journalism gave me a permanent sense of purpose, while the motel rescued me from the prison of my father's household and got me a dwelling that was truly my own.

I remember I was not surprised by the beatings. While at age seven I was certainly not sophisticated enough to recognize the wounds inflicted by the fanatical anti-sex hatefulness that defines Abrahamic religion cannot ever be healed – that wisdom was granted me by a (very) brief affair with the rebellious daughter of a Church of God preacher late in my 23rd year – I was nevertheless bright enough to recognize the total rejection expressed by my father's judicially overruled attempt to abandon me in a Virginia state orphanage after my violently schizophrenic mother attempted to murder us both. This was in 1945, eerily enough on the Summer Solstice Eve. My father's reasoning was of course that given my genetically defective mother, I too was genetically defective, and from that moment onward – despite our father-son closeness in prior years – I was literally a despised child, or as I came to think of myself after a beloved English Setter was euthanized for protecting me from a stepmotherly assault,“a dog nobody wanted.”

Such trauma – as a result of which much of my teenage sexuality was edged with reflexive fear – cannot ever be overcome, though the exquisite joy of sex had purged it from my conscious mind and presumably neutralized (most of) its crippling influence well before my 21st birthday. But the anti-sex torment the Trump/Pence Regime is sadistically inflicting on an imprisoned 17-year-old in Texas, the young woman known to the courts and the mostly porno-minded public as “J.D.,” somehow brought all that 1947 horror back into infuriatingly vivid recollection, including...

(To read the rest, go here or here.) 

17 October 2017

Austerity Kills. Is Genocide the Neoliberal "Final Solution"?

Despite the Evidence, No Mainstream Writer Dares Connect the Dots

HERE ARE FOUR QUESTIONS we must answer if we are to fulfill Sun Tzu's mandate to know our enemy

Might the real purpose of neoliberal austerity – perpetrator of an estimated 26,000 USian deaths this year by denial of healthcare alone (and millions more deaths inflicted by the Empire worldwide) – be Capitalism's Final Solution to global overpopulation?

Could the core motive of neoliberalism be Capitalism's Nazi-minded effort to retain white supremacist rule of the planet in the face of the forthcoming apocalypse, whether environmental, thermonuclear or both?

Might the curious mainstream-media silence surrounding the global population issue be conspiratorial rather than coincidental?

Could the seductive notion of “Capitalism's crisis”  be a deliberately-promulgated Big Lie, perhaps to stave off public outrage at neoliberalism's obscene profitability and genocidal success? Never forget how the JesuNazis (and fascists in general) routinely hide their often-triumphant murderous agendas behind false claims of victimhood

Apropos this last question, it seems to me neoliberal Capitalism is doing exactly as intended – making the Capitalists unimaginably wealthy while providing them limitless opportunities to experiment with various euphemism-shrouded methods for exterminating those of us they deem no longer exploitable for profit and, after we are dead or dying, herd the survivors into the corporate slave pens. With Capitalism's capability for murderous subjugation extending literally to infinity – that is, until our species becomes extinct – how could it possibly be “in crisis”? The primary affect of the “in-crisis” claim is to suggest Capitalism is somehow on the brink of collapse, that its neoliberal moral imbecility is but a passing storm, which soft-focuses or obscures completely the bottomless horror of what Capitalism is doing to us all and thereby minimizes our instinctual resolve to rise up against it. Clearly, the notion of Capitalism in crisis serves only the Capitalists themselves. Thus it should be recognized as...

(To read the rest, go here or here.) 

10 October 2017

Trump/Pence Tyranny Reduces Us All to Conquered People

But When Will We Stop Our Denial and Start Thinking Accordingly?

THE TYRANNICAL INTENT of the Trump/Pence Regime grows more undeniable with every passing day.

Its proofs include:
the regime's fuck-you response to the mortally endangered people of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands;
its relentless efforts to redefine healthcare as a privilege granted only the wealthiest citizens
the probability it will use its vast expansion of the imperial war machine for mass arrests of marijuana users (and anyone else it might choose to murder or arrest);
and of course the kill-at-will endorsement of the white-supremacist death-squad functions of the federally militarized local police.

There's also the constant warmongering. Not only is war the best way to quell dissent; this particular warmongering is obviously the product of fanatical Christian yearnings for biblical apocalypse – yearning expressed in threats against...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)

04 October 2017

ChristoCapitalism's Dysfunction Dives Deeper into Deadliness

Is Celebrity-Backed Rebellion of Athletic Heroes a Glimmer of Revolutionary Light?

BEYOND THE DISTRACTION of the Las Vegas massacre,  the four major stories in the USian Homeland this week are apocalyptic climate change, murderously inadequate healthcare, killer cops and expanding protests against the rising tide of death, brutality and oppression that now afflicts us much as it afflicts the population in any other colony or Third World nation

The Las Vegas atrocity most assuredly diverts our attention from the more gradual but far more deadly atrocities perpetrated by the Trump/Pence Regime and the Capitalists in general. Hence it should be viewed with extreme suspicion. But – horrific as it is – it does not change the fact the “four major stories” I cited above are each separate aspects of one much larger story – the genocidal malevolence spawned by Capitalism's inevitable metamorphosis into fascism. Whether Las Vegas is a fifth aspect remains to be seen.

In any case, “genocide” is not a term to be taken lightly. Merriam-Webster defines it as “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.” What it means in real life are corpses piled in mounds so grotesque  we can scarcely visualize them, much less imagine the smell of the decaying flesh or the incessant buzzing of carrion-hungry flies. And thanks to Capitalism our present-day circumstances have worsened to the extent we must now add two more categories to genocide's list of victims, so its definition reads “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, sexual, socioeconomic, political or cultural group.”


San Juan Mayor Says Trump's Abandonment of Puerto Rico Is “Close to a Genocide”

ADD CARMEN YULÍN CRUZ to the list of courageous women thrust by circumstances toward revolutionary awakening. She is – at least thus far – the only public figure in the entire USian Empire courageous enough to dare use “genocide” to describe what the Trump/Pence Regime is doing to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and to all other populations everywhere on our beleaguered planet.
What Cruz said was Trump's abandonment of Puerto Rico threatens so much death it might become “close to a genocide.”

Truthful as her assessment is – bravely truthful in fact – Donald Trump is nothing more than Capitalism's latest and most blatant malefactor. Plus there's the high probability The Donald is merely the twittering finger of a regime the commanding brains of which are in the relentlessly theocratic, demonically Machiavellian skull of Vice President Mike Pence, much as the real power in the regime of George Bush the Second was almost certainly Vice President Richard Cheney.

What we should be asking ourselves is not what the Tyrant of Tweet is doing, but what the Mike the Misogynist is doing behind the tweet screen. 
Nevertheless – regardless of whose thumb is on the kill switch (and were I a gambler I'd damn sure wager it is Pence's) – the genocidal intent in US governance became undeniable with the...

(To read the rest go here or here.)

26 September 2017

Slow-Motion Genocide: Trumpcare, Betrayal of Puerto Rico Are Schemes to Exterminate Minorities and Surplus Workers

Black Athletes' Revolt Could Change USian Revolutionary Dynamics 

APART FROM THE ONGOING rebellion of African-American athletes, the influence of which is already spreading beyond the realm of sports,  probably the most important story in the USian Homeland right now is the One Percent's escalation of its efforts to radically reduce Working Class and non-white populations, whether by abandoning Puerto Rico  to the most immediately deadly aspects of terminal climate change or by making healthcare so expensive  only the One Percenters and their Ruling Class vassals can afford it.

Both tactics, denial of post-disaster aid and denial of healthcare, are obvious expressions of Capitalism's strategy of exterminating unwanted or surplus populations by boiled-frog methods of slow-motion genocide.

Meanwhile the athletes' rebellion offers the hitherto-unexplored potential of expanding revolutionary leadership to include a group of people who are not only profoundly respected for their physical prowess but are literally adored by a segment of the USian population that spans every race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and caste.

Whether and to what extent that potential might explode into actuality depends on how brutally the authorities suppress the athletes. The team owners' verbal alliance with the dissidents is obviously an attempt at nonviolent suppression, specifically by co-optation, but in such a white supremacist JesuNazi police state as the U.S.has become, literally anything is now possible.

That's why, though the Mainstream Media pundits assure us the athletes' protests are succeeding, also that there will be aid for Puerto Rico and that the latest Trumpcare terror will never become law, we dare not forget these pundits are the same Josef Goebbels types who assured us Trump/Pence JesuNazism would never be headquartered in the White House – the name of which has now been fully restored to its grotesque antebellum appropriateness.

We are thus ruled by an ideological combination of JesuNazi white supremacy and Ayn Rand moral imbecility in which anyone who is neither wealthy nor a Christian Identity fanatic is damned as the same sort of üntermenschen the Trump/Pence Regime's German Nazi predecessors gleefully consigned to the concentration camps. If We the (Real) People are to have the slightest hope of survival...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)

25 September 2017

Trumper-Tantrums Foul USian Professional Athletes; Amateurs Join Pros to Penalize Trump-Pence Bigotry

MOST OF YOU are probably familiar with at least some elements of the following story. But as a [long-ago] sportswriter and sports editor who is also a near-lifelong Marxist, I believe I approach it from a unique perspective. 


What began as a sports controversy over anti-racist protests by Colin Kaepernick has evolved into a nationwide rebellion against white supremacy.  And its ranks are already being reinforced by high school athletes


Hence I now view this long-overdue uprising as a uniquely revealing stand against the socioeconomic fragmentation and genocidal terror inflicted on minorities and minority-supporting Caucasians by the white racist hatefulness personified by the Trump-Pence Regime and the white majority that voted it into office.


That's why I suspect the conflict's final resolution will be unerringly prophetic, telling us in no uncertain terms whether these whites will follow the Trump/Pence Regime's malignantly racist leadership into a JesuNazi replica of Hitler's Germany.  




UNTIL NOW, COMPETITIVE SPORTS in the USian Homeland, whether amateur or professional, were mostly apolitical, especially from the perspective of the fans. 


Apart from yea-team partisanship, you left your politics behind whenever you joined the solidarity of stalwarts gathered to witness a sporting event, whether in the stadium or the arena or at the swimming pool or on the racetrack or the golf course or the rifle range or wherever else it might be taking place. 


Were there gradients of true – that is, were it possible to somehow intensify a truth to greater truthiness – the truth of athletics as an apex of apolitical accomplishment was never more actualizing than in the alleged minds of those of us who, as sportswriters*, were assigned to cover the action.


But now Trump the Tyrannical Tweeter has triggered massive protests by tainting professional sports with the same racist malevolence  that prompted the Nazi-minded white majority to vote him into office. 

As a result, it's legitimate to ask two questions based on concerns that in the USian Homeland were previously unimaginable:

Will the obscenely rich owners of professional sports teams who joined other Capitalists to celebrate the electoral triumph of JesuNazism by donating millions to the Trump/Pence inaugural now do as the German Nazis did  in obedience to Hitler and enforce Trump's demand to purge USian sports of allegedly unpatriotic minorities?  (A later story...

(To read the rest go here or here.)

18 September 2017

Pterodactyls of Climate Change Coming Home to Roost; JesuNazism, White Supremacy and War-Mongering Prevail; Subversive Thoughts and Books; How Not to Break Your Dick

THE MOUNTING HORRORS of terminal climate change foster the sort of news reports I deliberately exclude from Dispatches, a practice that today I am momentarily abandoning.

As a prelude though let me explain the three reasons that prompt such exclusions:

Firstly, disasters are invariably headlined by Mainstream Media, which means all of us are constantly deluged with all such news. In contrast, the purpose of Dispatches is ferreting out relevant information to which we might not otherwise have immediate access. 

Secondly, Mainstream Media typically eliminates any mechanism of empathy beyond the solicitation of contributions to Capitalism-sustaining “charities.” It thus reduces disasters to pornographic spectacles of death and destruction. Nor is this accidental. It occurs because far too many USians – especially the JesuNazis and their ilk – find it obscenely titillating to witness the suffering of others, particularly when those others have darker skins: precisely why the professional descendants of Josef Goebbels reap such grotesquely huge profits by exploiting mass tragedy.

Thirdly, the pornification of disaster exemplifies perfectly the misdirection by which  Capitalism offers us the televised equivalent of lynchings or mass executions to distract us from its culpability in the tragedies and atrocities themselves.“If it bleeds, it leads” is therefore far more than editorial policy. It is also disclosure both of the sadistic nature of Capitalism and the fact that by offering vicarious fulfillment of sadism – re-creation of the opiate provided by the Roman Colosseum – the Capitalists cunningly numb rebellious impulse and thus perpetuate their omnipotence.

Nevertheless amidst the resultant effluent of disaster porn there occasionally appears, like some rare jewel borne into our field of vision on a torrent of turds, a report about climate-change that genuinely expands our knowledge...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)

13 September 2017

Poverty Forces Me to Dwell in Subsidized Housing. This Means I Am Caged in Abject Powerlessness, Which Is Why...

there will be no Dispatches today, nor any until Sunday 17 September 2017 at the earliest.

Normally I manage to update Dispatches even during the always hellish week I also edit and produce the monthly newsletter that serves the federally subsidized, privately owned senior housing complex in which I am now imprisoned for the remainder of my life by steadily worsening poverty.

Yes it is extremely difficult to simultaneously fulfill both sets of obligations, but until now I have succeeded. It requires an utterly exhausting work-week of at least 80 hours, physically and mentally draining when one is young, deadly dangerous when one is old, but frankly I don't give a fuck because I am close enough to the grave I no longer care how I get there as long as it is not too painful.

In addition to reading and evaluating approximately 100 news items as I do for every Dispatches update, the monthly newsletter demands not only that I function as an editor but also as a writer and photographer and atop all that endure the mind-numbing clerical drudgery of typing manuscripts written by people who are even more impoverished than I and therefore will not ever be able to afford computers. Next I design the issue and assemble its texts and illustrations into a presumably attractive whole and send it off to be printed and hope – because the people who do the printing don't care whether or when the newsletter gets to its 90 readers – it is completed within two or three weeks.

All this (unpaid) anxiety and frustration kills seven days each month, but my neighbors say it serves them well, so I endure its discomforts because I am delighted to still be of some use to other humans.

Dispatches, also unpaid, is born of the same motive. It is always a joy to produce, even during newsletter week, because it not only encourages my journalistic iconoclasm but due to the requisite research also rewards my lifelong addiction to the sensuality of learning and thinking. Had I acquired enough wealth or been a child of caring parents, my lust for knowledge would surely have propelled me into academia rather than journalism, where such pleasures were far more rare but where entirely on my own I found a useful home despite the abandonment and betrayal that defined my childhood.

But this month the discomforts of newsletter week became unendurable. On Monday 11 September we the inmates of Geezer Hall were informed the state of Washington will on Thursday 14 September conduct a surprise inspection of our premises – this in addition to the quarterly premises inspections by which all our noses are rubbed in the turds of irrefutable truth that under the jackboots of Capitalism, we who are segregated from the rest of society as “the poor” and “the elderly” and “the disabled” are de facto subhuman and therefore must be regularly inspected to insure we are not somehow befouling the overpriced apartments in which we fritter away the final years of our allegedly worthless lives while we wait for the last bus on the route called Death.

The quarterly inspections are inflicted on a regular schedule, which means we typically have at least three weeks to prepare, and though the process is always miserable, I always manage to pass. But the grotesque realities of worsening physical disability also mean the chill of inspectophobia routinely invades my consciousness. To fail is to risk eviction. And to prepare for this surprise inspection we are allowed only the minimal 48 hours notice mandated by state law. As a result – afflicted as I am by midlife back and knee injuries that were always troublesome but with old age have deteriorated into painfully crippling disability made far worse (and sometimes excruciating) by osteoarthritis – I am condemned to three days torture by the agonies of the bending and stooping and twisting and turning required to ensure I pass this inspection too.

And of course this comes at a time when – due to the rebellion of domestic neglect into which I gleefully escape whenever I am contentedly occupied by meaningful and therefore fulfilling endeavors (as I usually am on behalf Dispatches) – conditions inside my apartment have deteriorated to maximum disorder: dirty clothes scattered everywhere, the sink stacked with rancidly moldering dishes, the kitchen stove spattered with food, the linoleum begrimed with who knows what, the bathroom sorely in need of a bath, and over everything a coating of pale gray ash deposited by the air-poisoning superfires of terminal climate change that rage throughout the drought-stricken Pacific Northwest.

By putting in 12 pain-wracked hours per day on Monday and Tuesday I have completed the clean-up save for the kitchen and the floors. Vacuuming and mopping the floors would take an able person an hour at most. They take me at least four utterly wretched hours including rest-breaks necessitated by pain. The kitchen – washing the dishes and cleaning the stove and cabinetry and counter-tops and scrubbing the stove-spatter off the refrigerator – will take another only slightly less painful four hours.

Yes of course I have prescription pain medication, but thanks to the federal decrees implicit in biblical medicine – treatment predicated on the Christian doctrine that suffering pleasures the Divine Sadist and is therefore redemptive – the quantity is minimal and strictly rationed.

Tonight I will go to bed hurting. I will toss and turn in doomed efforts to minimize my discomfort. I will consider myself goddamn lucky if I get even three hours of genuine sleep. Then tomorrow morning my alarm clock will roust me out at 7 a.m. I will make my bed, the requisite bending and stooping and twisting and turning inflicting at least 45 minutes of the nearly unbearable agony I routinely avoid as long as possible. That's why, any more, the only times I ever actually make my bed are on pre-inspection mornings. As a result I normally sleep in a hopeless tangle of sheet and blankets, but it is far preferable to the suffering imposed by making the bed.

After that I will doze uncomfortably in my desk chair as I await the inspectors – who may or may not number my dwelling amongst the 10 apartments they will scrutinize in each of two buildings.

Such is the crushing price of tenancy in government-subsidized housing – the inescapable and infinitely demoralizing inspection-taught lesson such tenancy means not only absolute powerlessness but the total and permanent loss of even the most minimal control over the conditions of one's life – precisely the reality I try desperately to forget because there is not one motherfucking thing I can do to change it but which, thanks to this surprise inspection, now kicks me in the balls and spits in my face and reminds me once again that in the eyes of our Capitalist masters I am at least as low and loathsome as the filth I must later today scrub off the kitchen and bathroom linoleum.

Finally, on Friday 15 September – assuming I am physically able to get out of bed and sit at my desk and run this computer – I will start the newsletter work I should have begun last Monday. If possible I'll also update Dispatches. But don't hold your breath. It may be Wednesday the 20th before my life is back to normal, and even that estimate might be overly optimistic. Hence my apologies.

LB/13 September 2017

11 September 2017

Clinging to the White Bourgeois Delusion of 'Our Democracy' Reduces Optimism to Counter-Revolutionary Complacency

Our capitalist overlords have already robbed us of our (alleged) liberty. Now we must purge ourselves of any delusion they might restrain the lethal malevolence they have unleashed.

READING AND ANALYZING the news as it comes to me by email, snail mail and telephone, I scan probably 100 reports per day, and from this tsunami of texts and messages choose perhaps a dozen of the most relevant* items to forward in these twice-weekly Dispatches...

Which brings us at last to the primary topic of today's Dispatches – the far more insidious weaponization of information in which its operatives use optimism not to inspire and encourage rebellion but to reassure us we can relax – that the hard and often dangerous revolution is not necessary after all.

Long aware of the uniquely counter-revolutionary dangers of deliberately deceptive optimism and falsely fostered hope, I have been tracking the phenomenon via the Internet for some time, at least since the Democratic (sic) Party weaponized both optimism and hope with what was since proven to be the most brazenly deliberate Big Lie in USian political history: Obama's 2008 slogan, “change we can believe in.” Since then, amongst the two dozen mostly leftist and pseudo-leftist websites upon which I now regularly rely for reports relevant to Dispatches' readership, the worst offenders – perhaps not surprisingly – are those that revealed hitherto-closeted neoliberal (i.e., fascist) sympathies by the aggressive, often censorious despotism of their 2012 support for Obama and their 2016 support for Hillary Clinton...

(To read the rest go here or here.) 

07 September 2017

I Cough; Therefore I Am (Yet Alive) in Burning-Planet Smoke

MAN-MADE CLIMATE-CHANGE RADICALLY INTENSIFIES FOREST FIRES. The vultures of environmental apocalypse come home to roost in the ironically named Evergreen State, where the USian version of bourgeois environmentalism – an atrocity-fostering ideology the murderous reality of which seems 100-percent paywall-censored save for exceptions granted to its advocates – has long fulfilled its goal of protecting the Capitalists and their continuing the rape of the environment. Now the ashes of our burning planet are falling like toxic snow on Tacoma and the Puget Sound region in general. The concentration of smoke that at 19:30 PDT on 6 September 2017 officially ranges from “unhealthy” to “very unhealthy” thus threatens Tacoma with what could be the worst air-pollution disaster in its “Tacoma Aroma” history. It is already hospitalizing some of my neighbors in the senior housing complex where I live. Yesterday the smoke reduced the sun to an ominous red ball. Today it obscured the sun completely. And – of course – both the Trump/Pence Environmental Protection Agency and Mainstream Media, in accordance with their anything-to-protect-Capitalism policies, are minimizing the danger.

TRUMP 'JUSTICE': FEDERAL COURT OKS BANNING BLACK, HISPANIC VOTERS: a notably white supremacist law, originally nullified because of its undeniably racist intent, is reinstated by two infamously fascist* judges. By eliminating African-American and Hispanic Democrats from the Texas voter rolls, the law – which may change the outcome of the 2018 election – exemplifies the sort of judicial malevolence we can expect from the Trump/Pence Regime as it eliminates the last remnants of USian democratic processes.________________
*From now on and whenever appropriate, Dispatches will refute the deception intended by the euphemism “conservative” and comparable terms (“moderate,” “libertarian,” “neo-liberal” etc.). I'll call a fascist a fascist and a Nazi a Nazi – the Nazis distinguished by their avowed bigotry. It is the least I can do to foster acknowledgment of the extent to which “our democracy” is a Big Lie and the U.S. is already a JesuNazi dictatorship.

HOW CAPITALIST ECO-HATRED WORSENS THE APOCALYPSE: an analysis of Hurricane Harvey that defies the Big Lies...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)

04 September 2017

Death Squad Nation: How Trump/Pence Militarization of Cops Ends Forever Any Real Hope of “Liberty and Justice For All”

(The research for the following investigative report required seven consecutive workdays, each day of at least 14 hours duration, instead of the three or four 10-hour workdays I originally estimated. The text is 1,013 words longer than the 2,500 words I initially envisioned. My apology for the resultant delay, unavoidable in the quest for accuracy and thoroughness. Normal Dispatches will resume Wednesday 13 September 2017.)

MANY OF YOU will refuse to believe what I am about to reveal – that the Trump-Pence Regime's decree resuming the federal government's total militarization of local police departments marks the end – forever – of the United States as any sort of “sweet land of liberty” we might foolishly have hoped or imagined it would eventually become.

But that is why I have linked three additional reports on the executive order's magnitude and consequences. Their varied perspectives – here, here and hereprovide details I think are vital if we are to begin building an accurate understanding of what the Trump-Pence Regime has done to us and our nation.

Few doubt the decree itself is ominous. But the context provided by its history proves it to be far worse that it seems. So viewed, it is the final culmination of a remarkably cunning stealth-campaign of deliberate subjugation – slow as the proverbial boiling of a frog yet relentless as any lynching.

As we shall see, the make-USia*-fascist campaign, of which the Trump/Pence Regime is the climax, began during the 1930s – its roots in Rome, Berlin and most of all Wall Street. But it did not acquire its irresistible terminal momentum until the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 22 November 1963.

Nevertheless what follows is not, I assure you, more conspiranoid whodunit dreck. The identity of individual perpetrators – or more aptly “perpetraitors” – has become irrelevant with the passage of time. My focus is instead on reassessment of events in light of their outcomes – in other words, the search for patterns of cause-and-effect that informs all legitimate historical analysis...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)