11 August 2013

Racial Hatred Implicit in USian Total Surveillance State

An iconic, oft-published image I increasingly regard as a lament for the United States. The woman, a student at Western Washington State College, was a participant in an anti-war demonstration. Nikon F, 105 f/2.5 Nikkor, Tri-X at 800 in D-76, exposure not recorded. Photograph by Loren Bliss copyright 1971. (Click on picture to view it full size.)

RACE HATRED SUSTAINED by unlimited police power was one of the defining characteristics of Nazi Germany, but is it now also a core principle in the new, post-Constitutional paradigm of U.S. governance? 

That's the underlying implication of Reuters' bold revelation an elite Drug Enforcement Administration unit routinely receives National Security Agency intercepts and reports from other intelligence agencies it then relays to state and local police departments throughout the nation. The DEA unit, says Reuters, is called the Special Operations Division or SOD and is partnered with the Department of Homeland Security.

Researched and written by investigative reporters John Shiffman and Kristina Cooke, the Reuters exposé says the cops who receive the information are under strict orders to keep its source secret – “not only from defense lawyers but also sometimes from prosecutors and judges.” It adds that federal agents are trained to 'recreate' the investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a practice that some experts say violates a defendant's Constitutional right to a fair trial. If defendants don't know how an investigation began, they cannot know to ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence - information that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses.” 

A second Reuters report further details how the government is using spy tactics to nullify the Constitutional rights of suspects and defendants in a broader spectrum of ordinary criminal cases. 

Because the prosecutions disclosed in the initial Reuters report are all apparently drug-related, they are of especially grave concern to minority advocates, who cite compelling statistical evidence  the so-called “war on drugs” is in fact a war against African-Americans, Hispanics, First Nations peoples and indeed all other non-whites in the United States. 

The racial element in this story – which the carefully self-censured U.S. corporate media monopoly has yet to acknowledge – arises from the government's hugely disproportionate arrest and imprisonment of non-whites.  Whether in percentages or in raw numbers, the U.S. imprisons more of its people than any other nation. But the selectivity of its penal harshness is disclosed by the fact the vast majority of convicts are from nonwhite minorities. Though only 27.6 percent of the USian population is non-white (2010 census data), 67.6 percent of the nation's male convicts, and 50.7 percent of its female convicts, are nonwhite (see material linked immediately above). 

While minority advocates assert these statistics prove the racism the U.S. officially denies, the One Percent's fear of revolution is undoubtedly another major element in the targeting of minorities. Hitherto top-secret files of the KGB – Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security – revealed after the collapse of the Soviet Union its analysts had carefully evaluated the USian rebellions of the 1960s and concluded only the minority communities possessed any genuine revolutionary potential. Though the U.S. and Canadian news reports of these disclosures have seemingly vanished from public access, they nevertheless might explain why the intelligence agencies are using the rationale of the drug war to focus on minorities, particularly after the emergence of the Department of Homeland Security as the de facto USian secret police.

Lastly of course is the profit motive – the unapologetic savagery of for-profit prisons  as capitalism inevitably morphs into Ayn Rand fascism. “(T)he increasing overincarceration of people of color,” says the American Civil Liberties Union, “rakes in billions of dollars a year for (Corrections Corporation of America) and other for-profit prison companies.” In other words, the intelligence agencies are now aiding the increasingly privatized criminal justice system in its unacknowledged mission to ensure white supremacy and simultaneously add to the already obscene riches of the One Percent. 

But the dire implications of USian surveillance operations go far beyond matters of race. They are legitimately frightening to any and all dissidents everywhere in the nation. What is portrayed by the newest revelations is a power-mad government intent on imposing a 21st Century version of a Nazi or Stalinist police state. Given the Obama Administration's relentless campaign to forcibly disarm the civilian population, Second Amendment advocates are now especially wary of being unconstitutionally targeted. Under the new paradigm of USian governance – absolute power and unlimited profit for the Ruling Class, total subjugation for all the rest of us – all such fears are undeniably rational.


Another element in the tsunami of tyranny that is sweeping away USian freedom is the rat-out-your-colleague program by which the government is indoctrinating its employees in how to achieve job security by spying on one another. While capitalism has always encouraged workplace paranoia and the associated back-stabbing, out-ratting and brown-nosing as a means of destroying or preventing worker solidarity, one of the (former) attractions of government employment was the relative absence of such pressures. But this new effort by the Obama Administration will make government employees as mutually distrustful as their private-sector counterparts, thereby facilitating the union-busting the Republicans openly demand and most Democrats secretly support – which may, beneath its national security disguise, be the program's primary purpose. 

A comment by which I responded to a piece about John Kiriakou, the former Central Intelligence Agency officer who dared reveal the unconstitutional USian torture program and is now imprisoned as a result,  gets right to it: 

Government IS the enemy. Who put Mr. Kiriakou in jail? Who reads all our mail? Who monitors our lives every minute of every day? Who provides the goon squads that enforce the corporate will? Who falsely pledges to protect our freedom then damns us all to inescapable slavery?
This, alas, is the one point upon which the conservatives are now proven to have been truly prophetic -- and if we could but grant them that, perhaps then we could begin to build a Left/Right solidarity sufficient to salvage our liberty.
LB/11 August 2013
