SEPTEMBER'S LABOR DAY is a capitalist weapon against organized labor. Everywhere else on this beleaguered planet, “Labour Day” – International Workers Day – is celebrated on May Day or 1 May. But in the United States, the first Monday in September was chosen for the specific purpose of driving a lethal wedge between the U.S. labor movement and socialism. Why? Because the One Percent understands that without socialism, there is no clarifying focus on the historical truth of class struggle. And without acknowledgement of class struggle – without recognition that anyone whose survival is dependent on the whims of a boss or a bureaucrat is definitively a member of the Working Class – there is no basis for 99 Percent solidarity. Such is the inconceivably malicious cunning of the USian Ruling Class.
Moreover it is in the disturbing but
mostly forgotten anti-labor history of Labor Day we see once again
how the greatest most deadly mistake of the modern-day USian (pseudo)
Left is its blindly arrogant assumption that “capitalist” and
“stupid” are synonymous. But it is history – the vital
discipline the (pseudo) Left so vehemently rejects – that shows us
the terrifying extent to which the capitalists are diabolically
brilliant. Even in the late 1800s, the One Percenters were smart
enough to recognize the revolutionary implications of socialism's
insistence on Working Class solidarity – without which there is no
effective anti-capitalist resistance.
Since then the Ruling Class – the One
Percenters and the politicians, bureaucrats, academics, professionals
and clergy who serve them with unquestioned and often unconscious
obedience – has transformed the U.S. experiment in constitutional
governance into its diametrical opposite, the Ayn Rand variant of
fascist tyranny, the new paradigm of USian goverenance. Where once
the U.S. proclaimed itself a nation of “freedom and justice for
all,” now it is a realm of absolute power and unlimited profit for
the One Percent, total subjugation for all the rest of us.
Thus we of the 99 Percent in the United
States today are the most savagely oppressed, most hopelessly
disempowered Working Class in the industrial world. But until we
embrace the solidarity of class identity; until we acknowledge that
capitalism is infinite greed elevated to maximum virtue; until we
admit capitalism is the total rejection of all humanitarian morality
and therefore the closest approximation to absolute Evil that has yet
appeared on this Earth; until we recognize the capitalists themselves
as true sociopaths; until we know them as the most evil geniuses our
species has yet spawned – our resistance will remain futile if not
Obviously the real issue here has
two parts. One is (again and as always), the fact the Democrats and
the Republicans are but factions within the One Party of Two Names
that rules the United States for the capitalist aristocracy known as
the One Percent. The other is the extent to which the entire Ruling
Class – the One Percent and the politicians, the bureaucrats, the
military officers, the police commanders, the executives and
the professionals who obediently serve these Wall Street aristocrats
– is quietly but fanatically committed to the global imposition of
Abrahamic theocracy, whether Judaic, Christian or Islamic.
This is why, for example, the
so-called “liberation of Iraq” was in fact engineered to enable
Islamic fundamentalists to take over the one genuinely secular state
in the entire Islamic world. It is also why Hillary Clinton
clandestinely collaborates with Sam Brownback to abolish women's
sexual freedom in the United States. (For documentation of Hillary's
commitment to theocracy and how she functions as a traitor both to
her gender and to the principles of religious freedom, see pgs.
272-276 of The Family: the
Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power
[Jeff Sharlet; Harper: 2008]) In either case, the objective is to
employ the core savagery of Abrahamic religion – particularly its
hatred of women and Nature and its endorsement of divine-right rule
(whether by the kings of yesterday or the executives of today and
tomorrow) – to brain-police and opiate all the rest of us as we
are herded into capitalism's slave pens. The intent, as always under
capitalism, is the total enslavement of all of us who are not part of
the Ruling Class. The goal is an electronically enforced,
theologically sustained tyranny intended to guarantee the One
Percent's wealth and power literally forever.
The USian model – I refuse to
call it “American” because, at least at present, there are still
many nations in the Americas that remain outside the USian imperial
boundaries – is of course the post-Reconstruction South, which has
been a de facto
theocracy since the late 1860s. The Ku Klux Klan is colloquially
known as “the Saturday Night Men's Bible Study Class” because of
how, in addition to its activities as a racist death squad, it
traditionally functions as the Christian equivalent of the
breathtakingly sadistic Islamic Morality Police.
In this environment, where the Big
Lie of “American democracy” is so vividly revealed, it is
absurd to imagine the One Percent has allowed the appointment of any
higher-court judges who would dare thwart capitalist governance –
that is, absolute power and unlimited profit for the Ruling Class,
total subjugation for all the rest of us – by ruling in opposition
to the theocratic onslaught. Of course I support the Freedom
From Religion Foundation's lawsuit, but I have no doubt it will
Thinking more about Hillary's false-flag
feminism and her huge but mostly unreported betrayal of women's
biological freedom, I remembered something I had written in my 2013
New Year's piece:
(D)espite its protestations to the
contrary, (the Democratic Party) is at its psychological core as
anti-Working Class as its Republican counterpart.
Nevertheless there is one historical
difference between the two parties. The Republican hostility to the
99 Percent is an expression of the fact it is – and always has been
– the party of the capitalist aristocracy. But as the late Jack
Newfield observed in a number of Village
Voice essays now curiously excluded from the Internet,
Democratic hostility to the Working Class dates from the conflicts of
the Vietnam Era: specifically the fear, hatred and contempt with
which the draft-exempt elite belittled those of us whose
socioeconomic status left us no choice but military service.
Precisely as Newfield
foresaw, the party's post-Vietnam antagonism toward the 99 Percent
provides a yardstick of the extent to which the Democrats, despite
their former New Deal populism, now operate from the Republican
psychodynamic paradigm of total identification with the One Percent
or the Ruling Class, i.e., the oppressor. (bf
as in original)
Hence the emergence of a unique and
definitive brand of USian female consciousness that can only be
described as Ayn Rand feminism: for example, pretend support within
the Democratic Party for “universal” reproductive rights – no
matter that for Working Class women, the huge loss of jobs imposed by
Democrat-enabled free-trade profiteering is also the loss of health
insurance, which means the loss of access to birth control and
abortion and therefore the revocation of all sexual freedom formerly
so provided.
Hello all...You have read my references to “Ayn Rand feminism,” which is a semi-intuitive, semi-reasoned construct of my own making. But here, thanks to the New School for Social Research (which alas I could never afford to attend), is a link to a scholarly work entitled “Feminism, Capitalism and the Cunning of History” that confirms my observations and explains how Ayn Rand feminism came to be. While some of you will find it unattractively turgid, the points it makes are critical to understanding how Ayn Rand feminism is aiding the process by which capitalism's most vicious form yet is being rammed down our throats. The analysis provided in the first two sections is invaluable. The third section, however, is scarcely worth reading. It is reduced to intellectual garbage by the English author's naive belief Barack Obama genuinely represented “change we can believe in,” that is, deliverance from the new (slave state) paradigm of capitalist governance rather than the treacherous imposition of its ever-worsening tyrannies he now so obviously was chosen to facilitate.
As so often do all academics, author Nancy
Fraser buried her
lead. Here it is on page 17 of the pdf file:
“In general, then, the fate of feminism in the neoliberal era presents a paradox. On the one hand, the relatively small countercultural movement of the previous period has expanded exponentially, successfully disseminating its ideas across the globe. On the other, feminist ideas have undergone a subtle shift in valence in the altered context. Unambiguously emancipatory in the era of state-organized capitalism, (feminism's) critiques of economism*, androcentrism*, etatism* and Westphalianism* now appear fraught with ambiguity, susceptible to serving the legitimation needs of a new form of capitalism. After all, this capitalism would much prefer to confront claims for recognition over claims for redistribution, as it builds a new regime of accumulation on the cornerstone of women's waged labor and seeks to disembed markets from social regulation in order to operate more freely on the global scale.”
In other words, the protective recognition of women's identity demanded by feminists (or the protective recognition demanded by racial, ethnic and sexual-identity activists), has been co-opted by the One Percenters into a breathtakingly deceptive means of seeming responsive to calls for greater democracy even as the savagery of anything-goes capitalism reduces all of us to slavery.
“In general, then, the fate of feminism in the neoliberal era presents a paradox. On the one hand, the relatively small countercultural movement of the previous period has expanded exponentially, successfully disseminating its ideas across the globe. On the other, feminist ideas have undergone a subtle shift in valence in the altered context. Unambiguously emancipatory in the era of state-organized capitalism, (feminism's) critiques of economism*, androcentrism*, etatism* and Westphalianism* now appear fraught with ambiguity, susceptible to serving the legitimation needs of a new form of capitalism. After all, this capitalism would much prefer to confront claims for recognition over claims for redistribution, as it builds a new regime of accumulation on the cornerstone of women's waged labor and seeks to disembed markets from social regulation in order to operate more freely on the global scale.”
In other words, the protective recognition of women's identity demanded by feminists (or the protective recognition demanded by racial, ethnic and sexual-identity activists), has been co-opted by the One Percenters into a breathtakingly deceptive means of seeming responsive to calls for greater democracy even as the savagery of anything-goes capitalism reduces all of us to slavery.
*These terms are European synonyms for, respectively, belief in the supremacy of the marketplace; patriarchy or male supremacy; statism or the primacy of the state as a regulator; the modern, absolute sovereignty of nation-states as expressed in the Peace of Westphalia, signed in 1648 to end the 30 Years War.
*These terms are European synonyms for, respectively, belief in the supremacy of the marketplace; patriarchy or male supremacy; statism or the primacy of the state as a regulator; the modern, absolute sovereignty of nation-states as expressed in the Peace of Westphalia, signed in 1648 to end the 30 Years War.
The disappearance of the Republicans
would change nothing because the Democrats – the other, more
blatantly dishonest half of the One Party of Two Names – would
ensure the continuation of the One Percent's ever-worsening
Anyone who doubts this is in
clinical dementia, denying irrefutable evidence. This includes the
worst-in-U.S.-history treachery of Obama the Orator's permanent
shape-shift into Barack the Betrayer, also the unprecedented
endorsements of tyranny evident in the unanimous and near-unanimous
votes by which “both” parties routinely expand the de facto
slavery of so-called “free trade” and eagerly nullify the
Constitution to rob us of any residual ability to resist enslavement.
In this context, it becomes obvious
Mr. Messick's analysis is merely pro-Democrat propaganda – very
subtle propaganda indeed, but nevertheless nothing more than tacit
restatement of the Big Lie of “American democracy” – that is,
the now-utterly disproven claim the U.S. electoral system can ever
again represent anything more than the mandates and decrees of the
One Percent.
The Republicans – xenophobes to the
bitter end – recognize the bigotry and conditioned ignorance of
their minions and propagandize accordingly. That's no doubt the
explanation for Hollywood's resurrection of
old-time fascist scare tactics:
Given the density of Moron Nation, who can doubt this cinematic
provocateur of yellow-peril hysteria will provide the newest and most
compelling rationale yet for the USian policies of genocide by abandonment
– the slashing and/or elimination of Social Security, Medicare,
Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment compensation and all other
safety-net stipends. In the past it was the abstract and therefore
ambiguous specter of national debt; now it's the imaginary but nevertheless vividly
concrete prospect of conquest – actually foreclosure – by the People's Republic of China. I can hear the new
Republican arguments now: “we have to kill grandma because her
mere existence is providing aid and comfort to the enemy.”
Somewhere in the Great Beyond – if
indeed there is such a thing – Leni Riefenstahl is surely smirking.
So is Joseph Goebbels. And both of them are no doubt gleefully
zieg-heiling the Fourth Reich, aka the United States of America.
(Thanks to Brian Weaver for spotting
the anti-Chinese, anti-safety-net film and reporting it via his
excellent By the Allegro Desk newsletter.)
Waiting to learn whether the United
States Government will attack Syria, it came to me the USian method
of governance has remained unchanged since the overthrow of British
rule. Whether the government's chosen adversaries were First Nations
peoples, minorities, organized labor, domestic protest movements or
rebels against the imperial will in Asia, Africa and Latin America,
the response is and always has been the same: brute force. Thus the
USian empire rules its conquered planet exactly as it ruled the
banana republics that were among its first overseas conquests.
But the death toll and the other
consequences of such governance are always
deftly hidden, all the more so given the easy
malleability of electronic media. Thus it is only after one penetrates innumerable layers of
deception the United States stands revealed as not just the ultimate
conquistador, but also the most murderous nation in human history.
A small but important part of that
deadliness is the sheer terror the USian One Percent knowingly (and
therefore with the greatest possible malice) inflicts on those of us
who are poor, elderly or disabled citizens. For a person dependent on
Social Security, unemployment insurance, food stamps, Medicare
supplements or any of the various welfare programs, there's no more
frightening prospect than a government shutdown as described eight
days ago
in The
Washington Post: “The United
States is set to run out of borrowing authority in mid-October,
leaving the government at a high risk of not being able to pay for
Social Security checks, military salaries and other operations, the
Obama administration said Monday.”
in the great USian electronic
concentration camp
is already difficult enough,
especially given the government's increasingly blatant hostility
toward lower-income folks – those of us the One Percent wants to
exterminate by reducing or
ending our pensions and stipends because
we are no longer exploitable for profit. Hence all
readers of this page should
ask themselves
how many people – especially elderly people – will die as a
result of the escalation in stress inflicted by this newest episode
of debt-limit terrorism.
Indeed I might be one of the casualties: not long after I read the above-linked WaPo
story, the episodic
atrial fibrillation that has
plagued me for the past three years seemingly became permanent.
September 2013
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