03 February 2019

Censorship by Facebook Forces Yet Another Format Change

PERVERSELY CURIOUS AS to how long Facebook's overtly Neoliberal, incipiently ChristoNazi censors might allow it to remain up, I posted the following to the Tacoma Communist Labor Party's FB site a few minutes ago:

THE END: Facebook's censors locked me out of this page for the past five days, thereby destroying the day-to-day connection and relationship between FB and my blog, Dispatches from Dystopia. Obviously I can no longer trust FB to carry any genuinely relevant news; the first report it suppressed last Wednesday (30 January 2019) was "If the Supreme Court Doesn't Stay a Louisiana Law Next Week, Roe v. Way Will Be All but Dead," and though FB censors finally allowed the story to appear a few moments ago, its old-news tardiness has reduced it to nothing more than a historical footnote. Because this is not the first time my reportorial efforts have been undone by FB censorship -- see today's Dispatches for details -- I will no longer attempt to post  on any FB site and am re-formatting Dispatches accordingly. My apology to those who may thusly be inconvenienced. 

Obviously FB's censors and their robotic slaves (whether human or electronic) have figured out "Loren Tacoma" is the Loren Bliss they permanently banished in 2010 for daring to suggest the so-called "Great Recession" was deliberately inflicted as a means of expediting Neoliberal/ChristoNazi destruction of governmental social services and indeed all other governmental services that do not serve our Capitalist overlords specifically as armies of conquest, death squads, domestic stormtroopers, secret police and any other tyranny or apocalypse-facilitating functions.  Not only was that 2010 post disappeared literally within minutes of its posting; FB also severed (and obstructed forever) the permalink between itself and my blog -- a definitively hostile act Typepad technical experts said they had never before encountered. Hence eight years later, when -- at the insistence of my CLP comrades -- I resumed my relationship with FB, it was of course not as Loren Bliss but as "Loren Tacoma." 
Vital reports from last week's alternative Internet news sources obstructed by this episode of FB censorship include the following: 

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

Anthropologist Debunks Bill Gates' BS Narrative That Free-Market Capitalism Has Solved Crisis of Global Poverty

Trump Supports “Bible Literacy” Classes in Public Schools

(To read the rest, go here.)

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