09 July 2017

First Lots of Bad News, but Then – As If to Bolster the Opiate of Hope – a Little Good News (Though Only from Two Locales)

REVOLUTION OF 1776 SPAWNED BY SLAVE-OWNERS' FEARS OF ABOLITION: New scholarship confirms beyond argument something my Marxian father taught me 67 years ago – that the hidden motive  behind the so-called “American revolution” was the preservation of slavery. In other words, what the “patriots” intended was nothing more than the 18th Century equivalent of a Nazi coup – an intent repeatedly underscored by its subsequent history,  for which see also here, here, here,  and here. (Disclosure: my paternal ancestors include Margaret Blisse and Mary Blisse, mother and daughter who were independent women farmers in Connecticut during the mid 1640s and were imprisoned on charges of witchcraft but somehow managed to beat the rap. By the time of the revolution, the family had moved to Boston, where they were lawyers and merchants, one a graduate of Harvard, another of Yale. All were Loyalists; thus their lands were confiscated, and they were driven – at bayonet-point and with only such possessions as they could carry on their backs – into permanent exile. The men then served as officers in the British Army, while their wives and children fled to Canada. My immediate paternal ancestors did not return to the United States until the early 1900s.)

CAPITALIST GOVERNANCE AS GENOCIDE (I): The real significance of Trumpcare is it formalizes the final destruction of the social contract, thereby completing the descent into officially sanctioned Ayn Rand moral imbecility the Capitalists have sought long before the matriarch of monetary murderousness exhaled her first malignant breath.

CAPITALIST GOVERNANCE AS GENOCIDE (II): A true-to-life portrait of plutocracy shows us Trump is the Capitalist rule rather than the exception and likewise proves both his morally imbecilic twinship with the Clintons and the ideological twinhood of the Democratic (sic) and Republican parties.

CAPITALIST GOVERNANCE AS GENOCIDE (III): The defining clash of our time is the fight between the plutocrats who believe healthcare should forever remain a privilege of wealth versus those of us who believe healthcare is a human right that should...

(To read the rest, go here.)

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