11 September 2017

Clinging to the White Bourgeois Delusion of 'Our Democracy' Reduces Optimism to Counter-Revolutionary Complacency

Our capitalist overlords have already robbed us of our (alleged) liberty. Now we must purge ourselves of any delusion they might restrain the lethal malevolence they have unleashed.

READING AND ANALYZING the news as it comes to me by email, snail mail and telephone, I scan probably 100 reports per day, and from this tsunami of texts and messages choose perhaps a dozen of the most relevant* items to forward in these twice-weekly Dispatches...

Which brings us at last to the primary topic of today's Dispatches – the far more insidious weaponization of information in which its operatives use optimism not to inspire and encourage rebellion but to reassure us we can relax – that the hard and often dangerous revolution is not necessary after all.

Long aware of the uniquely counter-revolutionary dangers of deliberately deceptive optimism and falsely fostered hope, I have been tracking the phenomenon via the Internet for some time, at least since the Democratic (sic) Party weaponized both optimism and hope with what was since proven to be the most brazenly deliberate Big Lie in USian political history: Obama's 2008 slogan, “change we can believe in.” Since then, amongst the two dozen mostly leftist and pseudo-leftist websites upon which I now regularly rely for reports relevant to Dispatches' readership, the worst offenders – perhaps not surprisingly – are those that revealed hitherto-closeted neoliberal (i.e., fascist) sympathies by the aggressive, often censorious despotism of their 2012 support for Obama and their 2016 support for Hillary Clinton...

(To read the rest go here or here.) 

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