04 October 2017

ChristoCapitalism's Dysfunction Dives Deeper into Deadliness

Is Celebrity-Backed Rebellion of Athletic Heroes a Glimmer of Revolutionary Light?

BEYOND THE DISTRACTION of the Las Vegas massacre,  the four major stories in the USian Homeland this week are apocalyptic climate change, murderously inadequate healthcare, killer cops and expanding protests against the rising tide of death, brutality and oppression that now afflicts us much as it afflicts the population in any other colony or Third World nation

The Las Vegas atrocity most assuredly diverts our attention from the more gradual but far more deadly atrocities perpetrated by the Trump/Pence Regime and the Capitalists in general. Hence it should be viewed with extreme suspicion. But – horrific as it is – it does not change the fact the “four major stories” I cited above are each separate aspects of one much larger story – the genocidal malevolence spawned by Capitalism's inevitable metamorphosis into fascism. Whether Las Vegas is a fifth aspect remains to be seen.

In any case, “genocide” is not a term to be taken lightly. Merriam-Webster defines it as “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.” What it means in real life are corpses piled in mounds so grotesque  we can scarcely visualize them, much less imagine the smell of the decaying flesh or the incessant buzzing of carrion-hungry flies. And thanks to Capitalism our present-day circumstances have worsened to the extent we must now add two more categories to genocide's list of victims, so its definition reads “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, sexual, socioeconomic, political or cultural group.”


San Juan Mayor Says Trump's Abandonment of Puerto Rico Is “Close to a Genocide”

ADD CARMEN YULÍN CRUZ to the list of courageous women thrust by circumstances toward revolutionary awakening. She is – at least thus far – the only public figure in the entire USian Empire courageous enough to dare use “genocide” to describe what the Trump/Pence Regime is doing to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and to all other populations everywhere on our beleaguered planet.
What Cruz said was Trump's abandonment of Puerto Rico threatens so much death it might become “close to a genocide.”

Truthful as her assessment is – bravely truthful in fact – Donald Trump is nothing more than Capitalism's latest and most blatant malefactor. Plus there's the high probability The Donald is merely the twittering finger of a regime the commanding brains of which are in the relentlessly theocratic, demonically Machiavellian skull of Vice President Mike Pence, much as the real power in the regime of George Bush the Second was almost certainly Vice President Richard Cheney.

What we should be asking ourselves is not what the Tyrant of Tweet is doing, but what the Mike the Misogynist is doing behind the tweet screen. 
Nevertheless – regardless of whose thumb is on the kill switch (and were I a gambler I'd damn sure wager it is Pence's) – the genocidal intent in US governance became undeniable with the...

(To read the rest go here or here.)

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