20 May 2017

Clarke Appointment May Truly Mark the End of the U.S.

YES I HAVE substantially revised and re-titled this essay.  In retrospect, its original form (which began with a rant about how Microshaft had nullified all my blood pressure meds with the rage and frustration evoked by Windows 10 updates), was absurdly selfish in the context of the news of Trump's appointment of David Clarke to the Department of Homeland Security as what is essentially the reichsführer over all U.S. local police departments.

Indeed Clarke's appointment may literally mark the historical end of the U.S. as we have known it and signal the beginning of its (necessarily murderous) deconstruction into an openly proclaimed  JesuNazi empire as malevolently theocratic as Saudi Arabia or the so-called  Islamic State (ISL). 

Think George Orwell's 1984 combined with Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.

Read the rest of the revised report here.




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