23 December 2018

Yes, Virginia, the Government Is Committing Humpty-Dumpty

So Is Our Species. And Neither Santa Nor Jesus
Nor All the Wise Men Can
Glue Humpty's Fragments Together Again

THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA Propaganda Machine dares not acknowledge the symptomatic meaning of the ongoing series of governmental shutdowns that began during the Clinton/Gingrich feud

To do otherwise -- to acknowledge the federal government is now turned off and on and off again with exactly the same fuck-you moral imbecility its Capitalist owners demonstrate in wage cuts and factory closures -- the Josef-Goebbels wanna-bees who disseminate our daily doses of disinformation would have to at least hint that such events are symptomatic not of minor "adjustments"  (as alleged by the Banksters), but rather of the crumbling foundation that precedes total structural failure.  

In Marxian retrospect, the Clinton/Gingrich shutdown was an early disclosure of the bitter fight within the ruling cabal -- actually the One Capitalist Party of Two Names (OCPOTN) -- over how rapidly and forcefully the United States Working Class was to be reduced to ChristoNazi theocracy and the modern equivalents of serfdom and slavery, the current euphemism for which is of course Neoliberalism. 

A far better term would be "Neroloberalism," an economic system in which the slavemasters fiddle and fondle and set the forests alight and we the people die accordingly.  

Here too -- if I may be forgiven the McLuhanism that became a prime cliche of the 1960s -- "the medium is the message." The "medium" is the shut-down itself; the "message" is the aforementioned fuck-you,  not just to the 800,000 federal employees who won't get their holiday paychecks, but to each and every one of us who have ever been dependent on a paycheck to survive. 

In other words, what our overlords are saying is "now that we are the sole (and soul) owners of the government,  we can treat it like any other Capitalist venture...and you workers can't do a damn thing."

Or won't, since in a realm in which the Working Class had...

(To read the rest, go here.)

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