15 September 2015

USian Empire Now the Planet's Primary Source of Evil

Again this image reveals its iconic nature: originally about the quest for world peace rendered fruitless by the USian Empire's relentless aggression, it now becomes a symbol of afflicted Nature and therefore of oft-thwarted Clotho, Spinner of the threads of life, to whom the late Tim Buckley once sang, “If you tell me of all the pain you've had, I'll never smile again.” Photo by Loren Bliss copyright 1971: Nikon F, 105mm f/2.5 Nikkor, Tri-X in D-76 for 800 ASA. (Permission granted for non-commercial use with photo credit and attribution to Outside Agitator's Notebook.) Click on image to view it full size. 


(Yes, there is another damnable OAN schedule change implicit in this text. Rather than post once per month, as I had proposed, or once per week, as I did for at least a year, I am now going to post randomly – that is, whenever I have a photograph to show or something to say and the time in which to show or say it. My apology for any inconvenience.)

THE REALITY OF EVIL, nominally a theological question, has again been snatched out of the protective obscurity of that comfortably abstract realm of monasteries and convents and dumped like a steaming, butthole-reeking pile of shit onto our dinner-tables in the real (and really injurious world) of realpolitik, and this time the dumper-in-chief is not some conquest-hungry foreign despot (Kaiser Wilhelm II as in 1914) or even three such despots (Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo as in 1941). The people who are shitting all over us are instead (and far more ominously) a tiny clique of our own fellow citizens – that semi-invisible circle of inconceivably wealthy, obscenely powerful plutocrats who own and/or control the United States and all its governments at all levels and ever-more-openly use its bureaucrats and generals and police chiefs and judges and politicians, whom they also own, to facilitate their own morally imbecilic pursuits.

There is general agreement the consequences are evil – ask for example any of the innumerable homeless youth who five years ago were normal kids part of a normal working family living in a normal and normally mortgaged suburban house until the Great Wall Street Ripoff of 2007-2009 outsourced Dad's job and abolished Mom's job and foreclosed the house and flung Mom and Dad and their two offspring into the streets and destroyed their family. Now the kids are throw-away children thrown away to survive by their own wits because under capitalism (and beyond all the pseudo-romantic bullshit peddled by Madison Avenue), capitalist marriage and therefore capitalist family is merely another profit-seeking, profit-centered capitalist relationship, which means when there is no more profit to be extracted, the relationship naturally disintegrates. But here amidst all this manifest evil, seemingly nobody but the (intellectually shackled and therefore increasingly irrelevant) Abrahamic clergy dares think about what evil is or where it comes from or whether it should be spelled “Evil,” proper-noun cap “E,” or minimized as a lower-case common noun, merely “evil” and therefore of no greater significance than bad weather, the societal equivalent of a hurricane or a tsunami.

That's why, when I describe the consequences of capitalism as “evil” – and especially when I capitalize it as “Evil” (as below in “the U.S. has become the primary source of Evil on this planet”) – a lot of secularists are offended. They (legitimately) fear some Abrahamic subversive is at work, subtly jihading for patriarchy.

But as it says in the Porgy and Bess song, “It ain't necessarily so.”  Yes, I admit the tendency to cite “evil” or “Evil” is often a defining characteristic of obnoxiously crusading Christians, Muslims and Jews. But I am none of the above. I regard evil and Evil as purely human byproducts spawned not by talking serpents but by the genetic flaws in the tyrannosauric bipeds one finds in board rooms and executive offices. Moreover, Webster's third definition of evil – “causing harm” – neatly severs it from religious dogmatism. And if you want to deduce my beliefs, merely read the sidebar to OAN; then reflect on how, over the years, I have repeatedly portrayed myself as an agnostic influenced by Zen, Taoism and First Nations beliefs but mostly leaning toward paganism – specifically Goddess-centered paganism. I outed my spiritual self most recently in a minor dispute with an avowed Christian in a Reader Supported News discussion thread that touched on how USian Empire's methodical destabilization of human society is one if its primary weapons of global conquest.  Deliberately engineering the collapse of human society to suppress our collective ability to oppose enslavement is indeed Evil, and it is Evil in the same sense the term was used to describe the depredations of Hitler. No other label adequately describes the horrors the capitalists – the One Percenters and their Ruling Class vassals – are knowingly and with malice aforethought inflicting on us and our planet.  As I said on the same RSN thread, “capitalism IS corruption – the bribery of the masses with the bright baubles of trinket materialism, all to free the One Percent so they can amass obscene profit by murdering us and raping our planet.” And what is corruption but another of the subsets of Evil?


RSN'S MOST RECENT discussions on the empire's global destabilization campaign was probably triggered by an original William Boardman piece that ran a couple of days earlier about the destabilization of Ukraine.
But Boardman, who is by far the best of RSN's staff reporters, neglected to explore the darker aspects of the probable motives for the empire's ongoing provocation of Russia. Hence my response, here somewhat revised from its original published form:

Absent from Boardman's otherwise brilliant analysis of the ever-escalating U.S. provocation of Russia is the probability its ultimate psychological driver is the One Percent's truly bottomless terror not just of Communism but of socialism in any form. While the associated fanaticism is repeatedly demonstrated by the blank-check support the U.S. reflexively grants any tyrant who pledges to exterminate socialists – note again the abysmal human-rights records of the USian satropies – it is nevertheless difficult to quantify, which is probably why Boardman omitted it from his text.

Meanwhile the empire's relentless drive toward war with Russia remains incomprehensible until we recognize the implications of the fact the Russian population has, within its living memory, experienced the differences between capitalism and socialism. And though today the Russian people tolerate capitalism as a necessary evil, there is no question they remain fiercely committed to the humanitarian benefits of socialism. That is why they rejected the “economic genocide” of Wall-Street-ally Yeltsin's disaster capitalism  for Putinism,  which has been as dramatic a change for post-Soviet Russia as the New Deal was for the depression-crippled United States. That is also why the Communist Party – in recognition of its economic doctrine of “from each according to ability, to each according to need” – remains the nation's second largest political organization.

Were the Russian preference for socialism to again become the pivotal element in Russian policy, as it was during the Soviet era, such a development – particularly given the exemplar of capitalist malevolence that is global austerity – could easily expand into an unprecedented drive for international revolution. The ever-worsening misery the capitalists' insatiable greed is deliberately inflicting on workers everywhere is the one truly irrefutable argument for socialism. Were there still a Soviet Union to evoke it, the ultimate global victory of socialism – if not of Marxist-Leninist Communism per se – would be assured.

Hence we can be sure the greatest fear of the USan Empire is the resurrection inside Russia of a state consciousness comparable to that of the Soviet Union, but – especially since capitalist psychological warfare has not yet robbed the Russians of their ability to learn from experience – without the U.S.S.R.'s ideological and administrative handicaps that made it relatively easy prey to Wall Street's economic warriors. Hence too the U.S. response: not only destabilization of the Russian state, but – via a third world war – the extermination of all those Russian people whose lives bear witness to the humanitarian superiority of socialism. Which, surely not coincidentally, is exactly the response proposed by Hitler, whose colleagues, through their One Percent connections, became the paramount influences in shaping postwar USian foreign policy. And the Russians, politically astute as they are, are surely aware of what intentions now obtain in the wholly owned Wall Street subsidiary of Washington D.C.


THE EMPIRE'S GLOBAL campaign of deliberate destabilization was also the core topic of a Robert Parry report RSN reprinted from Parry's Consortium News. But Parry – superb reporter that he normally is – nevertheless deftly dismisses this geopolitical “madness” as if it were merely an anomaly rather than the new national norm of world conquest it has become. Hence my reply, this too revised from its original form:

Despite my huge respect for Parry's reportorial and analytical skills, I fear he remains in bondage to his original notions about the (allegedly) benevolent nature of United States, a captivity proven by his failure to recognize the irremediable magnitude of the Nazi-like malevolence that has become its defining quality. Nor does he see the broader truth of U.S. capabilities and intentions as demonstrated by the intentional destabilization first of the Middle East, now of Europe and eventually of all human society.

To arrive at this admittedly horrendous view of USian capabilities and intentions, we must consider five facts, which inevitably lead us to three (obvious and therefore undeniable) conclusions:

The facts are (1)-the breathtakingly manipulative, astoundingly long-range planning capability demonstrated by capitalism in controlling and predicting human behavior; (2)-the obvious application of this capability to global politics; (3)-the ideology of the One Percent, particularly as expressed by Ayn Rand and Adolph Hitler, in which politics and economics are mutually sustaining endeavors; (4)-the exposed intentions of the One Percent, which include the imposition of “disaster capitalism” (Naomi Klein) and the radical reduction of the human population (Paul and Anne Ehrlich; and (5)- the One Percent's total ownership of government and mass media, by which it exercises hitherto unimaginable control over every aspect of USian life and, increasingly, over every aspect of human life everywhere on this planet.

Thus – and here is where Parry seems blinded by the residue of a no-longer-sustainable patriotism – it is only logical to conclude what was formerly considered unthinkable: that (6)-the destabilization inflicted on the Middle East and now on Europe was foreseen (much as the psychological consequences of marketing are foreseen); that (7)-the resultant chaos, especially the resurrection of European fascism, was also foreseen and is itself intentional, and that (8)-its long-range purposes – in compliance with the internationalization of Nazi foreign policy achieved by Ayn Rand economics – are threefold. Reasoning from events already underway, these are (A)-forcible population reduction (whenever possible in a “coincidental” manner intentionally rendered difficult to document as genocide), of which the drowned corpse of little Alan Kurdi is surely an ultimate archetype; (B)-imposition of “disaster capitalism” – that is, the de facto fascism of zero-tolerance One Percent rule – on the entire planet, Europe most assuredly included and, as a result, (3)-the imposition of an Ayn Rand (Neocon) version of Hitler's Thousand Year Reich to ensure the One Percent and its descendants survive the forthcoming environmental apocalypse with sufficient slaves to maintain the obscene comforts to which they have long been accustomed.

When one factors in all the variables – especially the USian repetition of destabilizations – no other hypothesis is plausible. As I said at the beginning, the U.S. has become the primary source of Evil on this planet. And it is still acting out the policy of economic jihad first publicly acknowledged during the Vietnam War: “we had to destroy the village (or the planet) to save it (from socialism).”

LB/8-14 September 2015


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