26 September 2017

Slow-Motion Genocide: Trumpcare, Betrayal of Puerto Rico Are Schemes to Exterminate Minorities and Surplus Workers

Black Athletes' Revolt Could Change USian Revolutionary Dynamics 

APART FROM THE ONGOING rebellion of African-American athletes, the influence of which is already spreading beyond the realm of sports,  probably the most important story in the USian Homeland right now is the One Percent's escalation of its efforts to radically reduce Working Class and non-white populations, whether by abandoning Puerto Rico  to the most immediately deadly aspects of terminal climate change or by making healthcare so expensive  only the One Percenters and their Ruling Class vassals can afford it.

Both tactics, denial of post-disaster aid and denial of healthcare, are obvious expressions of Capitalism's strategy of exterminating unwanted or surplus populations by boiled-frog methods of slow-motion genocide.

Meanwhile the athletes' rebellion offers the hitherto-unexplored potential of expanding revolutionary leadership to include a group of people who are not only profoundly respected for their physical prowess but are literally adored by a segment of the USian population that spans every race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and caste.

Whether and to what extent that potential might explode into actuality depends on how brutally the authorities suppress the athletes. The team owners' verbal alliance with the dissidents is obviously an attempt at nonviolent suppression, specifically by co-optation, but in such a white supremacist JesuNazi police state as the U.S.has become, literally anything is now possible.

That's why, though the Mainstream Media pundits assure us the athletes' protests are succeeding, also that there will be aid for Puerto Rico and that the latest Trumpcare terror will never become law, we dare not forget these pundits are the same Josef Goebbels types who assured us Trump/Pence JesuNazism would never be headquartered in the White House – the name of which has now been fully restored to its grotesque antebellum appropriateness.

We are thus ruled by an ideological combination of JesuNazi white supremacy and Ayn Rand moral imbecility in which anyone who is neither wealthy nor a Christian Identity fanatic is damned as the same sort of üntermenschen the Trump/Pence Regime's German Nazi predecessors gleefully consigned to the concentration camps. If We the (Real) People are to have the slightest hope of survival...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)

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