DUE TO THE TIME and energy consumed by end-of-year, New-Year and first-of-month chores, this week's Dispatches
will be short and to the point. Hence these five examples of human
behavior as the United States and its Empire continue to disintegrate:
Regime's Lockout/Enslavement/Shutdown Scheme Targets Entire 99 Percent
The partial shutdown of the federal government is a major attack on the working class by the Trump administration.
More than 400,000 federal workers are effectively locked out,
furloughed without pay. Another 400,000 are engaged in compulsory labor
without pay,
Important note: news reports formerly published weekly in Dispatches are now published daily on the Facebook page of the Tacoma (Harry Bridges) Chapter of the Communist Labor Party.
Most are stories suppressed or downplayed by the Mainstream Media
Propaganda Machine (MMPM), the world's first private, for-profit version
of Nazi Germany's Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.
Therefore please check this page at least once per day for vital
information. Thank you.
in violation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery and other forms of involuntary servitude.
shutdown exposes the fraud of Trump’s supposed sympathy for the plight
of American workers. It affects increasingly broad layers of the working
class and lower-middle class, with the biggest impact on the poorest
sections of the population: millions of food stamp recipients, some two
million Native Americans, whose tribal services are largely financed
through the Department of the Interior, and millions more dependent on
other forms of government support for their subsistence.
population as a whole will be affected by delays in income tax refunds
and other federal stipends, by the disruption of air travel as payless
paydays drive air traffic controllers and security screeners from their
jobs, and by the loss of many other services and facilities.
(To read the rest, go here.)
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