09 September 2020

Yes, I'll Soon Rejoin Our Quest for Human Survival

THE FORM AND CONTENT apparent below typifies the form and content of future Dispatches, which will also include -- though not today -- some (clearly labeled) short fiction.  Meanwhile, my profound gratitude to those readers who remain faithful enough to periodically revisit. Thank you so very very very much!


Posted on CaitlinJohnstone.com in response to:
Tens of Millions Displaced by 'War On Terror'
-- the Greatest Scam Ever Invented

ACTUALLY, MS. JOHNSTONE, the so-called "war on terror" was only one part of "the greatest scam ever invented."

The ultimate "greatest scam" is the endless tsunami of Big Lies that hide the fact "American democracy" is naught but a clever euphemism for zero-tolerance white-supremacist Capitalist dictatorship intent on world conquest perpetuated by unabashed German-Nazi-style ecogenocide.

Anyone with a lick of sense should know -- indeed should have known from the beginning -- that the conquest of 13 British colonies by slavemasters and banksters leading an armed rabble of lynch-mob anarchists would either soon be crushed by more civilized peoples or be allowed to fester into precisely what it has become: Global Public Enemy Number One. (To read more of Australian Journalist Johnstone's boldly outspoken international column and the responses to it, go here.)


Newly Enlarged:
"Censorship: Lessons from Nader and a Knoxville Atrocity"

...MEANWHILE, MARION BARRY, then Tennessee field secretary for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, later the mayor of Washington D.C., had arranged for me to cover the mass-arrest story for a local African-American weekly.

But that report too was extensively censored, not by Blacks but by two white civil rights activists, Congress of Racial Equality1 members Steve Wagner2 and Phillip Bacon, each of whom inadvertently revealed their own white-supremacist beliefs by insisting accurate description of the incident's more telling moments would be too much truth for Black readers and would therefore discredit the narrative as “sensationalism.”

In other words -- bottom line --  Moron Nation's meticulously conditioned hatred of the First Amendment had suddenly become as evident on the USian Left as it had always been on the USian Right.

Thus to my eternal regret I allowed the two CORE activists to cut several key passages from my original text. One of the most important disclosures Wagner and Bacon whited-out  -- pun intended -- was the word-for-word report on my confrontation with Smith, in which the Nazi-sympathizing publisher/editor had made it clear I would either obey his command and fabricate a dangerously provocative Big Lie describing an interracial sex orgy that never took place, or I would suffer grave but unspecified afflictions in retaliation for my disobedience. Similarly, the two Caucasian CORE activists also suppressed my eyewitness account of the police assault on the Latin American diplomat who was among the party's invited guests.  And their anti-First-Amendment fervor exceeded even that of Smith in their near-hysterical insistence no public mention (ever) be made of the post-party attempt on my life -- the incident that arguably confirmed attorney Southern's hypothesis of a Rightist conspiracy far broader than a mere police raid. 

Barry allowed these white bourgeois tyrannies only because I suspect he believed -- probably correctly -- such compromise was vital to retain the Caucasian support implicit in the slogan, "Black and White Together."  The following, under my own byline, is all that remained after Bacon and Wagner finished censoring it...

(To read the rest, go here.)


The Courage of Our Revolutionary Forebears:
 Songs of Human Survival (Spanish Variants)

THAT'S LA PASIONARIA with soldiers at 1:12; Ernest Hemingway at 1:36, clearing the jam of a panic-stricken soldier's Moisna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpYlIdYXIxQ  You can tell they're under fire by the obvious tension on Hemingway's face. Look closely; it appears the soldier next to him, fumble-fingered under the terrors of combat, had  jammed his clip into the Soviet service-rifle's magazine at the wrong angle, and now Hemingway has snatched it away from him, most likely  -- given how in '44 he nearly lost his press credentials for joining a French Resistance take-no-prisoners Nazi-hunt immediately after he went ashore at Normandy --to return fire himself.)

And here is how the same song is sung by those who were there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WubToRFKcdY

The above lyrics are a bit different from the version I knew, which the Weavers sang in earlier years:

If you want to drop a line
You must know where you can find me
At the battle of Gandessa
Where the fire tries to blind me...

The second verse, which I seem to have forgotten, describes a restaurant run by fascists:

The third and fourth verses I remember as follows:

At the entrance to the place
Stands a waiter who's a Moor;
He will murmur "enter, enter"
And recite the carte de jour.

For the first course of the meal,
They'll serve exploding hand grenades
With a burst of rifle fire
That could send you to your grave...

Alas I have also forgotten the rest. (Save that the Moors -- then as fanatically Islamic as Pius XII was fanatically Nazi -- were commanded by their mullahs to side with Franco, an order most fervently obeyed, just as the Pope commanded all Catholics to support Franco, an order too few dared disobey.)  

Here's another song from that war, a poem by the fascist-slain Lorca;  scroll (way) down to poster Suat Can Ozcan for English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td6lN_U7Ecs   The accompanying photos include at least one image (at 0:35) from the recently recovered work by Gerda Taro, aka "the Little Redhead," Robert Capa's lover who was killed -- run over by a tank in a disordered retreat -- a loss by which Capa is said to have been so devastated, he ever-afterward deliberately courted his own death, which came when he stepped on a landmine while photographing the fighting in Vietnam.

And this, same tune, different words,  an anthem adopted by the badass Quinta Brigada (15th Brigade) and later by other units, with more relevant photographs, including Capa's portrait of an obviously war-weary Taro taking a momentary break at 00:39: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgHNjKgJ5QM&list=RDZMH_9ODvU2M&index=16

And another variant on the same song -- again valuable for its visuals -- celebrating the brigade's unusually large contingent of anarchist women:

(Disclosures: my late father was of course a truly fierce supporter of the Spanish Republic -- another of the activities for which he was forever damned by the feds as "prematurely anti-fascist." Even so, I do not understand the curious intensity of my emotional connection to this event. First time I heard "Battle at Gandessa" -- probably at age 16 -- it not only raised my hair and gave me a powerful chill; it also brought instant tears. For whatever reason, whenever I hear this music after a long absence from it, I am wrenched again by the deadly weight of all our Masters have stolen from us, and again my eyes uncontrollably fill with momentary tears. Though as an agnostic I have dismissed most of my [apparent] recollections of places I've never been and events in which I never participated as nothing more than genetic memory, this -- like my visual comprehension of Russian as an infant -- I cannot so dismiss.)

LB/9 September 2020



17 April 2020


For the past 14 hours, I have been at work on the weekend edition of Dispatches, not only scanning something like 100 separate reports for relevant contents but continuing the process of redesigning the site for maximum visual attractiveness. 

But when I attempted to publish my work, whatever it is that happens beneath a "BAD GATEWAY" notice obliterated every bit of it. 

I do not know whether this psychologically devastating loss was deliberately inflicted by a newly censoring Typepad regime or by some ChristoNazi hacker, or whether (unlike Trump's deliberately sadistic, maximum-misery-to-Working-Families machinations with the stimulus payments), it was a true (and truly wounding) glitch. 

Now, physically trembling not only with rage but with the indescribable wrenching of its attendant flashback to the 1983 arson that destroyed my life's work and thereby destroyed forever my access to meaningful work and also proved (even to my otherwise ever-agnostic self)  the awful reality of that vile, allegedly satanic lifetime curse of insurmountable obstructions my birthmother put on me in the wake of her 1945 failure at post-partum abortion, I can only ask myself why I torment myself, knowing as I have since 1 September 1983 that anything of genuine quality I might manage to produce is literally doomed before its conception.

Which doom -- as it comes to me just this instant -- may have extended to the son my second wife and I conceived  in lights-on, eyes-wide-open-love, the mutually intentional blending-of-our-genes my second wife bore in her womb with such joy until a seemingly minor subway accident at the beginning of her seventh month brought him into the world two days later already dead -- and turned our anticipation to grief so toxic it eventually killed our marriage.

Nor can I deny its eerie parallel in the aftermath of the 1983 arson:  a post-traumatic depression so severe it eventually forced me onto welfare, which created an ignominious public record of disability that could not be hidden from prospective employers and thereby ended my career as a member of the working press and obliterated any real or potential attractiveness or significance I might have beyond the (very) small (and ever-more-mortality-shrunken) circle of pre-fire friends, kinfolk and comrades who continued befriending me thereafter. 
Though I continued freelancing as best I could -- even hired myself out to a local journalistic sweatshop -- I realize now after tonight the real (heart-deep) reason I sustained such efforts was to protect myself from the undoubtedly bottomless horror of acknowledging the reality of my accursedness: the one truth with which (as I realize now) I could never cope without the pre-mortem strengths one acquires as an octogenarian.
Now after tonight's knife-in-the-heart debacle -- not just the total loss and utter invalidation of nearly two days work but the destruction, forever, of what I had believed would be the best edition of Dispatches yet -- I seriously doubt I can ever again convince myself to risk such effort. 

Indeed I think this may be my professional deathblow, the knife-slash that robs me of any further reason -- beyond my perverse curiosity to see how quickly the apocalyptic magnitude of  COVID-19 inflicted collapse becomes undeniable even in Moron Nation -- for ever again reading or writing anything more expressive than a to-do list. 

I say this not as an act of surrender -- though I cannot deny that is what it amounts to -- but simply because the near-paralyzing totality of my physical reaction to this most recent hammer-blow from fate, two hours of arrhythmic tachycardia included,  tells me the next such wounding will probably stop my heart. 

-- LOREN BLISS/17 April 2020. 

(Should anyone seek to contact me in response to the above, please be aware that as of 8 a.m. today I will be off-line for a major Microshaft update, and that if its past malicious rejections of my opensource software occur as anticipated, I may be off-line for some time afterward, all the more so because the virus quarantine denies me the in-home visit from a Nurd that is sometimes necessary to resurrect my on-line presence. In other words, if in the immediate future I might seem unresponsive to on-line communication, that's why.)  


16 April 2020

Coronavirus Dispatches: 16 April 2020


(To view a far more visually attractive, easily readable  version of this report -- with essays dating back to 2009, and portfolios of relevant photographs -- all without the obvious, vexing, impossible-to-solve-in-less-than-two-hours formatting conflicts between Typepad and Blogger -- please go here.)



Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll each site for whatever "un-curated" news you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet.  

RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's reports are regularly updated and its history is here.

Coronavirus Updates from The Washington Post Probably  useful material that's listed last because -- as applies to anything originating from  Propagandamaster Bezos's domain -- we should never forget how he protects himself and his fellow predatory plutocrats with vindictive self-censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Additional indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:

Total System Failure Will Give Rise To New EconomyWishful thinking that's nonetheless relevant.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos cashes in on coronavirus pandemic, adding $24 billion to his fortuneThis as Social Security recipients are seemingly not getting any of the bail-out money that our lying Masters -- sorry for the redundancy --  promised us by yesterday and will apparently not arrive today either. (DISCLOSURE: there's no direct-deposit bailout for me, nor is there for any direct-deposit Social Security recipient I know. Is the bailout yet another Big Lie? Given the federal government's 57-year penchant for lying to everybody but its Wall-Street/bankster owners, who can say? As for me, I'm assuming the censored truth is there will be no "bailout" money for me or anyone else on a Social Security pension -- though it would surely have helped with the runaway inflation history suggests will soon finish the destruction of Capitalist society begun by COVID-19.) Stay posted; if the money ever shows up I'll surely let you know. Meanwhile welcome to the murderously sadistic Empire our cousins-of-color and impoverished white kinfolk have known all their wretched lifetimes.

Trump Treasury tells banks they can seize your $1,200 checkThe Neoliberals giveth then promptly steal it away.

Murals transform boarded-up storefronts amid stay-home orderHeld over because of its indication the Neoliberal economy's austerity-inflicted COVID-19 collapse will last a helluva lot longer than our Masters are telling us.

Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
COVID-19 is now acknowledged as having flung human society into "the steepest freefall ever." (Held over for relevance.)

Censorship and disinformation (includes countermeasures):

Forcible disarmament (includes countermeasures):

Especially for Washingtonians:


Decline to sign R-90!
Held over for obvious reasons.

An expression of solidarity I hope we all endorse:

Also worth reading:

Tinker, Tailor, Mobster, TrumpIs the President a Deep-State confidential informant? If so, are his ecogenocidal policies then an accurate reflection of our real Masters' true intent? Held over for its weekend-reading potential. With thanks to Sioux Rose for the link -- and my apology for neglecting to credit her when I first posted this yesterday.
The Normal Economy Is Never Coming BackCOVID-19 is now acknowledged as having flung human society into "the steepest freefall ever." Held over.

A Family’s Fetid Week With CoronavirusHeld over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

Sometime soon I'll wrestle my self-contempt down to the point of being able to confess how I twice had the story of one of these deadly atrocities but was too inept a salesman -- undoubtedly the most devastating insult with which one USian professional might belittle another -- to convince my editors to run it. Held over because it tells us precisely what our Masters think of us and what sort of a rat-lab nation we are thus cursed to inhabit.
‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai MassacreVital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective.  

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease is bad for profits. 

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect StormScroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared.

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us. 

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.)  

Useful references:(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

How to Make a DIY Mask From a T-Shirt or BandannaNew; hopefully useful; have not tried it myself.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for FreelancersUseful, potentially lifesaving economic information. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.) 



Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your handsMy practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.
1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.
2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 

(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)

STAY HEALTHY. REMEMBER in such times as these, with our Masters targeting the entire 99 Percent for genocidal reduction, survival is not only   revolutionary defiance but the first step toward the socialist revolution that is now our species' sole path to survival.  
LB/16 April 2020 04:39 PDT

15 April 2020

Coronavirus Dispatches: 15 April 2020


(To view a far more visually attractive, easily readable  version of this report -- with essays dating back to 2009, and portfolios of relevant photographs -- all without the obvious, vexing, impossible-to-solve-in-less-than-two-hours formatting conflicts between Typepad and Blogger -- please go here.)

Denied Food by Virus Lockdowns, Urban Rats Turn Cannibal, Eat Their Babies. Are They Giving Us a Glimpse of Our Own Future? 

I LEAD WITH THIS item because one of the stories our ever-more-censored medis is NOT reporting is how close to collapse the food-supply-chain might be due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Obviously, as this report describes, the urban rats' food chain -- 24/7 access to restaurant garbage -- has already collapsed. And the human food-supply-chain is unquestionably in dire jeopardy.  To learn more -- including about how packs of rats are now warring with one another -- go here.


Are Fascists Targeting the Homeless Community's Care Providers? 

WHAT IS SURELY THE oldest intelligence-analysis axiom on this planet tells us "once is coincidence, twice is suspicious, three times is enemy action." Once was last Friday when a Miami cop handcuffed a Miami doctor -- an  MD who volunteered his time to test homeless people who feared they might have fallen victim to the  COVID-19 plague; the story didn't go national until African-American media picked it up yesterday. Twice was a (paywall censored) story disclosed how the Washington state city of Puyallup had banned a Puyallup nurse -- an RN -- from preparing breakfast for 60 homeless persons and otherwise providing them volunteer services. Coincidence? Or will subsequent incidents herald the emergence of a campaign by the nation's fascists -- and Puyallup is very much a fascist town -- to maximize the homeless-encampment death rate by prohibiting or harassing and otherwise discouraging  anyone who might dare provide such voluntary services?  (Obviously I don't know, but given the present-day magnitude of the fascist threat abroad and the ChristoNazi threat here at home, I do know it is a possibility we cannot dismiss and against which we must be always watchful.)


Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll each site for whatever "un-curated" news you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet. 
RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's reports are regularly updated and its history is here.

Coronavirus Updates from The Washington Post Listed last because -- as applies to anything originating from  Propagandamaster Bezos's domain -- we should never forget how he protects himself and his fellow predatory plutocrats with vindictive self-censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:


Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

With thanks to William Boardman for sending the link.

Donald J. Trump's name will be on stimulus checks in unprecedented moveSometimes WaPo resorts to real journalism (II). Might this malicious delay prompt a nationwide awakening that could make Trump the most despised president in U.S. history?

Censorship and disinformation (including countermeasures):

China didn't warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days
AP unleashes their formidable investigative staff -- but how many local outlets will air or publish their deservedly legendary work? 

Especially for Washingtonians:


Decline to sign R-90!
Held over for obvious reasons.

An expression of solidarity I hope we all endorse:

Also worth reading:

Tinker, Tailor, Mobster, TrumpIs the President a Deep-State confidential informant? If so, are his ecogenocidal policies then an accurate reflection of our real Masters' true intent? Held over for its weekend-reading potential. With thanks to Sioux Rose for the link -- and my apology for neglecting to credit her when I first posted this yesterday. 

The Normal Economy Is Never Coming BackCOVID-19 is now acknowledged as having flung human society into "the steepest freefall ever." Held over.

A Family’s Fetid Week With CoronavirusHeld over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai MassacreVital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective.  

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease is bad for profits. 

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect StormScroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared.

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us.

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.) 

Useful references:(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

New; hopefully useful; have not tried it myself.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for FreelancersUseful, potentially lifesaving economic information. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.) 



Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your handsMy practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.

1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.
2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 

(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)


STAY HEALTHY. STAY SAFE. Here in the event it might be helpful is  a video I find remarkably effective at diminishing stress

LB/15 April 2020 03:01 PDT

14 April 2020

Coronavirus Dispatches: 14 April 2020


(To view a far more visually attractive, easily readable  version of this report -- with essays dating back to 2009, and portfolios of relevant photographs -- all without the obvious, vexing, impossible-to-solve-in-less-than-two-hours formatting conflicts between Typepad and Blogger -- please go here.)


ChristoNazi Front Group Demands End to Church-State Separation
THE FANATICALLY HATEFUL CHRISTIANS  against whom some oif us have struggled nearly all our lives have radically intensified their Sharia-minded efforts to convince the already pro-theocracy Trump/Pence Regime to do whatever might be necessary to force declaration of  the murderously misogynistic, lynch-mob-racist Prosperity Gospel as the official U.S. state religion. And they are counting on the unprecedented death and chaos inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic to conceal their campaign until its momentum is unstoppable.  Unfortunately these disclosures are via Daily Koz -- the quasi-official Democratic (sic) Party website that even less credibility than Fox News; hence I publish this link only because of the report's importance and because its source is the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group I know to be absolutely credible. 


Paywall Can't Hide Anti-Homeless Atrocity by Tacoma's Neighbor
THE CITY OF PUYALLUP -- ironically named after a local First Nations tribe despite the fact this Western Washington town has long been a hotbed of ChristoNazi ferment -- has banned a Registered Nurse from providing breakfasts to  approximately 60 homeless people, all of whom have the potentially fatal misfortune to be stuck in what behind the protective smokescreen of McClatchy deceptions is one of the state's most socioeconomically hateful white suburban municipalities. I present this as today's second most indicative story because of its implicitly genocidal ominousness: what better way to exterminate "surplus" humans than by weaponizing the COVID-19 lockdown to cut off our access to food and care?  (With thanks and protected anonymity to the dear friend who helped  me weasel this vital story out from under The News Tribune's anti-Working-Family paywall.)  

Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll each site for whatever "un-curated" news you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet.  

RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's reports are regularly updated and its history is here.

Coronavirus Updates from The Washington Post Possibly useful material listed last because -- as applies to anything originating from  Propagandamaster Bezos's domain -- we should never forget how he protects himself and his fellow predatory plutocrats with vindictive self-censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:

The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
COVID-19 is now acknowledged as having flung human society into "the steepest freefall ever."

COVID-19: As if Calendar Year 2020 Has Been Cancelled
And lower-income women are those most likely to be victimized as a result.

Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

Tinker, Tailor, Mobster, Trump
Is the President a Deep-State confidential informant? If so, are his ecogenocidal policies then an accurate reflection of our real Masters' true intent? 

Vindictive vectors (includes countermeasures):

Censorship and disinformation (includes countermeasures):

See "Paywall Can't Hide Anti-Homeless Atrocity," above.

Forcible disarmament (includes countermeasures):

Especially for Washingtonians:

Decline to sign R-90!
Held over for obvious reasons.

An expression of solidarity I hope we all endorse:

Also worth reading:

A Family’s Fetid Week With CoronavirusHeld over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai MassacreVital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective.  Contrasting the U.S. population's long-ago outage at Vietnam war crimes with its present-day enthusiasm for atrocities against Muslims (and all other peoples of color) reveals how decades of Ayn Rand indoctrination purged the United States of any pretense of humanitarianism and reduced it to a thoroughly Nazified white-racist realm in which self-obsessed moral imbecility is the ruling ethos and revolution (or even effective resistance) is thus rendered psychologically impossible.   Additional details here.

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease with a single treatment is bad for profits. A report from 2018 that explains what's being done to us  today, hence given knife-edged relevance by the pandemic. 

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect StormScroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared. 

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us. 

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.)  

Useful references:(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

How to Make a DIY Mask From a T-Shirt or BandannaNew; hopefully useful; have not tried it myself.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for FreelancersUseful, potentially lifesaving economic information. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.)  



Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your handsMy practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.
1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.
2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 

(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)


STAY HEALTHY. REMEMBER in such times as these remaining alive is revolutionary defiance. 

LB/14 April 2020 08:35 PDT