Despite the Evidence, No Mainstream Writer Dares Connect the Dots
HERE ARE FOUR QUESTIONS we must answer if we are to fulfill Sun Tzu's mandate to know our enemy:
Might the real purpose of neoliberal austerity – perpetrator of an estimated 26,000 USian deaths this year by denial of healthcare alone (and millions more deaths inflicted by the Empire worldwide) – be Capitalism's Final Solution to global overpopulation?
Could the core motive of neoliberalism be Capitalism's Nazi-minded effort to retain white supremacist rule of the planet in the face of the forthcoming apocalypse, whether environmental, thermonuclear or both?
Might the curious mainstream-media silence surrounding the global population issue be conspiratorial rather than coincidental?
Could the seductive notion of “Capitalism's crisis” be a deliberately-promulgated Big Lie, perhaps to stave off public outrage at neoliberalism's obscene profitability and genocidal success? Never forget how the JesuNazis (and fascists in general) routinely hide their often-triumphant murderous agendas behind false claims of victimhood.
(To read the rest, go here or here.)
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