failed May Day demonstration became my public obituary for Occupy
Tacoma; I was among its mourners because -- disclosure -- I had been among
its earliest and most hopeful activists. But the deliberately induced
self-obsession and moral imbecility that destroyed Occupy from within
is now destroying the United States as intended, for which see below. (Photo by Loren Bliss ©2012)
Biden's Broken Promises and Ecogenocidal Policies
Make It Ever More Obvious Our Masters -- Whomever or
Whatever They May Be -- Intend to Exterminate Us, Whether by
Disease, Terminal Climate Change or Thermonuclear War
GIVEN THE DEADLY and unprecedented combination of inescapable horrors by which we are oppressed -- the mass murder deliberately inflicted on us as "herd immunity"; the unchecked (and thus obviously intentional) intensification of climate change; and now the most terrifying eruption of U.S. war mongering in my nearly 82-year lifetime -- I cannot possibly disagree with the 55.7 percent of the world's 16-to-25-year-olds already convinced our species is doomed.
But neither they, nor I, nor any other fellow human without access to the clandestine bunkers of the USian Empire's 17 secret police agencies, is likely to ever learn who -- or what -- is so methodically destroying our world,
and -- just as importantly -- whether our attackers' goal is our
enslavement or the extermination of our species. In all probability,
the only way we will ever learn those truths is if they are
inadvertently revealed by the self-destruction of present-day human
society or accidentally discovered by some post-apocalyptic explorer --
that is, if any of our species manages to survive what is being done to
Nor can I continue my disagreement with those who assert the present, inescapable captivity of the Working Class1 -- that is, our de facto
enslavement (whether under Nazism disguised as "Neoliberalism" or under
Chinese state capitalism disguised as Marxism) -- reduces any
present-day discussion of "politics" to naught but mental masturbation.
Which might as well be spelled "master-bation,"
since in hopelessly moron-ated, pridefully anti-intellectual Moron
Nation, there is neither the leadership nor the knowledge to ever again
rescue us from the deceptions that sustain our enslavement and bring us ever closer to ecogenocidal doom.
For which, by the way, we damn well need to stop blaming the Working
Class; contrary to the anti-Working-Class slanders perpetrated by
Hillary the Horrible and the brain-warping deceptions disseminated daily by the mainstream media propaganda machine, Moron Nation is mostly the incurably Ayn Randified white bourgeoisie.
Now I too have come to recognize not just the terrible truth prophesied by Jackson Browne,
but the ultimate horror first truthfully prophesied by science fiction:
that today's technology has given our Masters such omnipotence, "resistance is futile."
It is also -- again witness the collapse of Occupy -- absolutely
pointless under present circumstances, conditions intentionally rendered
permanent by the USian Empire's destruction of the Soviet Union and the
resultant loss of its proven expertise (witness China, Vietnam, Cuba,
etc.), in training revolutionaries and organizing revolutions.
This then is in all probability the final chapter of my farewell to any political writing beyond occasional comment-thread posts on other websites.
SINCE MY FIFTH year, when our Masters gleefully nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki a mere three months after my birthmother's spectacularly violent attempt at post-partum abortion had fragmented my family and reduced me to an emotional orphan, I have been ever-more-certain some form of doom -- unquestionably the permanent destruction of modern civilization (and most likely the extinction of all humankind) -- is our species' inescapable fate.
Somehow too I recognized the irreparable destruction inflicted by my birthmother's would-have-been homicidal frenzies against me and my father were but a microcosm of the macrocosm of global destruction patriarchy was already inflicting on the world. I also sensed the patriarchy's predatory misogyny was as much the cause of my birthmother's madness as it was the source of our species' suicidal embrace of thermonuclear and biochemical weaponry -- though I would be in my late teens before I had the knowledge, insight and vocabulary to begin putting it all together, initially via my journals, finally in the arson-suppressed "Glimpses of a Pale Dancer."
And now, with genuine gratitude for the hours of uninterrupted contemplation and meditation granted me by the pandemic, I have come to realize the great life-bonus handed me by that dreadful background of familial dysfunction: it seems we "incurably broken" victims may be the only folks left in the entire USian Empire with enough clarity of vision to recognize what is being done to us.
In any case it is clear our Masters have already achieved their penultimate goal: real-time duplication of the ecogenocidal omnipotence by which their sadistically patriarchal gods have always sought to subjugate and eventually destroy our Mother Earth. And now it seems they are imposing their Ultimate Solution: ever-more undeniably, the reduction of our planetary Motherland back to a jungle hothouse ruled by giant bugs.
At the very least, we now know the Republican (Nazi) Fifth Column within the "Democratic" (sic) Party enabled Biden the Beguiler to disguise his Inner Hillary just long enough to deceive us into voting him into place to resume the unreconstructed Goldwater-Girl's hate-prompted mongering of a purposefully genocidal war against Russia and its allies -- a war the only possible result of which will be human extinction.
Hillary's run-amok warmongering against Russia is precisely why I voted for Jill Stein in 2016: I recognized in Hillary the same Let's-Conquer-the-World-and-Enslave-All-Its-Surviving-Inhabitants psychopathy that prompted Hitler to start World War II. As I would assert when accused of "squandering" my ballot, the only (real) choice our Masters allowed us in 2016 was between Trump's domestic holocaust and Hillary's thermonuclear apocalypse, and I could not in good conscience vote for either.
In 2020 I voted for Biden because his lies about New-Deal restorations convinced me his Evil might (truly) be "lesser"; instead my vote and its outcome, the election of a Hillary-caliber advocate of planetary destruction, has become an unforgivable lesson. It is another profoundly depressing example of what -- in rebuttal to Barack the Betrayer's malevolently fraudulent "audacity of hope" -- I long ago relabeled "the imbecility of hope."
Now of course I'm certain the horrors promised by Trump and his Nazis were obviously scripted to help our Masters' preferred death-puppet, Biden, beguile us all with his innumerable deceptions. It's the political variant of the good-cop/bad-cop routine, and it is exactly how our system -- one Ruling Class party concealed by two deceptive names -- is intended to function.
Biden serves the same clandestine purpose as Obama: their colossal
"change-we-can-believe-in" betrayals destroy the remnants of our faith
in democratic process, ensuring permanent Nazi victory as early as 2022.
however long I manage to remain alive, it will weigh painfully on my
conscience I was (again) seduced by yet another variant of "change we
can believe in" and thus was deceived into voting for a president at
least as determined as Hillary herself to provoke the thermonuclear war
that makes "Better Dead Than Red" -- actually "Better Death Than
Democracy" -- our planetary Motherland's final epitaph.
Which is precisely why I'm posting the two LA Progressive links below, each with full texts of my own comment-thread responses, all of it underscored by the thoroughly documented truth we of the Working Class have been permanently disempowered in the ever-more-brazenly Nazified United States, and are being rapidly enslaved everywhere else on this doomed planet as well.
Obviously none of this can be abated without revolution, which -- just as obviously -- our Masters' now absolute, divine-sadist-caliber technological omnipotence and inescapable mass surveillance has rendered impossible. And so it will remain until technological and socioeonomic collapse, however caused, reaches such de-electrified magnitude even our Masters themselves have no potential sanctuaries apart from the encampments of their victims -- where one hopes they will at last receive justice.
(Dare anyone ask if this -- the historical fact our Masters' omnipotence is entirely dependent on the now-inescapable techno-shackles of the cell phones and computers by which they've seduced us into self-enslavement -- is perhaps the subconscious reason the otherwise delusion-based Abrahamic religions are spawning so many bring-on-the-apocalypse cults?)
by an incurably conditioned combination of prideful ignorance and
induced sociopathic self-obsession, the USian Moronic Majority has
already proven itself permanently enslaved: the evidence is in the rise
and fall of Occupy. As proper analyses of Occupy's abject failures demonstrate conclusively (examples here, here and here), the relentlessly anti-intellectual, incurably Ayn Randified egos
of too many of its unyielding majority of white/bourgeois activists
would have eventually killed the movement from within even without the
external forces of our Masters' infiltrators, truncheons and pepper gas. Nor
is it an accident such pridefully ignorant, maliciously self-obsessed
egotism has become the prime USian ethos. Terrifyingly savvy in
Josef-Goebbels-caliber propaganda and behavior modification, our Masters
long ago mandated the requisite cradle-to-grave conditioning. Why?
Because an ever-expanding Moronic Majority within the dominant white
bourgeois fosters and sustains the identity politics that nurture Nazism
even as it makes Working Class self-liberation impossible, thus
perpetuating our Masters' omnipotence.
And while we are again being schooled in the fact there is ultimately no defense against our Masters' tyrannies, backed as they are by thermonuclear and biological weapons, let us never forget their ultimate rebellion-suppressant -- the neutron bomb -- which our Masters designed specifically to exterminate all mammalian life in a given target while preserving most of the target's physical infrastructure and material wealth for looting.
(Yes the U.S. government claims they got rid of all their Neutron Bombs; but who can believe our Masters -- who are now suppressing the real Covid death toll -- would ever discard such a classically Neoliberal weapon so useful for speedy extermination of Working Class resistance? Nor dare we doubt the eternal threat our Masters sent to all humanity via Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- "we'll nuke whomever we choose" -- is equally applicable today.)
Thus -- since there is absolutely no longer any rational hope for "change" beyond the ever-more-disruptive Big Lies of "change we can believe in" -- my personal ethics demand I stop writing as if our betterment were somehow miraculously possible, when the truth is, literally every humanitarian advancement to which I and so many others of my age devoted ourselves -- the defense of our Mother Earth; government-funded universal health care; government-funded public education through graduate school; freedom of inquiry and expression; sexual, racial and ethnic equality; restoration of workers' rights; affordable housing -- all have been permanently obstructed or reversed. Nor -- with the U.S. Supreme Court now thoroughly Nazified by lifetime appointments -- is there any rational hope for betterment.
as an older person who emphatically agrees with the skyrocketing
pessimism that has already captured 55.7 percent of the planet's youth, I may yet be in a minority, but I am by no means alone.
It is a pessimism reinforced daily by the now-irrefutably proven fact our Masters' sole reaction to terminal climate change is deception, a great smokescreen of lies to hide the fact their ultimate intent -- confirmed by their relentless refusal to act -- is to continue maximizing its deadliness.
But is the virus, in spite of its still-multiplying mutations, not yet deadly enough to satisfy our Masters? Is the death rate amongst homeless people still too low to meet our Masters' quotas? Is that why Biden is doing more than any U.S. president ever to provoke thermonuclear apocalypse?
Yet no one, at least no one with enough prominence to be widely heard, has yet dared demand to know just who -- or what -- these Masters truly are. Why are they destroying our planetary Motherland's ability to accommodate higher lifeforms? Could it be the truth is deemed to be so terrifying for us -- We the People of the Working Class -- its mere disclosure would provoke the revolution our Masters so obviously fear?
Here then are the aforementioned two LA Progressive comments:
On "Is the U.S. Provoking War with Russia?":
Given Biden the Beguiler’s combination of the world’s highest Covid death-toll with his relentless efforts to leverage Russia and China into thermonuclear apocalypse, it seems ever more likely his owners – whomever (or whatever) they might be – have chosen him as their global Eichmann.
Thus he’s now overseeing their Final Solution to Terminal Climate Change, the academically touted 90-per-cent reduction of our species urged by Eric Pianka, its eventual acceptance previously given Neoliberalism-camouflaged (Nazi) momentum by publication of “The Population Bomb” in 1968.
Here, as these events unfold, we see revealed the ultimate Neoliberal purpose: reshaping human society into a global, unspeakably oppressive, high-tech-omnipotent version of a Nazi death camp. For us, We the People of the Working Class, this clearly means the extermination of every one of us our Masters deem “unprofitable”; it also means the permanent enslavement of the few survivors.
Meanwhile our species’ continues to demonstrate the ever-more-irremediable totality of its subjugation, its Moronic Majority already too paralyzed by fear to dare ask “why?” and “for whom…or what?” and thus rationalizing its own suicide — clutching at Trump with the same desperation the drowning survivors of a torpedoed ship fight one another for fatally treacherous bits of flotsam in the vain hope of preserving themselves for one last moment of self-obsessed hatefulness and greed.
I voted Green in 2016 because I recognized Hillary’s fanatical embrace of the Bonaparte/Hitler Let’s-Conquer-Russia psychosis made a vote for her tantamount to a vote for thermonuclear apocalypse. Now obviously Biden the Beguiler – for whom I did (idiotically) vote (and for which my guilt is thus lifelong) – besets us with the same fanatically terminal intent; indeed it would seem Eichmann (and perhaps Mengele too) are replacing the Founders as the USian Empire’s most exemplary archetypes.
Whatever; in any case our species’ survival is now (entirely) dependent on whether — in the face of an ever-more-Hitler-like onslaught — the Russian and Chinese governments are allowed to retain some semblance of sanity.
On "Why Is Congress Killing the Child Tax Credit?":
The Child Tax Credit was canceled by our Masters’ ecogenocidal majority — that is, by the Republican (i.e., Nazi) Party and its “Democratic” (sic) Fifth Column — for the same reason their White House puppets have weaponized Covid into the 21st Century’s Zyklon B: to help expand and perpetuate the planet’s highest death toll even as Biden the Beguiler attempts to agitate thermonuclear doomsday by goading Russia and China into World War III.
In thinking about what is being done to us, remember that our Masters (whomever or whatever they may be), are so well-fortressed, they believe they and their chosen vassals will – like the Nazi death-camp commanders and SS psychopaths who are their obvious if secret role models – survive whatever horrors they inflict.
What then is the basis of these newest, ultimately apocalyptic manifestations of USian imperial murderousness? Google “Eric Pianka population control,” without the quotation marks of course.
While Pianka’s demand for a 90-percent reduction of the human population remains circumstantial evidence, its relevance becomes ever more undeniable as our Masters’ genocidal intent becomes ever more overwhelmingly obvious.
Too bad the USian Moronic Majority – which clearly includes far more of the killer nation’s pseudo-Left than its terminally triumphant Nazi Right – suicidally surrendered this issue to the Nazis.
Which, once again, enables the pseudo-Left to suppress the horrific truth: that genocidal population reduction is already – if only to the dwindling minority of us who retain the ability to think logically – the (obvious) long-range purpose of Neoliberalism.
Indeed I hardly think it far-fetched to rank what should clearly be labeled the “Pianka Memo” as (at least) equal to the “Powell Memo” in our Nazi-educated Masters’ present-day revisions of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and their imposition of policies so derived.
ONE OF THE more thoroughly obscured facts of life under patriarchy, and especially beneath the (thus far) metaphorical jackboots of its U.S./Nazi offshoots, is the extent to which we're methodically denied any useful knowledge of our own national history.
The problem -- already apparent in the 1950s and solidified into a permanently unsolvable barrier today -- stems from our Masters' long ago recognition that, just as the study of history is epicentral to Marxism and socialism in general, it is anathema to Capitalism.2
Obviously in our Nazi-trained Masters' post-World-War-II quest to avoid the appearance of official public-school censorship, they decided on a policy that -- both in terms of its effectiveness and the magnitude of its deception -- testifies to the unprecedented, absolutely bottomless malevolence of their Josef-Goebbels-caliber cunning.
They censored our school books, of course; among the suppressed truths were all examples of positive consequences evolving from relations between the U.S. and Russia: how the Russian Empire saved the federal union from conquest by British, French and Confederate armies during the (first?) USian Civil War; how the Soviet Revolution helped inspire the Civil Rights Movement; how it terrified our Masters into granting women the right to vote and granting rights to organized labor our Masters have since abolished; and -- especially in the context of the Nazis' attempted coup against President Roosevelt and his New Deal -- let us never forget how Soviet- influenced alternative media saved us from our Masters' original scheme to make the United States a Satellite of Nazi Germany.
they also insisted their propaganda-version of history be taught only
by the proudly anti-intellectual legions of super-patriotic,
testosterone-frenzied thugs who coach high-school male varsity sports.
Thus was mandated the near-universal K-12 public school policy of having
history, sociology and economics be "taught" (sic) mostly by "teachers" (sic)
who were semi-literate jocks, men whose only degrees were in "phys
ed," which was tied with something called "home-ec ed" as the easiest
collegiate majors. The home-ec department, of course, was the jocks'
favorite source of female companions.
too was the study of history -- a fascinating human drama scripted by
the interplay of cause and effect -- reduced to the intentionally
repugnant rote-memorization of dates, places and names. Obviously, our
Nazi-tutored Masters knew the best way to keep us from learning our true
history was to teach it in such a way to make it a despised subject.
Worse, every one of the so-called social-studies "teachers" (again sic)
I encountered in the three public high schools schools I attended
c.1954-1958 knew far less (real) history than I had already learned from
my father's home library by the time I was 11 or 12.
As a result, just as we are robbed of the truth there could never have been a New Deal without the Soviet Revolution, so are we denied the truth the destruction of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has robbed us us, most likely permanently, of the organized protection of the one ideology that -- despite its flaws -- was nevertheless our species' only rational hope for ever evolving a genuinely humanitarian future.
Who then can doubt that is why the USSR was always our Masters' prime target? And, in this context, who can doubt the possibility it might rise again -- however faint it may be -- is the bottom-line reason our Masters are openly provoking World War III?
Note how Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union despite the entirely rational objections from Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW in the foregoing link), which was then -- indisputably and by far -- the world's most militarily competent general staff.
Again the question: who -- or what -- convinced Hitler to overrule the generals who had already given him an unprecedented string of conquests? And who -- or what -- convinced the USian plutocrats to (secretly) adopt the Nazi cause as their own?
Not surprisingly, our Masters' continuing refusal to answer any such questions furthers their foreign and domestic campaigns to sustain and intensify their policies of anti-solidarity chaos. But it also evokes the skyrocketing belief -- already 50 percent in Britain -- in such horrors as these.
Which, if true, means we are scarcely better defended than the doomed inhabitants of what may have been Sodom and Gomorrah -- that even our faintest hopes are as imbecilic as the fake "hope" (sic) so successfully pimped by Obama.
As is already true -- thanks to the lifetime-reigns of the U.S. Supreme Court tyrants and the resultant fact their again-confirmed Nazification will outlive nearly all of us (and by then will be either apocalyptically moot or remain at least as Nazified as it is today) -- for any hopes yet foolishly retained by any members of the USian Working Class.
But I do see one (faintly) visible global hope -- the only such hope I can find -- that actually has some basis in rational possibility. Because we know the Chinese think in terms of centuries (rather than the days and months that seem to be the outer limits of USian thinking), I submit it is at least possible their apparent co-optation by the final Nazi forms of Capitalism may instead be a colossal deception straight out of Sun Tzu, specifically the dictum that if an enemy's greatest strength can somehow be transformed into his greatest weakness, victory is assured.
What then?
building upon the metaphysics implicit in the Gaia Hypothesis and the
visions of equality and socioeconomic justice given us by Marx, Engels,
Lenin and Trotsky, our descendants can successfully resurrect our quest
for Working Class liberation.
1I use the term "Working Class" in the Marxian sense, that is, to include all of us for whom job loss is inevitable ruin because our survival is entirely dependent on our own earnings -- and not on ancestral wealth or other undeserved riches. .
2Were I teaching a survey course in U.S. history, these five texts would be required reading: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous People's History of the United States, Beacon Press: 2014; Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States, Harper & Row: 1980; Herbert Aptheker, American Negro Slave Revolts, International Publishers: 1943; Jeff Sharlet, The Family: the Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, Harper: 2008; Heather Cox Richardson, How the South Won the Civil War, Oxford University Press: 2020.
LB/2-12 February 2022
nice reading list.
ReplyDeletebut a strange melange of an essay