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Here's the photo I tried to run on 31 May but couldn't due to what blog-server Typepad apologetically says was a software breakdown: from the 1967 Memorial Day Police Riot in Manhattan's Tompkins Square Park. (Photo by Loren Bliss © 1967, 2011, 2022, 2023; thanks to Publisher Scott Orr, this work was resurrected last year by an NYC art journal, BSceneZine, Volume 1, issue 9.) |
TO UNDERSTAND HOW “Make America Great Again” is in horrible truth a euphemism for “Make America Hate Again,” it is necessary we recognize why the New Deal was so thoroughly despised by the USian1 ruling class and why its few enduring vestiges remain under such relentless attack today.
From the perspective of those who consider themselves our masters, the New Deal threatened the ethos of racial, ethnic, gender and class hatred they have imposed on the North American working class2
since colonial times. Were the New Deal to fulfill its potential of
universal socioeconomic security, it would end the dog-eat-dog
competition for survival that fuels identity politics. It would thereby
deny the ruling class its most effective weapon for preserving and
expanding its own dictatorial power. No longer could the aristocracy
keep us powerless by imposing austerity, limiting the availability of
jobs, housing, food and healthcare, and weaponizing the resultant
hardships to ensure we remain divided against ourselves in life-or-death competition for survival.3
this context, let us not forget two pivotal facts: firstly, that the
primary purpose of both the Italian Fascist Party and the German Nazi
Party was to exterminate any and all forms of socialism – to destroy
beyond any possibility of resurrection the one and only ethos in our
species’ history that openly seeks global working-class solidarity by
proclaiming it the only effective defense against the ecogenocidal
consequences of capitalist moral imbecility; secondly, that
the New Deal had the selfsame purpose of staving-off socialist
revolution and preserving capitalism, though it sought to do so not by the brute force of fascism or nazism, but by humanitarian concessions
universal enough to ameliorate capitalism's infinite malevolence. Thus
the New Deal began nullifying capitalism's traditional, self-protective
compulsions to intra-working-class racial, ethnic and gender conflicts.
To eliminate the need for revolutionary transformation into
Soviet-style proletarian dictatorship -- a need widely recognized in an
era in which the Communist Party had grown to be the third largest
political organization in USian history -- the New Deal offered
working-class solidarity via unionism and pledged to control capitalist
greed by a combination of collective bargaining and progressive
But the capitalist aristocracy clearly understood such concessions would radically reduce and perhaps permanently eliminate their ability to maintain maximum power, which they had repeatedly done by fostering enough hateful conflict amongst the races, ethnicities and genders within
the working class to ensure we remain disunited -- and therefore
hopelessly defenseless against whatever outrages or atrocities they
might choose to inflict. On the rare occasions the USian working class
managed to transcend identity politics and unite in a common front, as
at Blair Mountain and the battle that ensued,
as we momentarily achieved on the Lower East Side of Manhattan during
the Countercultural '60s -- thus the post-Memorial-Day relevance of the
above photograph and the report linked in its cutlines -- or as we
briefly attempted via Occupy, we were soon subjugated by brute force.
Though in Occupy -- where I revealed myself to be a near-lifelong
Marxian and was welcomed as an elder activist -- we were also beset
internally by the solidarity-smashing self-obsessed egotism in which so
many younger USians have been relentlessly conditioned literally from
Like their penchant for violence, the aristocrats' identity-politics strategy is at least as old as Rome: divide et impera; divide and rule.
And the USian ruling class -- no doubt with the savvy assistance of some the Original (NSDAP) Nazi war criminals infiltrated into USian society by the government -- it has weaponized it as never before.
A DAMNING PATTERN of historical facts, a vast, 90-year body of circumstantial evidence far stronger than what would be necessary to win convictions in any U.S. criminal court, tells us the present-day effort by the “Republican” (sic) Christonazi/Neoconfederate Party to transform the U.S. into a white-male-supremacist theocracy -- this thoroughly enabled by the mainstream-media-obscured, post-JFK function of the “Democratic” (sic) Party as the Republicans’ Fifth Column -- dates back to the failed Bankers’ Plot of 1933 and the federal government’s millionaire-mandated decision in 1934 to drop its congressional investigation of the plotters, thereby granting these ruling-class perpe-traitors de facto immunity.
Forced by the exposure and defeat of their plot to reckon with the fact the nation could not be nazified overnight, the fathers and grandfathers of today’s ruling class conceived a clandestine, far-more-diabolical strategy of three parts. First they began the slow-motion process of co-opting fundamentalist Christianity and turning it into a dependably obedient, ldeologically lockstep, politically formidable, less publicly violent variant of the Sturmabteilung. Next they cemented a permanent Nazi/Wall-Street alliance by enabling the International Business Machines corporation (IBM) to organize Hitler’s genocide program. Lastly – after the Red Army’s sweeping victory at Stalingrad made it obvious Germany would loose the war – they ordered their governmental lackeys to begin recruiting vast numbers of upper echelon Original (NSDAP) Nazi war criminals as U.S. government advisors and comrades-at arms.
With the murder of Medgar Evers as its prelude -- say his name -- then came, as predictably as night follows day, the kill-the-New-Deal-forever coup of 22 November 1963 – the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, its cover-up by the Warren Commission and all the horrors that relentlessly followed:
- The Vietnam War;
- The attack on the USS Liberty, which is now revealed (see below) as the false-flag opener in the Johnson Regime’s failed attempt to justify a thermonuclear Pearl Harbor against the Soviet Union;
- An entire decade of obviously political martyrdom: (say their names: Malcolm X, Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Viola Liuzzo, Martin Luther King Jr., Sen. Robert Kennedy, Fred Hampton, Mark Clark, Allison Krause, Jeffrey Glen Miller, Sandra Lee Scheuer, William Knox Schroeder, Philip Lafayette Gibbs, James Earl Green, Karen Silkwood -- and remember there are no doubt many more such martyrs unnamed and lost to history);
- The Nazi-war-criminal advised Central Intelligence Agency's concurrent, near-total suppression of the Counterculture;
- The subsequent imposition of the USian socioeconomic variant of nazism cleverly euphemized as "neoliberalism," perfected by the University of Chicago's economics department in the torture-lab of Pinochet's Chile, vectored into USia by the Carter Regime, brought to full malignancy by the so-called Reagan Revolution and further metastasized by`its Fifth Column of Democrat collaborators led by the Clintons and Obama (with Barack the Betrayer no doubt also chosen specifically to inflame the white electorate's always-simmering, post-Katrina-proven racism);
- The ongoing, ever-more-overt nazification of the nation and the simultaneous rise of Neoconfederate fanaticism rendered unstoppable by Trump’s racist/misogynist victory over the (deliberately?) ill-advised Hillary Clinton in 2016;
- And finally the dark undertow of cumulative consequences turned fatal to the solidarity of the federal union -- and probably deadly to any last lingering vestiges of USian democratic process -- by the combination of Biden's election, Trump's attempted putsch against him on 6 January 2021 and the ever-more-violent, ever-more-irreconcilable hostilities so aroused.
we suffer a presidency so "change-we-can-believe-in" treacherous to
progressives and nevertheless so infuriating to the Christonazis and
Neoconfederates, its chronic unpopularity remains unprecedentedly constant at around 55 percent.
And with the Beguiler's compulsory, no-choice-allowed reelection
candidacy rammed down our proverbial throats by the political puppets of
the ruling class, it is almost certain to hand these biological and/or
ideological descendants of the Bankers' Plot perpe-traitors their
final, forever end-of-the-U.S.-as-we-knew-it triumph next year -- this
as the mainstream media's propagandistic complicty approaches the level
of an undisguised atrocity.
we view all these bits of circumstantial evidence as a totality, as a
logical sequence of cause-and-effect, we have a story that reads like a
sequel to Mein Kampf -- or an indictment written from the Rise chapters of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Schirer's epic history of Nazi Germany.
Which brings us back to MAGA – “Make America Great Again” – as a diabolically clever euphemism for MAHA – Make America Hate Again: the only way our self-appointed masters can guarantee our far greater numbers remain irrelevant, especially now that our ever-more-desperate struggles to survive are increasingly targeted as acts of revolutionary defiance.
Here then are three recent betrayals in which the Democrats prove beyond any possibility of denial their ultimate function as the Christonazi/Neoconfederate Fifth Column:
Betrayal Number One: The Biden Regime’s Federal Bureau of Investigation -- part of the secret-police apparatus commanded by the Department of Homeland Security -- is now serving the Christonazis by denouncing abortion-rights activists as a new domestic terror threat and hunting them accordingly. This terrifying disclosure follows Intercept’s revelations of how Biden the Beguiler sicced the feds on pro-choice Jane’s Revenge – a story completely suppressed by the mainstream media propaganda apparatus in its function as the world’s first privately owned, for-profit version of Josef Goebbels’ Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda -- and a decision in 100-percent opposition to Biden’s allegedly “evolved” pro-choice stance, but -- of course -- entirely in keeping with his anti-choice history as documented by The Guardian and by Rolling Stone.
Betrayal Number Two (quoted text from Common Dreams):
“The details of a debt ceiling/spending deal between President Biden
and Speaker Kevin McCarthy include a number of provisions
that...fast-track new fossil fuel development, including swift actions
to bolster approval of the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline,
weakening of the National Environmental Policy Act, and freezing of the
budget for the Environmental Protection Agency.” Obviously the
Democrats' pledge to protect the life-sustaining remnants of our
ever-more-toxified earthly enviroment is but another example of "change
we can believe in," the most outrageous Big Lie ever fed the tragically
gullible USian electorate.
Betrayal Number Three (quoted text from Just Security): “For
months, environmental and racial justice activists in Atlanta have
challenged the destruction of a local forest for a police training
facility. Following an extended draconian crackdown, the Atlanta Police
Department on May 31 arrested
three people who operated a bail fund providing legal support to
demonstrators. This escalatory action directly targeted constitutional
rights to free speech and legal representation, drawing widespread
criticism from civil rights groups such as the NAACP Legal Defense Fund,
which called
the arrests a ‘discretionary misuse of law enforcement’ to intimidate
activists.” To justify these unprecedented arrests, the Georgia
authorities cited the characterization of the Atlanta activists as terrorists by the Biden Regime’s Department of Homeland Security, essentially already behaving as if it were the USian equivalent of the Third Reich’s Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA). Wake up, people; the de facto Fourth Reich is already upon us.
As Winston Churchill is credibly said to have privately commented on the eve of the Battle of Britain, "only a miracle can save us now."
Five More News Reports That Reflect How MAGA Means MAHA
Swatstika-brandishing Nazis, other DeSantis supporters rally outside Disney World in Orlando, Florida. An ever-more-common expression of genocidal hatred legitimized by Trump and his Christonazi/Neoconfederate Republicans. “As usual, the Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has refused to denounce his Nazi supporters.”
Unknown sadists target children by pouring muriatic acid on playground slides; several kids suffer burns.This is another, especially wrenching manifestation of the hatred that increasingly typifies USia since the Trump candidacy legitimized its expression. (To put this atrocity in its proper perspective, note that thanks to MAHA, the definitively capitalist ethos of infinitely selfish moral imbecility now rules, its hateful ubiquity proven by the fact that as of 14 June, USia’s burgeoning legions of moral imbeciles have run amok with guns to confirm their ultimate suitability for jobs in maximum-profit upper-management by murdering 351 humans and wounding 1,032 more in 272 mass shootings already this year.)
Muslim-governed Michigan city bans LGBTQ Pride flags on all public property. Thanks to the lifetime Christonazification of the Supreme Court, USian religions can now be as openly hateful as they want. (Note Grover Norquist’s assertion fanatical Muslims and fanatical Christians share the same values and the implicit belief they should therefore unite to impose anti-Jewish theocracy on USia.)
Which already exists in misogynistic form as proven by the hateful Southern Baptist declaration women are biblically unfit to serve the church in any pastoral office. (NOTE: I had not heard of TrendyDigest before seeking a detailed report on this example of MAHA-in-action, but after nearly an hour of online research, its work and this Aljazeera dispatch were by far the best, most contextually detailed stories I could find. My special thanks to TD for a chronology that suggests the fanatically patriarchal Baptists regard the disempowerment of women as the final solution to the denomination’s innumerable sex-abuse scandals.)
Last but not least, and most assuredly echoing the Original (NSDAP) Nazi declaration of genocide against “life unfit for life,” we have the newest Chrisionazi/Neoconfederate declaration of potentially deadly hate against elderly and disabled people.
And Five MAHA-Relevant Comment-Thread Posts from Other Websites
How LBJ Tried to Start World War III; Massive Cover-Up Continues After 55 Years. Evidence suggests the Israelis were ordered to attack the USS Liberty as part of a false-flag operation intended to justify a U.S. invasion of Egypt to oust Nasser, thereby provoking a Soviet response LBJ would use to justify a thermonuclear first strike aimed at destroying the Soviet Union and giving the USian Empire Hitler’s ultimate goal of dictatorship over all the world’s nations and peoples.
My comment: Actually I think future historians -- if indeed our species has a future (which I gravely doubt) -- will cite 22 November 1963 as the permanent end of the United States as a democratic republic, much as 30 January 1933 (the date of Hitler's appointment as chancellor by von Hindenburg) marks the end of the Weimar Republic. I also suspect LBJ's criminally treasonous conspiracies so ruthlessly compromised the "Democratic" (sic) Party, it can never again be anything other than the Fifth Column of the "Republican" (sic) Christonazi/Neoconfederate Party. As to how those crimes were facilitated, I suspect the true enablers were the legions of diabolically clever upper-echelon Original (NSDAP) Nazi war criminals the USian government and ruling class embraced as advisors and comrades-at-arms, though the plutocrats’ passion for nazifying the U.S. is readily traceable to the 1933 Bankers' Plot and the federal grant of de facto immunity to its perpe-traitors in 1934.
My comment: Two points:
(1)--Anyone who (still) doubts 9/11 was the Reichstag Fire of the USian Empire and de facto Fourth Reich is either clinically deranged or hopelessly stupid.
(2)--Quoth Lev Bronstein, c. 1905: "In every gathering of three revolutionaries, there is at least one agent of the Okhrana."
Truly, nothing else need be said.
Later on the same thread, in supportive response to Nylene 13’s comments about the ruling class: Not just evil, but ecogenocidally Evil, planet-killing Evil, potentially solar-system and galaxy destroying Evil, bottomlessly Evil, infinitely Evil, more Evil than any known language can possibly describe. But to our endless disadvantage, they are most assuredly not stupid; instead, like their idols Hitler and Pinochet, they are malevolently cunning, serial-killer malicious, vindictively sadistic moral imbeciles utterly without empathy or compassion, our dying world's true apex predators, omnipotent until they are brought down by some apocalypse, whether self-inflicted or not, that will most likely be the end of our entire species.
"If the Police Can Decide Who Qualifies as a Journalist, There Is No Free Press. Where’s the outcry? Mainstream media have been strangely silent following the arrest of two reporters in North Carolina.”
My comment: USian so-called "mainstream media" is in fact the world's first privately owned, for-maximum-monopoly-profit version of Hitler's Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda), which was headed by Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels and overseen by the Sicherheitsdienst -- the state security service also known as the SD -- in much the same way the USian mainstream media apparatus is overseen by the CIA.
Given the federal government's wholesale embrace of German Nazi war criminals as advisors and comrades-at-arms -- a process that began in 1944 (soon after the Red Army's sweeping victory at Stalingrad made it clear Germany would lose the war) -- it is clearly no coincidence the USian Empire developed deep-state institutions so similar to those of Nazi Germany.
The persecution of the two Asheville journalists and the persecution of alternative media in general, the latter dating to the clandestine suppression of the Counterculture that began shortly after the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is thus among the more obvious consequences.
Though that assassination and its subsequent decade of political murders was its enabling coup, the methodically relentless nazification of USia and its Empire actually dates to 1934, when the perpe-traitors of the pro-nazification Bankers' Plot -- the fathers and grandfathers of the plutocracy that now owns all USian politicians and controls them as puppets -- were granted federal immunity.
“The New York Times published...a column by Paul Krugman dismissing the role of Ukranian fascists in the mass murder of Jews and Soviet citizens during World War II and minimizing as mere ‘shadows’ their prominence in the present NATO proxy war against Russia. Krugman’s comment, ‘The Eyes of the World are Upon Ukraine,’ is a thoroughly dishonest and cynical apology for Ukrainian fascism, past and present.”
My comment: Comrade Maclaman's welcome report on Paul Krugman's latest deceptions provides us with an exceptionally instructive example of how USia's so-called "mainstream media is in fact the world's first privately-owned, for-(maximum)-profit version of Hitler's Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (RMVP), the notorious Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by the equally notorious Josef Goebbels.
That its USian successor is a cluster of a half-dozen rigidly policed capitalist monopolies – The New York Times most assuredly included – enables it to march in purposefully fascistic lockstep even as it maintains a deceptive charade of superficial ideological differences.Thus in terms of their underlying messages of national exceptionalism and what amounts to divine-right global hegemony, there is ultimately no difference between The Times and Fox News.
And the apology for nazism that is the essence of the cited Krugman piece unquestionably makes that similarity undeniable.
Not surprisingly given the legions of Original Nazi war criminals the USian government embraced as advisors and comrades-at-arms -- the "mainstream media" apparatus is closely monitored by the CIA, much as its Nazi forefather was monitored by the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the state security agency of which the Gestapo was the most notorious part.
Also in Krugman's lies we again glimpse the far more devious USian variant of the blueprint for nazification provided by Hitler in Mein Kampf, a wretchedly written, unpleasantly tedious read which should nevertheless be studied closely by anyone who takes to heart Sun Tzu’s dictum of thoroughly knowing our enemy as the vital foundation of effective response.
Why Did Trump Keep Classified Documents?
My comment: Given what we know of Trump's character and personality -- that is to say, his moral imbecility -- my guess is he was hoping to use classified, probably top-secret investigative material to blackmail his enemies, thereby turning them into his puppets. Nor would I put it past him to peddle military secrets for profit, as Mr. Vaill suggests.
Plus One Comment Suppressed by The New York Times:
Is It Wrong to Bring a Child Into Our Warming World? (The magazine’s "Ethicist" columnist on personal responsibility and climate change.)
My (censored) comment: Seems to me in this instance the Ethicist misses the point. The ultimate question about bringing children into the world today is whether we have the right to create life we know will be subject to the unmitigated horrors -- ever-worsening environmental disaster and ever-more-tyrannical governance -- that now inescapably define our species' future. That's why every millennial I know -- and I know at least a dozen -- says they intend to remain childless. As one young woman memorably said in a group discussion about this very question: "I'm not an (expletive deleted) hereditary billionaire aristocrat -- and those are the only people left on this planet who can actually guarantee their children will not either die homeless or in some prison or concentration camp."
And, in Closing, Three Random Glimpses of Reality:
FIRST THE TRULY BAD NEWS: as I have been hypothesizing at least since the beginning of the Ukraine War, Biden the Beguiler’s escalation of global thermonuclear terror to hitherto-unimaginable intensity is ultimately the declaration by his plutocratic puppet-masters they and their favored vassals now believe themselves sufficiently well-bunkered to survive whatever ecogenocidal horrors they choose to command their political puppets to inflict on us. And – yes – here thanks to The Guardian is irrefutable proof I read the evidence correctly.
THEN SOME (PARTIAL) GOOD NEWS: obviously – as indicated by other reports of a stunning, globally authenticated increase in wild-animal attacks – Nature has begun avenging herself against the perpetrators of what should properly be described as terminal climate change. (The good-news part is that here is still more solid proof of the Gaia Hypothesis – the scientific restatement of the core premise of the goddess-centered paganism that was our species’ first and longest-lasting religion – that our Mother Earth is alive, conscious and self-regulating.)
More darkly, Jackson Browne’s prophetic, wantonly disregarded warning of “the magnitude of her fury” is again confirmed.
Though I'm Sorry I've Still No More Attempts at Writing Fiction
After emotionally, intellectually and journalistically coping with this week's news content, I'm admittedly tempted to dismiss my effort to write fiction as nothing more than psychological avoidance -- or at the very least, a wasteful distraction from tracking MAHA. But I'm nevertheless of two minds: one tells me fiction is by far the most effective way to disseminate a message -- witness George Orwell; the other tells me that if our species has a future at all, it will be in a world so constrained, fiction will be useless and therefore irrelevant. Obviously, what applies here is an ancient cliche: "time will tell."
Three footnotes, with an apology Typepad's software won't allow them posted as such:
1As a matter of linguistic principle I refuse to libel the non-U.S. residents of the two American continents by applying the name of their larger homeland to the most ecogenocidally malignant nation in human history. Hence I have derived "USia" and "USian" from "United States" and "U.S." It is a usage I am gratefully delighted to note others are adopting as their own, for it also recognizes the fact any notion of "united" states is proven an ever-more-colossal Big Lie by the ongoing self-division of USia's peoples into two separate nations that have already become mutual enemies and will in all probability eventually go to war with one another. One of these nations, which includes my home state of Washington, is a federation of approximately 14 mostly coastal states in which human rights remain meaningful and the quest for improved social services including universal health care therefore remain viable causes. The other nation is a 36-state Christonazi/Neoconfederate dictatorship hell-bent on imposing a zero-tolerance theocratic white-supremacist male tyranny openly modeled on Hitler's Third Reich. (As always, language is a reflection of reality, and the reality expressed by the USian appropriation of the labels "America" and "American" is the intent of the USian ruling class -- the .01 Percenters -- to greedily expand their already inconceivably vast fortunes by conquering the entire two-continent landmass, subjugating and enslaving all its peoples and looting its natural resources until its environment is nothing more than a continent-sized version of the poisonous barren this obscene aristocracy is already making of the West Virginia coalfields and the Mississippi Delta region of the Gulf of Mexico.)
2"Working class" as used herein is defined as any and all of us dependent upon regular paychecks for survival – that is, the entire 99.9 Percent of the population.
3Beneath the media hype and Hollywood hullabaloo, the books and films of the Hunger Games anthology provide an excruciatingly accurate portrait of capitalism reductio ad absurdum; its great irony is the fact it is being peddled for maximum profit in a nation apparently already too dumbed-down to recognize the real-life USian counterparts of the fictional circumstances that legitimize its revolutionary message. As an unflinching caricature of present conditions, parts of it may well be the best such USian work ever. Despite some less-than-convincing performances in the films, its content is so apt, it leaves me questioning how it got past the normal mainstream-media censorship apparatus, which controls theater, film and book-publishing media as tightly as it controls print and broadcast news. I cannot but wonder -- especially given the USian Empire's adoption of so many Nazi war criminals who brought with them their party's unprecedented skill at manipulating public opinion -- if the widespread dissemination of the Hunger Games material might then be in part a ruling class attempt to measure the extent to which we are already so numbed by the horrors of neoliberal existence, we have become indifferent to atrocity and injustice and are thus psychologically too paralyzed to ever again effectively rise up against it. Nor can I doubt Madison Avenue's many disciples of Josef Goebbels and Edward Bernays would eagerly agree to such an experment. And I say this in the sure knowledge any such notion will be poo-pooed by the moronic minions who suicidally refuse to recognize the bottomless moral imbecility -- the infinitely ecogenocidal Evil -- by which our doomed species is now ruled.
LB/16-18 June 2023
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