30 June 2017

"Our Democracy": Viciously Misogynistic Christian Theocracy, Jury-Approved Genocide by Cops, Total Surveillance Just as Reichsführer-SS Heydrich Proposed and Obama Made Real

THIS POST IS TARDY FOR TWO REASONS. One, on Tuesday I joyfully seized a depressingly rare opportunity for an afternoon of outdoor recreation which so painfully inflamed my arthritis I spent most of Wednesday in bed (though if I have another such opportunity, I will seize it with equal joyfulness, the afflictions of old age be damned). Two, looking at the defining characteristics of USian (i.e. Biblical Capitalist, i.e. JesuNazi, i.e. murderously white Christian) governance, I was paralyzed with several hours of indecision. I couldn't decide which is worse: the ever more brazen imposition of theocracy; the ever increasing (and ever more obviously genocidal) murders of minority people, especially African-Americans, by federally militarized police; or the newest disclosure of Obama's fuck-us-all vindictiveness, in this instance his malicious evasion of the Constitution to impose total-surveillance precisely as conceived by Adolph Hitler and his henchmen and now applauded by the white Christian theocrats as a means of enforcing their unspeakable malevolence. But since it's this “secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power”  that knowingly enables these and all other USian atrocities, that's where we'll start today's Dispatches.

SCOTUS OPENS DOOR FOR FORCIBLE TAXATION TO FUND THEOCRACY. The Capitalist-mandated imposition of USian theocracy went public in 1954 with the still-controversial and often vindictively enforced addition of “under Godto the Pledge of Allegiance – the capital “G” making it undeniably obvious the deity so referenced is the Divine Sadist worshiped by white-supremacist Christians. And now the theocracy campaign has been handed its greatest and most decisive leap forward by the USian Supreme Court in a pivotal 7-2 decision that potentially makes every USian taxpayer a slave of national Christendom. Or as Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent, the court has ruled, “for the first time...the Constitution requires the government to provide public funds directly to a church.” In other words, the Roberts Court has reduced the Establishment Clause  to another of the innumerable Big Lies implicit in the biggest Big Lie of all time, “our democracy.”  Meanwhile, JesuNazi Justice Neil Gorsuch took advantage of another Supreme Court decision to declare total and unending war on LGBTQ people.

THEOCRACY IS LIKE A VENOMOUS SERPENT: WE IGNORE IT AT OUR OWN PERIL Most USians – 63 percent –  are already at theocracy's gateway-belief in the Bible as the literally true (and therefore indisputable) word of their infamously sadistic god. They thus countenance – whether by their support or unconcern – the ever-escalating imposition of Christian tyranny. Yet too many of us who oppose it are effectively self-silenced, whether by...

(To read the rest, go here.)

25 June 2017

California Democrat Kills Single-Payer Healthcare, Proving Again the Big Lie of "Our Democracy" and the Folly of Trying to Halt USian Capitalism's Metamorphosis into JesuNazism

DEATH OF CALIFORNIA SINGLE PAYER BILL DEMONSTRATES THE UTTER FUTILITY OF ALL USIAN REFORM EFFORTS. By any manner of reckoning, it appeared for a time California would triumph  in its valiant effort to at long last topple the definitive and calculatedly genocidal USian principle of health care as a privilege of wealth. But thanks to the last minute betrayal by a Democratic (sic) legislator, that defiant attempt to proclaim health care a universal human right – never mind it was supported by 65 percent of California's citizenry  – was slain by a single despotic dagger of procedural sleight-of-hand. And despite the bold talk of single-payer's proponents, such reform – whether in California or anywhere else in the USian homeland – is undoubtedly dead forever.

THE OBVIOUS LESSON TAUGHT BY SINGLE-PAYER'S DEFEAT – the lesson emphatically denied and relentlessly suppressed by those who in their secret, pro-Capitalist terror of an activist public peddle hope as “the dope-iate of the masses”) –  has two parts. One is the irremediable perversion of the entire USian political system, such that all its so-called “representative” bodies – city councils, county councils, state assemblies and legislatures and of course Congress itself – now function only as weapons of oppression, imposing the ever-more-sadistic mandates of Capitalism as it metamorphoses into JesuNazism, the needs of the people be damned.  Because the One Percenters now literally own USian government at every level, so-called “representative” governance is no less a Big Lie than USian “democracy.” Just as the sole purpose of the government in Vichy France was to enforce the murderous will of the Nazis, the sole purpose of USian government today is to enforce the equally murderous will of our Capitalist overlords.   But that's only half the lesson we should learn from the death of single-payer. The second part, implicit in the zero-tolerance despotism revealed by the first part, is that all reform efforts are doomed. Like trying to detoxify a Portuguese Man-O'-War,  reform – dependent as it was on the now-forever-abolished fosterage provided by democratic process – is nothing more than a waste of time and energy. In other words, single-payer healthcare – or any other definitively humanitarian proposal anywhere in the the ever-more-brazenly white-supremacist JesuNazi United States – is undoubtedly dead until the Empire itself dies of its own malignancy, whether by thermonuclear apocalypse or environmental cataclysm.

(ASTUTE READERS WILL NOTE THE ABOVE TEXTS REGARD the House and Senate versions of Trumpcare as coequals in murderousness destined to be combined and thus become law. That is because the Democratic (sic) Party's history of betrayals tells us the Senate Democrats, who exactly like the Republicans are profitably obedient to their Capitalist masters, will not use the procedural power by which they might stop the DEATH Act – Denying Every American Tenable Healthcare – from enactment. And the Death Act it truly is, precisely as we are doomed to learn when it is imposed on us by the JesuNazi-weaponized mechanism of moral imbecility we know as the U.S. Government.)

JESUNAZIS RUNNING AMOK EVERYWHERE ELSE IN USIA TOO. Missouri's JesuNazis have passed a viciously misogynistic expression of Christian Love that – if you're an unmarried woman – encourages your boss to fire you for using birth control and urges your landlord to evict you for the same reason. The measure, which also targets women who have had abortions or who become pregnant out of wedlock, is certain to be signed into law. Meanwhile Vice President Mike Pence, the zero-tolerance theocrat who would replace Trump were the president to be impeached, bared his JesuNazi fangs...

(read the rest here.)