04 September 2017

Death Squad Nation: How Trump/Pence Militarization of Cops Ends Forever Any Real Hope of “Liberty and Justice For All”

(The research for the following investigative report required seven consecutive workdays, each day of at least 14 hours duration, instead of the three or four 10-hour workdays I originally estimated. The text is 1,013 words longer than the 2,500 words I initially envisioned. My apology for the resultant delay, unavoidable in the quest for accuracy and thoroughness. Normal Dispatches will resume Wednesday 13 September 2017.)

MANY OF YOU will refuse to believe what I am about to reveal – that the Trump-Pence Regime's decree resuming the federal government's total militarization of local police departments marks the end – forever – of the United States as any sort of “sweet land of liberty” we might foolishly have hoped or imagined it would eventually become.

But that is why I have linked three additional reports on the executive order's magnitude and consequences. Their varied perspectives – here, here and hereprovide details I think are vital if we are to begin building an accurate understanding of what the Trump-Pence Regime has done to us and our nation.

Few doubt the decree itself is ominous. But the context provided by its history proves it to be far worse that it seems. So viewed, it is the final culmination of a remarkably cunning stealth-campaign of deliberate subjugation – slow as the proverbial boiling of a frog yet relentless as any lynching.

As we shall see, the make-USia*-fascist campaign, of which the Trump/Pence Regime is the climax, began during the 1930s – its roots in Rome, Berlin and most of all Wall Street. But it did not acquire its irresistible terminal momentum until the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 22 November 1963.

Nevertheless what follows is not, I assure you, more conspiranoid whodunit dreck. The identity of individual perpetrators – or more aptly “perpetraitors” – has become irrelevant with the passage of time. My focus is instead on reassessment of events in light of their outcomes – in other words, the search for patterns of cause-and-effect that informs all legitimate historical analysis...

(To read the rest, go here or here.)

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