14 June 2017

No More Doubt Sessions Plans Total War on Marijuana Users

WAPO EXPOSES AG'S TARGETING OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA USERS. The Washington Post proves beyond any doubtbecause patients (and cancer patients in particular) are by far the most research-legitimized consumers of the drug – that Sessions intends a zero-tolerance crusade against all marijuana users just as I predicted last week.

MOREOVER, THE FACT MOST CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATES NOW SAY THEY FAVOR LEGALIZATION IS MEANINGLESS for at least five reasons. (Note: the following repetitions of the “last week” link are deliberate, intended to facilitate ease of access to the reports so cited.) Firstly, Christian dogma damns marijuana as the world's most powerful “gateway drug” – not because it leads to other drugs, but precisely as explained by the plethora of material to which I linked last week – because marijuana's metaphysical properties break the stranglehold of fear and intimidation by which Christianity's sadistic god controls the minds of the millions of USians raised in its malevolent theologies of eternal damnation. Which of course is the real reason Sessions and his theocratic ilk are so adamantly opposed to marijuana and so fanatically intent on eliminating all its users: they regard marijuana as the primary key for opening the psychic door that – because it is proven to intensify sensuality and thereby nullify sexual taboos – grants unlimited access to all the normal human experiences Christianity denounces as “pagan” or “Satanic” and therefore forbids as “heresy.” Secondly, thanks to Barack the Betrayer's 2012 National Defense Appropriations Act, the imperial war machine can now be used as a kick-the-door-in/murder-everybody-in-the-dwelling Gestapo whenever any federal department so chooses; as I speculated last week, one of the top-secret motives for the unprecedented increase in the war-machine budget is undoubtedly the Trump Regime's intent to use its obediently deadly military to invade legal-marijuana states and thereby suppress any and all use of the drug. Note too that massacres of marijuana users – which the empire's long record of atrocities-on-command prove the USian military will enthusiastically inflict whenever so ordered – would save the regime millions of dollars in court and confinement costs. Plus the regime could also use the de facto martial law of its war on marijuana users as an excuse for declaring full-scale national martial law and thereby facilitating the mass arrest and indefinite detention of all its opponents. Thirdly, the regime's gigantic hike in military spending is a deliberately inflicted death sentence intended to end forever the few remaining government socioeconomic assistance programs including food stamps, veterans' benefits, Medicaid and probably even Medicare. Hence the impending no-quarter war against marijuana users – precisely as I pointed out last week – serves the theocratic agenda of eliminating all public-assistance programs save the “faith-based” charities that demand you either publicly convert to Christianity or be denied food, prescription drugs, rent money and whatever other life-sustaining stipends and services the local Bible-thumpers might deign to provide. Fourthly, crushing the legal marijuana industry, which as reported last week will slash at least $1.4 billion from annual state budgets, will also – again exactly as the JesuNazis intend – nullify any ability these states might have to cope with the regime's total elimination of federal social-service funds. Fifthly, the Republican Party is proven to be the One Percent's chosen mechanism for imposing national Christian theocracy. This means the JesuNazi tyrants who control the party at all levels (and have done so, as the linked material indicates, since before the turn of the century), will soon arm-twist all the Republican politicians whether national, state or local (and many secretly JesuNazi Democrats as well, e.g. Hillary Clinton et al) into supporting the theocratic demand for maximum-sentence prosecution of marijuana users and suppliers. It is therefore literally suicidal for marijuana users and suppliers to underestimate the Trump Regime's power to impose its malevolent schemes and achieve its long-range intentions.

APROPOS THE BASEBALL SHOOTING, LET US NOT FORGET THE REICHSTAG FIRE, the caution I first voiced in the comments section of Salon's report on how the ChristoFascists aka “Republicans” immediately began using the incident  to inflame the Right's already violent hatred of the Left, whether the real (i.e., Marxian) Left or the “progressive” and Democratic (sic) Party pseudo-Left. (Because Salon is so clogged with advertising its reports take as long as 10 or even 15 minutes to download to readability, here is the full text of what I said: “Lest it be lost in all the hurly burly evoked by this shooting, let us not forget [A]-the Reichstag Fire; [B]-how it was used to nullify the notably democratic Weimar Republic Constitution; and [C] the thoroughly documented fact Hitler is boundlessly admired by Trump and his JesuNazi supporters, who since the inauguration include the heads of the USian Empire's war machine and its secret police agencies.”) Indeed, I can easily envision the Trump Regime immediately modifying the federal “instant check”  system to prohibit firearms purchases by anyone associated with the Left...

(To read the rest, go here.)

11 June 2017

Friend or Foe; Portland; JesuNazi Origins; Terror as Profit

BUILDING SOLIDARITY – WHO'S A COMRADE AND WHO ISN'T (an essay not a rant): As I said two days ago, Sophia Burns' “Why Suffer for Social Justice” – linked here again because it is such vital reading for all of us involved in the struggle against Capitalism – is one of the most hauntingly provocative pieces I have read in many years. It speaks to me personally with such power it has triggered introspection of an intensity I at age 77 assumed was decades behind me, though that is another story for another time – if indeed I ever find the courage to write it. In any case, what we are discussing tonight – an important part of what makes Burns' work newsworthy – is its exemplary usefulness in helping us distinguish between real or potential comrades and those whose hostility to socialist revolution (whether the hostility is disclosed or not) renders them at best nothing more than temporary allies and at worse co-optors or agents provocateur – which again underscores the relevance of Lev Bronstein's 1905 dictum that in every gathering of three revolutionaries, there is at least one agent of the Okhrana. It also underscores the relevance of a statement the soon-to-be-assassinated Malcolm X made 54 years ago:

(read the rest here.)