09 May 2017

'Health Care Reform': USia's Newest Euphemism for Genocide

 (I again feel the need to apologize for the long delays between posts: I am still recovering from a nearly fatal illness, a process my physician tells me will probably take at least seven more weeks. Hence I have decided to try a new approach to filling this space, writing shorter, more specifically focused and therefore more frequent essays rather than allowing material to accumulate into long multi-topic texts as I have done in the past. While I can't promise I'll succeed – health crises and other unanticipated interruptions seem to be the bane of my old age – I'll damn sure do my best to better serve you, my faithfully patient readers, to whom my most emphatic thanks.)


THE PATHETIC OPTIMISM of the Empire's self-proclaimed “progressives” – those corporate Neoliberals (aka “Democrats”) whose pretend obliviousness  to the tyranny of USian governance reduces their claims of humanitarian consciousness and democratic values to Big Lies – was never more obvious than in the prelude to the gleefully genocidal atrocity  approved last week by the Republican House of Representatives. Up until the moment the so-called “American Health Care Act” passed by a 217-213 vote, We the People were repeatedly assured this euphemistically disguised program of mass murder by denial of health care would probably again be defeated  as it was in March.

Read the rest here.

LB/7-8 May 2017


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