17 October 2017

Austerity Kills. Is Genocide the Neoliberal "Final Solution"?

Despite the Evidence, No Mainstream Writer Dares Connect the Dots

HERE ARE FOUR QUESTIONS we must answer if we are to fulfill Sun Tzu's mandate to know our enemy

Might the real purpose of neoliberal austerity – perpetrator of an estimated 26,000 USian deaths this year by denial of healthcare alone (and millions more deaths inflicted by the Empire worldwide) – be Capitalism's Final Solution to global overpopulation?

Could the core motive of neoliberalism be Capitalism's Nazi-minded effort to retain white supremacist rule of the planet in the face of the forthcoming apocalypse, whether environmental, thermonuclear or both?

Might the curious mainstream-media silence surrounding the global population issue be conspiratorial rather than coincidental?

Could the seductive notion of “Capitalism's crisis”  be a deliberately-promulgated Big Lie, perhaps to stave off public outrage at neoliberalism's obscene profitability and genocidal success? Never forget how the JesuNazis (and fascists in general) routinely hide their often-triumphant murderous agendas behind false claims of victimhood

Apropos this last question, it seems to me neoliberal Capitalism is doing exactly as intended – making the Capitalists unimaginably wealthy while providing them limitless opportunities to experiment with various euphemism-shrouded methods for exterminating those of us they deem no longer exploitable for profit and, after we are dead or dying, herd the survivors into the corporate slave pens. With Capitalism's capability for murderous subjugation extending literally to infinity – that is, until our species becomes extinct – how could it possibly be “in crisis”? The primary affect of the “in-crisis” claim is to suggest Capitalism is somehow on the brink of collapse, that its neoliberal moral imbecility is but a passing storm, which soft-focuses or obscures completely the bottomless horror of what Capitalism is doing to us all and thereby minimizes our instinctual resolve to rise up against it. Clearly, the notion of Capitalism in crisis serves only the Capitalists themselves. Thus it should be recognized as...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)