(Note to readers on Blogger: a much more graphically sophisticated version of this blog -- identical text, slightly different headline due to format spacing -- is available at http://lorenbliss.typepad.com/. The TypePad version also includes several portfolios of my photography, much of it previously published, some of it dating back to the 1960s.)
(Editorial note:
I've omitted the usual “Outside Agitation Elsewhere” feature because I
think the following disclosures, which are even more damning than I
anticipated, should be presented without distraction.)
CLIMATE CHANGE to be the One Percent's doomsday weapon – the Final
Solution by which it hopes to exterminate most of the 99 Percent and
thereby win, forever, the class-war that now rages with intensifying
fury everywhere on this planet?
the evidence. The global aristocracy's continuing refusal to ameliorate
the apocalyptic impact of climate change – were that refusal a singular
phenomenon – could be dismissed (as it often is) as nothing more than
unfortunate coincidence. It could be, as so many people assume, an
ultimate (and ultimately deadly) example of what happens when political
ineptitude interacts with man-over-Nature arrogance and general human
folly. But when you add the murderous consequences of deliberate
policies and policy-decisions – austerity; the proliferation of
genetically modified and therefore toxic foods; unprovoked wars of
aggression as in Vietnam and the Middle East; the abandonment of
disaster-stricken populations as in post-earthquake Haiti, post-tsunami
Southeast Asia, post-Katrina New Orleans and post-Sandy New York City –
what emerges is a far more ominous likelihood.
there, then, behind the locked oaken doors of some palatial Ruling
Class mansion – or more likely intimately connected via an invisible
network of indecipherable electronic signals – a secret cabal of global
oligarchs who dictate such policies? Is it their homicidal purpose to
methodically worsen the human condition until the entire global Working
Class is starved, sickened, shot and otherwise terrorized to eternal
submission? Is it their intent to emerge as all-powerful übermenschen from
their climate-controlled, nuclear-bomb-proof bunkers, thence to reorder
the world in accordance with the morally imbecilic principles set out
by Ayn Rand in her fictional diatribes on the themes of Mein Kampf?
Evaluate the damning evidence for yourself:
Most of us recognize U.S. Ruling-Class academics Paul and Anne Ehrlich
as the popularizers of the present-day arguments for forcible
population control. But too few of us recognize how closely some of the
Ehrlichs' proposals duplicate the policies of Adolf Hitler and his colleagues. Nor is it common knowledge Der Führer modeled his genocidal seizures of lebensraum on the U.S. doctrine of “Manifest Destiny” and its methodical extermination of First Nations peoples.
Most of us flinch at the admission such atrocities remain as “American”
(that is, USian), as the proverbial apple pie. Yet the formerly
top-secret U.S. “National Security Study Memorandum 200” implicitly endorses population control by whatever means are necessary to ensure the prosperity of the USian imperial future:
U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from
abroad, especially from less developed countries...Whether through
government action, labor conflicts, sabotage, or civil disturbance, the smooth flow of needed materials will be jeopardized. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth...In these sensitive relations, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion.” (Emphasis added.)
in particular are targeted by this 1974 document: “The young people,
who are in much higher proportions in many LDCs (less developed
countries), are likely to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes, alienation and violence than an older population.
These young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal
institutions of the government or real property of the 'establishment,'
'imperialists,' multinational corporations, or other-often foreign-influences blamed for their troubles...” (Emphasis added.)
Beneath all such theorizing are the Malthusian and neo-Malthusian doctrines
that claim most of us in the 99 Percent are genetically programmed to
mindlessly over-breed until we exceed our environment's capability to
keep us fed. Barring the intervention of humanitarian aid – which
Malthus and his present-day disciples vehemently oppose – we will then
in our frenzies exterminate ourselves by self-inflicted famine, disease
and violence.
the only sustainable counter-arguments to Malthusianism are based on
Marxism, which – given the realities of capitalist governance – means
they are deliberately marginalized, often censored and generally
unavailable to the global masses.
I was already aware of anti-Malthusian reasoning – chiefly that
Malthusian doctrines are so mean-spirited in their support of the
capitalist status quo, they ignore the ameliorative potentials
of science, industry and mass movements – it took me several hours of
research to ferret out sources appropriate for citation on OAN.
in the quest I found John Bellamy Foster's “Malthus' Essay on
Population at Age 200: a Marxian View,” an informative, historically
detailed and refreshingly thought-provoking study available here, albeit with a caution it is hardly material for quick-and-casual reading over lunch or coffee.
eventually I discovered “The Population Issue: Marx vs. Malthus,” by
Martha E. Gimenez, which is both brief and compellingly well-written. Its essence is a quietly dire warning:
“as long as population control remains the main or only concern of the
various international and national organizations which in one way or
another are trying to foster economic development in underdeveloped
societies, their action will only consolidate the economic backwardness
they are avowedly aiming to solve.”
what if perpetuating that economic backwardness in the developing world
– not to mention re-imposing it on the industrialized world via
austerity – is precisely the Ruling Class intent?
if the One Percent's long-range plan is to destroy all allegedly
“surplus humans” – especially those of us who are elderly or disabled or
chronically unemployed or otherwise unexploitable for maximum profit –
in order to clear the way for imposition of a new, Ayn Rand World Order?
Far-fetched? Not at all; that is precisely what Rand advocates in Atlas Shrugged.
Nor it is coincidence the Malthusian and neo-Malthusian credo closely parallels the Ayn Rand dogma
by which the global economy is ever-more-openly ruled. The latter – the
assumption our species is divided into a few innovators whose lives
should be preserved at all cost and legions of parasites who should be
abandoned to die if not actively exterminated – is indeed the logical
extension of the former. Hitler's concepts of übermenschen and lebensraum, derivatives of the Nazi concept of geopolitik, were merely German-nationalist variants of the same basic ideology. Its modern-day version is the U.S. geopolitical policy of global domination, complete with all its genocidal consequences.
quote an axiom that supposedly originated from the intense and thorough
training given Soviet intelligence operatives but is probably as old as
espionage itself, “once is accident, twice is coincidence, three times
is enemy action.” “Accident” might be the paralysis that blocks, now
obviously forever, any ameliorative action on what should properly be
labeled terminal climate change. “Coincidence” might be
the climate-change failures combined with the abandonment of
disaster-stricken populations. But when you factor in all the rest –
austerity, the mass poisoning inflicted by genetically modified foods,
the now-permanent regime of unprovoked wars – the conclusion of “Enemy
Action” becomes ever-more undeniable.
I have said so many times before, such is capitalist governance:
absolute power and unlimited profit for the Ruling Class, total
subjugation for all the rest of us.
LB/6 April 2014
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