09 August 2017

A Potpourri of Liberal Treachery, JesuNazi Atrocities, Relevant Book Reviews and Small but Promising Triumphs

WE KNOW IN OUR HEARTS CAPITALISM IS DEATH AND REVOLUTION IS SURVIVAL, and now Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams have written a book entitled Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation to articulate this emotional truth so many of us feel but for many reasons find it difficult to verbalize. In response, Ron Jacobs has penned one of the most compellingly provocative book reviews  I have ever read anywhere on any subject.

SEPARATELY BUT IN OBVIOUS SYNCHRONICITY WITH MAGDOFF AND WILLIAMS, author Chris Wright cites Peter Kropotkin to argue that the looming apocalypse proves communism is the only true morality. 

PREDICTABLY, WITH SUCH IDEOLOGY BECOMING COMMONPLACE, a smug coterie of corporate and academic aristocrats  are now enough terrified by the prospect of proletarian vengeance, they have launched what is thus far the most breathtakingly deceptive scheme I have yet encountered to co-opt the revolution and thereby perpetuate not just Capitalism but their own medieval authority within it.

To do so, they've followed the Democratic (sic) Party's practice of hybridizing progressive-sounding rhetoric with irredeemably bourgeois conceptualizations of New Age individualism – think “the audacity of hope” and “change we can believe in.” 

Thus, like the Democrats, they deftly conceal their underlying tyrannical intent. But unlike the Democrats, these perpetrators of oppression have refined their messaging to an intellectual and emotional counter-revolutionary toxicity that in its seductiveness may have no counterpart in human history.

Disclosure: as the editor-in-chief of Art Direction magazine c. 1984-1986, I was often called upon to pass judgment on advertising and public relations campaigns – and this campaign is by far the most diabolically effective such effort I have ever encountered. Josef Goebbels would be not just proud but ecstatic. Which is probably why the usually ideologically savvy editors of PopularResistance.org were duped into publishing it.  (Scroll down to the comment thread for absolute proof – in the perpetrators' own words – of their counter-revolutionary intent.)

A SIMILAR ALBEIT LESS SOPHISTICATED COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY DECEPTION is evident in the aristocratic sponsorship of the fight to preserve the small presence of transsexual people in the Imperial war machine.“


(To read the rest, go here.)

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